Synopsis of the tribe Zolini in New Zealand (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Author Larochelle Author Larivière, Marie-Claude Author Larochelle Author Larivière text Insecta Mundi 2017 2017-12-29 2017 594 1 110 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5169575 1942-1354 5169575 89FC75EA-2324-4361-B818-FBA7B7682A00 Oopterus sculpturatus Broun, 1908 Fig. 45 , 91 , 143 Oopterus sculpturatus sculpturatus Broun, 1908: 344 . Holotype : male (BMNH) labeled: “Type (circular red-bordered label; typed) / 2621. [male symbol]. (hand-written) / Walker. 5337. (hand-written) / New Zealand . Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482. (white label with red horizontal line; typed) / Oöpterus sculpturatus [male symbol] (hand-written).” Oopterus sculpturatus ovinotatus Broun, 1908: 344 . Holotype : male (BMNH) labeled: 2622. [male symbol] (hand-written) / New Zeal. Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482. (white label with red horizontal line; typed) / var. 5337. [male symbol]. ovinotatus. [male symbol]. (hand-written).” New synonym Pseudoopterus sculpturatus : Csiki 1928: 226 . Oopterus sculpturatus sculpturatus : Hudson 1934: 177 . Oopterus sculpturatus ovinotatus : Hudson 1934: 177 . Oopterus sculpturatus sculpturatus : May 1967: 177 . Description . Body length 5.2–6.3 mm . Head, pronotum, elytra, and abdomen mostly piceous black; apex and base of head reddish; base of pronotum reddish; lateral margins, suture (apical half), and apex of elytra reddish; abdomen reddish laterally and apically; antennae, palpi, and legs reddish; femora infuscated. Microsculpture strong, isodiametric on head, very transverse (with microlines) on pronotum and elytra. Iridescence absent on head, very strong on pronotum and elytra. Very shiny, without metallic luster. Head . Labrum strongly transverse, slightly emarginate anteriorly. Antennae submoniliform, moderately long: segment 1 (scape) moderately long, about 2x longer than its maximum width. Frontal furrows wide, deep, convergent. Eyes slightly convex; two setiferous punctures on inner side of each eye. Tempora not inflated. Mentum: medial tooth entire, rounded apically, moderately shorter than lateral lobes. Paraglossae membranous, prominent, about as long as ligula. Thorax . Pronotum moderately convex, coarsely punctate basally, wrinkled discally, strongly transverse, widest about middle; apex subtruncate; anterolateral angles poorly developed, rounded; anterior bead incomplete, obsolete medially; sides strongly rounded, slightly sinuate posteriorly; lateral grooves absent; two setiferous punctures on each side; posterolateral angles acute, projected laterally; posterolateral carinae blunt, very long (about as long as adjoining foveae); laterobasal foveae well defined, coarsely punctate, very deep and wide, subrectangular, prolonged forward, double; posterior bead absent; base emarginate, wider than pronotal apex, slightly narrower than elytral base. Legs . Moderately long. Elytra . Strongly convex, ovate, widest about middle. Basal margin incomplete, reaching about stria 4. Shoulders strongly rounded. Sides strongly rounded. Scutellar striole present. Stria 1 complete, deep; striae 2–7 incomplete; striae 2–4 shallow, finely punctate; striae 5–7 obsolete; stria 3 with three setiferous punctures. Recurrent stria long, sharp, directed apically toward stria 5. Subapical seta present. Intervals depressed. Sutural apices obtusely rounded. Abdomen . Last visible sternum (sternum VII): male with two apical ambulatory setae; female with four apical ambulatory setae. Aedeagus . Lateral view ( Fig. 91 ): moderately arcuate, not widened in apical half; base moderately biconvex dorsally; middle subparallel, slightly concave dorsally, straight ventrally, with dorsal membranous area moderately wide and long; apex triangular, straight dorsally, straight ventrally, with extreme tip wide and short. Dorsal view: narrow, asymmetrical (ostium of membranous area deflected to right); apex straight; basal orifice narrow, closed anteriorly, moderately distant from membranous area. Parameres with five apical setae. Material examined . 15 specimens ( BMNH , JNNZ , LUNZ , NZAC ). Geographic distribution ( Fig. 143 ). South Island: NN –Boulder Lake (track). Cobb Reservoir, Lake Sylvester Road. Cobb Valley, Galena Creek. Lake Sylvester (track). Mount Arthur, Summit. Oparara River (mouth). Westport. Ecology . Lowland, montane, subalpine. Endogean. Wet forests (beech). Shaded ground. Nocturnal; hides during the day under well-embedded logs and stones. Biology . Seasonality: November, January–March. Tenerals: March. Predacious (based on mouthpart morphology). Dispersal power . Subapterous (incapable of flight). Moderate runner. Collecting techniques . Lifting logs and stones. References . Larochelle and Larivière 2001: 77 (catalogue; biology, dispersal power, ecology, geographic distribution, references), 2016: 21 (list). Remark . Examination of the type of Oopterus sculpturatus var. ovinotatus revealed it to be O. sculpturatus sculpturatus ; any differences noted by Broun are taxonomically unimportant and do not warrant the recognition of a subspecies.