Two new species of Heleomyzidae (Diptera) from Czech Republic and Crimea Author Preisler, Jiří Author Tkoč, Michal text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2018 2018-08-01 58 1 267 274 journal article 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0024 31594dee-8a84-4aa4-9994-b579bbc4bccf 1804-6487 3699277 7B7F2A29-4CF7-41F1-88E2-CB15BC04454B Eccoptomera nevrlyi sp. nov. ( Figs 9–14 ) Type locality. Czech Republic , Bohemia , Šumava Mts., Rokytecká slať, 49°00′59′′N , 13°25′05′′E , 1100 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE : ( NMPC , genitalia prep.), ‘CZ: Šumava Mts. , 1100 m / Rokytecká slať, forest MT / 49°00′59′′N , 13°25′05′′E / M. Barták [lgt.], [19]99. // Eccoptomera [p] [hw] / ornata Loew / V . Martinek det. [p] 01[hw] // H O L O T Y P E [b] / Eccoptomera nevrlyi [b] / sp. nov. J. Preisler & / M. Tkoč det. 2016 / [red label]’. PARATYPE : ( NMPC , genitalia prep.): ‘CZ-MORAVIA b. Jeseníky / Velký Kotel (náraz. past) / 14.7.- 26.7.1994 / Grim lgt. // P A R A T Y P E [b] / Eccoptomera nevrlyi [b] / sp. nov. J. Preisler & / M. Tkoč det. 2016 / [yellow label] ’. Description. Male. Body length 4.25 mm ( holotype ), 4.35 mm ( paratype ). Wing length 3.90 mm ( holotype ), 3.85 mm ( paratype ). Body creamy yellow, brownish yellow to brown. Head ( Figs 9, 13, 14 ) wider than long, extended mouthparts shorter in height than the head itself. Frons yellowish brown to brown, very wide, covering more than half of the head width, with small setae arranged more densely in anterior half of the frons, posterior part of frons lacking small setae. Ocellar triangle rather small, of darker brown colour with very small setae and a pair of very long parallel (slightly divergent) ocellar setae ( Figs 9, 13 ); postverticals of medium length and convergent. Two very long outer vertical setae, two long inner vertical setae. Occiput ivory yellow to brown, postgena ivory yellow, both with sparsely distributed short setae, ventral part of postgena with few longer setae. Posterior part of orbital plate ivory yellow to brown, devoid of small setae, only 1 long fronto-orbital seta (anterior fronto-orbital seta reduced to small setula, see Fig. 13 ). Anterior part of orbital plate with scattered short setae continuing to frons. Frons ivory yellow to brown coloured. Face and parafacialia ivory yellow, bare. Frontal lunule ivory yellow. Vibrissal angle ivory yellow, setose, with one long seta (vibrissa) and few shorter setae ( Fig. 14 ). Gena high, ivory yellow, largely bare, with short (peristomal) setae along ventral margin. Eye relatively small ( Fig. 14 ) suboval, its longest diameter about 1.27 times as long as shortest. Antenna ( Fig. 14 ) yellowish brown, with paler scape, pedicel and basal third of first flagellomere; scape simple, with one short seta laterally; pedicel triangular in profile, with a row of setae at concave distal margin, microsetae on dorsal part and one prominent seta dorsally, two longer setae anteroventrally; 1st flagellomere rounded, ovoid, lenticular (laterally flattened) and finely microtomentose. Arista ( Fig. 11 ) very long, about 3.5–4 times as long as rest of antenna, with 2 thicker basal segments brownish and terminal seta with very short yellow to white cilia. Thorax ( Fig. 9 ) ochreous brown to dark brown, dorsally covered by short setae, except sutural area. Mesonotum with 5 dark longitudinal, partly interrupted dark brown stripes (1 medial, 2 on dorsocentral lines, 2 lateral) and also a small area around supraalar seta darkened. Pleural parts of thorax bare, except for proepimeron, proepisternum and katepisternum. Postpronotal lobe with only 6 small setae. Notopleuron with two notopleural setae (posterior half length of anterior); one supraalar seta and two postalar (anterior longer) setae. No acrostichal macrosetae; 4 long dorsocentral setae (1 presutural, 3 postsutural). Scutellum with a few microsetae on disc and two pairs of long marginal scutellar setae (apical almost twice longer than laterobasal). Proepimeron with three very short setae. Anepisternum (mesopleuron) bare, ivory yellowish brown and subshining; katepisternum (sternopleuron) with two long setae and several microsetae, setose also on anteroventral margin.Anepimeron (pteropleuron), laterotergite (metapleuron) and meron (hypopleuron) bare, ivory yellowish brown and subshining. Legs brown to ivory yellow.All femora and tibiae finely densely setulose in addition to some macrosetae. Fore fe- mur brownish yellow, with longer setae in posteroventral and posterodorsal rows. Mid femur brownish yellow, with a few longer setae anteriorly (in distal half) and a row of thicker setae posteroventrally. Hind femur of subequal thickness along entire length (in lateral view), bearing ventrally a species-specific subbasal protuberance and setation ( Fig. 11 ). Setation consists of two tufts, the basal one composed of 6–8 long setae directed posteroventrally, the distal one (placed on a protuberance) formed by about 18–20 short setae directed ventrally ( Fig. 11 ). Hind femur also provided with two long dorsal setae in its distal fifth (one missing in Fig. 11 ) and two rows of long setae ventrally in distal half. All tibiae with 1 long dorsal preapical seta. Fore tibia covered with short setae. Mid tibia with short setae and with apical crown of thicker setae. Hind tibia darkened in apical third, with short setae, and one subapical posterior brush of fine golden setulae. All tarsi dark brown. Fore basitarsus with several longer posteroventral setae on basal half. Mid basitarsus posteroventrally with thicker setae, one longer subbasal seta and apically with a crown of thicker setae. Hind basitarsus with several longer posteroventral setae in basal third. Other parts of tarsi simply setose with short and long setae. Figs 9–14. Comparison of males of Eccoptomera nevrlyi sp. nov. and E. ornata Loew, 1862 . 9–11, 13–14 – Eccoptomera nevrlyi : 9 – head and thorax, dorsal view; 10 – left wing, lateral view; 11 – hind leg, inner lateral view; 13 – head, anterior view; 14 – head and antennae, lateral view. 12 – E. ornata , basal part of hind leg of E. ornata , inner lateral view. Wing ( Fig. 10 ) with normal venation; membrane equally covered by microtrichia, very lightly yellowish (wing base) and brownish tinted (rest of the wing membrane); colour pattern very similar to that of E. ornata Loew, 1862 , with diffuse brownish darkening surrounding both cross-veins. Veins pale brown to brown, those in basal part of wing lighter. Base of costa bearing cluster of longer setae, one seta longer and stouter, rest of costa with 2–4 strong spinelike setae in front and 11–13 beyond costal break. Wing measurements: width 1.10–1.20 mm , C-index (Cs 3: Cs 4) = 1.6, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 2.4. Haltere whitish to ivory yellow, knob not darker than stem. Abdomen with preabdominal terga broad, extending to ventral side of abdomen, brown coloured, covered with fine setulae. T1 about one third of length of T2, narrowed medially. T2–T5 setulose, with longer setae at posterior margin; posterior margins of lighter colour. Preabdominal sterna light brown, with fine short setae. Pleural membrane pale brown, well visible laterally. Figs 15–16. Eccoptomera nevrlyi sp. nov. , male genitalia, holotype (Czech Republic, Šumava). 15 – genitalia laterally; 16 – genitalia caudally. For abbreviations see page 268. Genitalia ( Figs 15, 16 ) brown coloured with short gonostyli. Epandrium convex, of trapezoidal outline in lateral view ( Fig. 15 ) with medium long setae, mainly on its caudal half. Cerci large, protruding posteroventrally, not fused to epandrium ( Fig. 15 ), each cercus with several setae dorsally and ventrally ( Fig. 16 ). Medandrium (= intraepandrial sclerite) not visible. Gonostylus small, rounded, situated ventrally ( Fig. 15 ). Distiphallus of medium length, very slender, composed of two thread-like sclerites ( Fig. 15 ). Ejacapodeme normally developed, relatively large, long, rod-like ( Fig. 15 ). Female. Unknown. Differential diagnosis. Eccoptomera nevrlyi sp. nov. differs from the most similar species, E. ornata , by the following characters: hind femur ventrally with long setae (only setae of medium length present in E. ornata ) and with a distinct subbasal protuberance ( Fig. 11 ) with a tuft of short setae (no such protuberance is present in E. ornata , cf. Fig. 12 ); hind femur of equal thickness along its entire length in lateral view (distal half of hind femur thickened in E. ornata ). The genitalia are differently formed than in E. ornata : the apical part of cercus ( Figs 15, 16 ) is tapered in caudal view (apical part of cercus rounded in E. ornata ); gonostylus very small (gonostylus markedly larger in E. ornata ). Etymology. This new species is named in honour of Dr. Miloslav Nevrlý, zoologist, writer, traveler and long-time member and head of the Department of Natural Science of the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec ( Czech Republic ). Biology. Unknown. Probably montane species, the holotype was collected by Malaise trap in forested peat-bog and the paratype by a flight interception trap in montane forest; in both cases above 1000 m a.s.l. Distribution. Czech Republic .