Taxonomic notes on the Macrocheilus Hope (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Helluonini) from Oriental Region, with description of one new species from the Philippines Author Zhao, Danyang Author Tian, Mingyi text ZooKeys 2012 228 77 100 journal article 1313-2970-228-77 76973A68-EEE6-4C43-ACE8-1573BB6964C3 Macrocheilus deuvie sp. n. Figs 8, 16, 24, 35, 36, 56 Description. Length 9.5 mm, width 3.5 mm. Black; ligula, antennomeres 1-4, a spot on vertex, lateral margin of pronotum and legs reddish brown; sides of ligula, palpi, antennomeres 5-11 and elytral spots brown. Head convex; neck short and punctate on dorsal surface; frontoclypeal sulcus faint, frontal foveae short and shallow; clypeus with apical margin truncate, two setae on each side of apical outer angels, a row of 6 setae along apical margin, irregularly setose basally on each side; labrum (Fig. 8) convex anteriorly, apical margin rounded, front setae beneath near apex, middle one just on apical margin, hind one close to middle margin; mandibles covered by labrum, sharp at apex; mentum (Fig. 16) irregularly setose and punctate at base, median tooth triangular and shorter than lobes, with a pair of setae at base, lobes obtuse at apex; maxillary palpi (Fig. 24) not dilated, labial palpomere 3 with two setae on inner side; ligula thickened, apex deeply and widely emarginated in middle. Pronotum flat; widest before middle; faint median line, median and apical impression distinct, basal foveae deep; lateral margin round in front, strongly sinuate near base; hind angles nearly rectangular, with a small obtuse tooth and an emargination before tooth. Elytra flat, striae with large, close punctures and setae; intervals convex, with two rows of regular punctures and setae, interval 8 wider than others and densely and irregularly punctate and setose; spots small, front spot rounded, just before middle, covering intervals 3-6, hind spot rhombic, on inner apical angles, covering intervals 1-5. Male genitalia. Median lobe dilated in middle on ventral margin; apical lamella elongated, rounded at apex (Figs 35-36). Remarks. This species is very similar to Macrocheilus bensoni , but differs by it's smaller size, curved labrum at anterior part, clypeus glabrous on middle, pronotum with lateral margin strongly sinuate near base, and male genitalia dilated on ventral margin. Type material. 1 male, the holotype, "Philippines, Bohol. Ch. Semper", deposited in MNHN. Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Thierry Deuve (MNHN), a well known carabidologist. Distribution. The Philippines.