Notes on Canadian Ablabesmyia Johannsen, with keys to known Nearctic immatures of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Saether, Ole A.
journal article
Key to known Nearctic pupae of
1. Respiratory duct opens laterally ¼ from apex of thoracic horn (
Fig. 2
G); shagreen on tergites multibranched spinulae; all Lsetae of VII placed distinctly in posterior half..........................................
A. (Asayia) annulata
- Respiratory duct opens near apex; anal lobe at most with 16 spinules distad of distal setae and 5 on basal margin; at least L1 at, anterior of, or slightly posterior of centre of VII............................................................. 2
2. Respiratory duct and apical papilla more than 1/2 as long as thoracic horn.................
A. (Karelia) peleensis
- Respiratory duct and apical papilla not more than 1/10 as long as thoracic horn..................................... 3
3. Wing sheath with numerous freckle-like dots............................................
A. (Karelia) idei
- Wing sheath without freckle-like dots...................................................................... 4
4. Apex of respiratory duct is a rounded "T" (
Fig. 2
A–C)........................................................ 2
- Apex of respiratory club- or cone-shaped (
Fig. 2
D–G)........................................................ 7
5.. Frontal apotome T-shaped (
Roback 1985 fig. 287
); wing sheath uniformly pigmented; thoracic comb (
Fig. 2
B) consisting of 13–18 apically pointed 35–40 µm long spines; exuviae
5.7–6.9 mm
A. (Karelia) philosphagnos
- Frontal apotome dome-shaped (
Roback 1985 figs 288–298
); wing pad clear or with faint wing pattern.................. 5
6. Wing pad with faint wing pattern; thoracic comb (
Fig. 2
A) consisting of about 13–16 larger and10 minute spines....................................................................................
A. (Karelia) illinoensis
- Wing pad clear; thoracic comb (
Fig. 2
B) consisting of 12–15 apically rounded, 72–115 µm long spines and a few smaller ones.....................................................................
A. (Karelia) pulchripennis
7. Wing sheath with large dark maculae in area of basal veins R/M and anal vein (
Caldwell 1993, fig. 8
A. (Karelia) cinctipes
- Wing sheath not as above, mostly showing vein pattern........................................................ 8
8. Wing sheath mostly uniformly pigmented with irregular clear maculae distributed near the margins, cross vein distinctly dark- ened, surrounded by a clear area, no indication of a vein pattern; cephalothorax mostly clear; abdominal segments II–V ante- rior margins pale, conjunctives laterally with distinct brown spot; respiratory duct S-shaped (
Fig. 2
E), genital sac of male 0.65–0.75 times as long as anal lobe (
Fig. 3
A. (A.) basalis
- Wing sheath with brownish wing pattern; cephalothorax with a darkened pattern; abdominal segments II–V with dark anterior margins; conjunctives without dark spot, if darkened then more diffused towards the middle; respiratory duct straight or U- shaped (
Fig. 2
D, F), genital sac 0.65–0.85 times as long as anal lobe............................................. 9
9. Wing sheath with vein pattern mostly obscured by pale and dark maculae, only R and M1+2 relatively distinct distally; abdomen with weak pattern................................................................
A. (A.) hauberi
- Wing sheath with distinct vein pattern, with or without dark maculae............................................ 10
10. Wing sheath with veins terminating before the margin........................................................ 11
- Wing sheath with veins connecting to brownish margin....................................................... 12
11. Both L1 and L2 of VII situated in anterior half...........................................
A. (A.) parajanta
At most L1 of VII in anterior half....................................
A. (A.) rhamphe
A. (A.) janta
12. Veins of wing sheaths strong and broad, base of vein M may be absent......................
A. (A.) monilis
auct. nec L.
Veins of wing sheaths more faint, vein M generally complete.................................................. 13
13. Wing sheaths with spots in addition to veins............................................................... 14
Wing sheaths with only veins...........................................................
A. (A.) aspera
14. Abdominal segment IV with strong pattern, lateral lines of pigment distinct; thoracic comb (
Fig. 2
D) with 12–17 spines, the longest mostly shorter than 60 µm, occasionally with a number of additional minute spines; genital sac of male 0.75–0.85 times as long as anal lobe............................................................
A. (A.) mallochi
Abdominal segment IV unmarked; thoracic comb with 9–10 spines; genital sac of male 0.74 times as long as anal lobe.......................................................................................
A. (A.) simpsoni