Taxonomic revision of the species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile Author Ferrari, Rafael R. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-14 4364 1 1 137 journal article 31159 10.11646/zootaxa.4364.1.1 d7085e10-1649-4f16-94c8-bd15cc188be6 1175-5326 1116008 313F4EAC-F03B-45BA-B346-FF52C165018A Colletes vicugnensis Rojas & Toro, 1993 ( Figs. 64A–C ) Colletes vicugnensis Rojas & Toro, 1993 : 85 ; Toro 1999 : 31 ; Moure et al . 2007 : 689 ; Montalva & Ruz 2010 : 22 ; Ascher & Pickering 2017 . Holotype ♀ (examined). {AMNH}. Diagnosis. The combination of clypeal mid-longitudinal area carinate, mesosomal pubescence black, and metasomal terga metallic blue is sufficient to differentiate the female C. vicugnensis (the male remains unknown) from the other Chilean species of Colletes , except C. chusmiza . However, these species can be differentiated by the facial pubescence entirely black in C. vicugnensis (facial pubescence with off-white and black hairs intermixed in C. chusmiza ); ventral surface of F2–F8, mid and hind tibiae black in C. vicugnensis (ventral surface of F2–F8, mid and hind tibiae pale-orange in C. chusmiza ); and the comparatively longer hind basitarsus, ~ 3x longer than broad, in C. vicugnensis (hind basitarsus ~2.5x longer than broad in C. chusmiza ). Redescription. FEMALE ( Figs. 64A, 64C, 64E ): Dimensions (mm) : Approximate body length 9.0–9.4; head width 3.0–3.1; head length 2.3; intertegular distance 2.3–2.4; forewing length 6.2–6.5. Colouration : Black except metallic dark-blue on T1–T5 (marginal zones of T2–T4 with purple hues). Reddishbrown on distal half of tarsal claws; marked on distal 2/3 of mandible. Dark-brown on tegula, wing veins (except vein R of forewing black), stigma, ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1–T4, metasomal sterna (tinted with bluish reflections, except S6). Pale-brown on tibial spurs, tarsi (except posterior margin of basitarsi dark-brown), proximal half of tarsal claws. FIGURE 64. Colletes vicugnensis Rojas & Toro, 1993 . Female: (A) habitus, lateral view; (B) face, frontal view; (C) habitus, dorsal view. Scale bars = 2mm. Structure : Labrum medially convex; convexity not margined by ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area with a strong, complete carina (except absent for upper 1/7); adjacent area declivous. Malar area ~1.3x as long as basal depth of mandible (28:22). F1 1.75x as long as its apical width (42:24). UID:LID (79:79). Genal area flat behind upper summit of compound eyes in lateral view. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum triangular acute. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum ~0.4x as long as metanotum (23:56); metapostnotal pits poorly-delimited; posterior transverse carina absent. Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur ciliate. Hind basitarsus ~ 3x longer than broad (64:21). Outer rami of hind tarsal claw 2x as long as inner rami (32:16). Posterolateral area of S6 flat and lacking carina; marginal zone not depressed. Pubescence : Black, plumose, erect, long on paraocular area, lateral slopes of supraclypeal area, interantennal area, mesoscutum (except moderately short laterally), scutellum, ventral surface of mid and hind coxae, ventral margin of mid femur; such hairs very long on genal area (near proboscidial fossa), mesepisternum, metanotum, upper margin of lateral surface of propodeum, posteroventral surface of front trochanter and femur, ventral surface of mid and hind trochanters. Interocellar area with pale-yellow hairs. Black, erect, moderately long setae on mandible, front coxa, anterior surface of front trochanter, lateral area of T4–T5; such hairs very long on posterior margin of mid and hind basitarsi. Fulvous, suberect, moderately short setae on dorsal surface of mid basitarsus and mid and hind tibiae; such setae thick on ventral surface of mid and hind tarsi (thickest towards distal margin). Black, suberect, vey long hairs, which are branched only apically on anterior surface of hind femur and tibia. T1 with fulvous, plumose, suberect, moderately long hairs. Fulvous, suberect, short setae on T2–T4 and S3–S6. S1–S2 with fulvous, suberect, short hairs, which are branched only apically. Surface sculpture : Clypeus shiny throughout; lateral slopes smooth; elongate punctures forming pits on lower margin and adjacently to mid-longitudinal area. Supraclypeal area impunctate, smooth and shiny. Malar area with sparse elongate punctures. Lower paraocular area densely and moderately coarsely punctate; interspaces smooth and shiny. Upper paraocular area densely and shallowly punctate; coarser and deeper on frontal area; interspaces imbricate and dull. Vertexal area densely and moderately finely punctate (except minutely punctate besides summit of compound eye). Mesoscutum moderately finely punctate; sparsely punctate on disc; moderately densely punctate elsewhere; interspaces smooth and shiny throughout. Scutellum moderately finely and densely punctate (except impunctate on mid-longitudinal area); interspaces smooth anteriorly, imbricate medially, rugose posteriorly. Metanotum finely punctate; interspaces rugulose. Mesepisternum densely and moderately coarsely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Metepisternum obliquely striate medially; rugulose above and below. Lateral surface of propodeum minutely and sparsely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum rugose medially. Metasomal terga finely and densely punctate (except sparsely punctate on disc of T1); interspaces rugulose on disc, imbricate on marginal zone. Metasomal sterna minutely punctate (except coarser on S6); interspaces imbricate. MALE: Unknown. Material studied. Primary type specimen : Holotype —“HOLO; TIPO”. “ CHILE , IV Región; Baños del Toro; Ene-1988 ; R. Solar , col.”. “ Colletes ; vicugnensis ; Toro & Rojas 93”. “ AMNH_IZC 00324331 ”, { AMNH }. Additional specimen : CHILERegion IV : Elqui, i/1996 , [Ugarte], 1♀ , { AMNH }. Range. Chile (Region IV). See also Fig. 19C . Biogeographic distribution. Central Chilean sub-region (Coquimban province). Central Chilean species distributed at altitudes above 3000m a.s.l. DNA barcode. Unavailable. Floral hosts. Unknown. Comments. Extremely rare species known only from two females collected in Region IV.