Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 1. Tribes Clypeodromini, Listrodromini, Goedartini, Compsophorini, and Platylabini Author Riedel, M. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2011 2011-12-19 43 2 1549 1572 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5325739 0253-116X 5325739 Apaeleticus tonkinensis nov.sp. H o l o t y p u s (): NW Vietnam : Tonkin , Hoang Lien N.R. 15 km SW Sa Pa, c 1900 m , 15- 21.x.1999 , Malaise traps, C. Van Achterberg, RMNH`99" (Leiden). D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 5 mm . Flagellum long, almost filiform, with 35 flagellomeres, slightly attenuated beyond middle, but all flagellomeres longer than wide, first flagellomere (without anellus) about 3.7 times as long as wide. Temples very strongly narrowed behind the eyes. Lateral ocelli about as long as their distance to the compound eyes. Vertex with dense puncture, frons and face with dense transverse punctulo-striation, clypeus distinctly convex, with scattered puncture and shining. Genae narrow, from lateral view at most 0.35 times as wide as the eyes, genal carina reaches mandibular base, malar space about 1.2 times as long as the width of mandibular base. Mesoscutum with dense coarse rugulo-puncture, mesopleura densely punctured, sternauli distinctly impressed and with small transversal ribs in the anterior 2/3. Metapleura with coarse cellular rugosity, coxal carina distinct. Scutellum moderately elevated, with strong complete lateral carina and dense puncture. Spiracles of propodeum roundish, index about 1.3. Area superomedia heart-like shaped, about as long as wide, costulae in the middle, area posteromedia impressed and with coarse transverse wrinkles. Coxae and femora with small dense puncture, hind coxa without scopa, hind femur about 3.5 times as long as high. Metasoma amblypygous, postpetiole only a little widened, without dorsal carinae, with strong puncture. Second tergite 0.85 times as long as wide, gastrocoeli lacking, thyridia transverse, each about as wide as their interval, second and third tergites with very dense puncture, matte, fourth tergite with superficial puncture, more or less shining, tergites 6 and 7 with long hairs at hind margins (about as long as the width of the hind metatarsus). Colour: black. Ivory are stripes or rings on flagellomeres 7-11, palps, facial and frontal orbits, anterior and upper margin of pronotum, subalar ridge, central spot of scutellum. Front and middle coxae and apical segments of all tarsi brownish, hind coxa and trochanter black, legs otherwise reddish, hind femur and tibia black in the apical third. Metasoma black, tergites 2-3 with reddish apical margins, tergites 4-7 with narrow whitish hind margins. Pterostigma dark brown. T a x o n o m i c a l r e m a r k This Oriental species resembles the Palaearctic Apaeleticus mesostictus (GRAVENHORST) , but differs by its coloration, especially the ivory orbits.