The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Lower Guinea and Congolia: A synoptic revision Author Breteler, F. J. text Adansonia 2004 3 26 1 97 127 journal article 1639-4798 4605259 3. Trichoscypha bijuga Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1: 425 (1881); Keay in Hutch. & Dalz., Fl. West Trop. Afr. ed. 2, 1: 736 (1958); Breteler, Adansonia, sér. 3, 23: 252 (2001). — Type : Mann 2343 , Equatorial Guinea , Bioko, sin. loc., Ƌ fl. Mar. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, K!; iso-, A!, P!). Trichoscypha reticulata Engl. in DC, Monogr. Phan. 4: 307 (1883). — Type : Soyaux 112 , Gabon , Sibange- Farm , fl. Aug. 1880 (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, designated here, P!; iso-, K!, Z!). Trichoscypha preussii Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 15: 110 (1892); Keay in Hutch. & Dalz. , Fl. West Trop. Afr. ed. 2, 1: 736 (1958). — Type : Preuss 463 , Cameroun , Barombi-ba-Mbu, Ƌ fl. Sep. 1890 (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, K!). Trichoscypha dinklagei Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36: 224 (1905). — Type : Dinklage 265 , Cameroun , Lokundje R., Ƌ fl. Nov. 1889 (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Bos 7146 , Cameroun 36 km Kribi-Campo , Ƌ fl. July 1970 (WAG!; iso-, K!). See Notes. Trichoscypha gossweileri Exell & Mendonça, Bol. Soc. Brot. , sér. 2, 26: 278, tab. 2 (1952); Consp. Fl. Ang. 2: 124, tab. 29 (1956); Van der Veken, Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 85 (1960). — Type : Gossweiler 6630 , Angola, Cabinda , Buco Zau , rio Munze , fl. Aug. 1916 (holo-, BM!; iso-, COI!). Shrub to small tree up to 20 m tall, trunk c. 15 cm in diam. Leaves 2-10(-13)-jugate; leaflets usually papery, with an impressed hairy midrib above, up to 40 × 11 cm . Inflorescence usually borne on the leafy shoot above, between or just below the leaves, often sharply reflexed at base and pendulous. Flowers (Jan.-Nov.) white to pale-red, the male ones sessile or nearly so, the female ones more often distinctly pedicelled. Fruits (Jan.- Dec.) red, ellipsoid to spindle-shaped, up to 4.5 × 2.5 cm , red, glabrous. — Figs 1C ; 5. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Rain forest, from Nigeria to Congo (Kinshasa); also known from Upper Guinea . Alt. up to c. 1000 m . SELECTED SPECIMENS. — ANGOLA : Gossweiler 6630 , Buco Zau, fl. Aug. (BM!, COI!). — CAME- ROUN: Binuyo & Daramola FHI 35059 , Kumba, fr. Jan. (FHO!, K!, P!); Bos 3314 , near Kribi, fr. Nov. (K!, P!, WAG!); Cable et al. 845 , Kupé Mt., fl. Jan. (WAG!); J.J. de Wilde 8460 , Nkoemvone, fl. Sep. (BR!, K!, MA!, MO!, WAG!); Gentry & Thomas 52668 , 10 km SE Korup, ster. Nov. (MO!, WAG!); Leeuwenberg 8359 , Eboné, fl. Nov. (BR!, P!, WAG!); Mildbread 10700 , Likomba, fl. Nov. (A!, K!); Sonké 1216 , Dikoumbe, juv. fr. May (BR!); Tchouto & Elad BIFAX 124 , Bifa, juv. fr. Oct. (WAG!); Tchouto et al. NMX 107 , Bibabimvote, fl. July (WAG!); Thomas 6145 , Tissongo Lake, fr. June (K!, MO!, WAG!); Zenker 2202 , Bipindi, fl. (BM!, BR!, COI!, G!, GOET!, K!, MO!, P!, WAG!, Z!). — CONGO (Brazzaville): Bouquet 651 , Loualou, fr. Nov. (P!); Cusset 593 , Kuila, juv. fr. Nov. (P!); Sita 4907 , Simba, fl. (BR!). — CONGO (Kinshasa): Mahieu 266 , Luki, fl. (BR!). — EQUATORIAL GUINEA : Mann 2343 , Bioko, sin. loc., fl. Mar. (A!, K!, P!); Lejoly & Van Asbroeck 49 , Etembue, fl. b. Aug. (BRLU!). — GABON : Arends et al. 393 , Waka, fr. Nov. (BR!, LBV, MO!, WAG!); Breteler & Jongkind 10188 , Rabi, fr. Oct. (LBV, WAG!); Breteler c.s. 12375 , Lifouta, fr. Nov. (WAG!); Breteler & de Wilde 347 , Kinguélé, fl. Aug. (BR!, K!, LBV, MO!, WAG!); N. Hallé 3604 , Bélinga, fr. Dec. (P!); Le Testu 1588 , Issala, fl. Aug. (BM!, P!, WAG!); Le Testu 7462 , Pougui, fl. Sep. (BM!, BR!, P!, WAG!); Sosef et al. 695 , Iboundji Mt., fr. Feb. (LBV, WAG!); Soyaux 112 , Sibange, fl. Aug. (K!, P!, Z!); L. White 1182 , Lopé Res., Reitsma’s plot, fl. Aug. (LBV, MO!, WAG!); Wieringa et al. 3028 , near Fougamou, fr. Nov. (LBV, WAG!). — NIGE- RIA: Gentry & Pilz 32889 , 25 km N of Oban, ster. June (MO!); Latilo FHI 30925 , Boshi-Okwango F.R., fr. May (K!); Okafor & Latilo FHI 57288 , Ondo, fl. Sep. (FHO!, K!); Talbot 1301 , Oban, fl. (BM!, K!). — CULTA (Netherlands): de Bruijn 1904 , Wageningen, seedling (WAG!). NOTES . — It was with some difficulty and only after other species had been excluded that Trichoscypha dinklagei , of which all the type material was lost, could be identified as representing T. bijuga . The short pedicel, the short stamens, and the glabrous disc, as mentioned in the original description, point to this species. Trichoscypha bijuga is a common species in the region around Kribi where DINKLAGE collected the type of T. dinklagei . More than 20 out of a total of 55 collections of this species examined from Cameroun are from this area, one of which from near Kribi is here designated as the neotype . 10° 0° 10° 20° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40°