Contribution to the knowledge of North-American species Hyperomyzus subgenus Neonasonovia (Aphididae, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) Author Nieto Nafría, Juan M. Author Hidalgo, Nicolás Pérez Author García-Tejero, Sergio Author López Ciruelos, Sara I. Author Durante, M. Pilar Mier text Zootaxa 2017 4294 2 241 255 journal article 32648 10.11646/zootaxa.4294.2.7 ce9dce22-b6da-45f6-8b50-25a2aeb3ddcc 1175-5326 831872 03C7DE56-D4E1-4AC3-A21E-79BD60F7A442 Hyperomyzus ( Neonasonovia ) inflatus ( Richards, 1962 ) Nasonovia ( Hyperomyzus ) inflata was described by Richards (1962: 780) and was transferred to Neonasonovia , when this taxon had genus rank, by Hille Ris Lambers (1974 : 132) and finally to Hyperomyzus (in the subgenus Neonasonovia ) by Eastop & Hille Ris Lambers (1976 : 121). Apterous viviparous females were described, and some features of alatae viviparae are known ( Blackman & Eastop, 2016 ), but they have not been formally described. They have smooth swollen parts of siphunculi. The species has been recorded on Hieracium and Solidago , although the last perhaps is an accidental host plant. The life cycle is apparently monoecious. The species is known from Maine , Minnesota , North Carolina and Pennsylvania ( United States ). TABLE 2 . Metric anđ meristic characters of đifferent morphs of Hyperomyzus ( Neonasonovia ) inflatus , H. ( N .) niger , anđ specimens of H. ( N .) pullatus collecteđ from Eupatorium , Bidens anđ Galinsoga [spec. EABG], Simsia [spec. S] anđ Alchemilla [spec. A]. The measurements are lengths, except where inđicateđ that they are a wiđth or điameter. In the metric anđ meristic đata, a value in parentheses before or after another one is an exceptional value. Abbreviations: AL, alate viviparous females; APT, apterous viviparous females; n, number of measuređ specimens. Abđ, abđominal segment; AntIII, AntIV, AntV, AntVIb, AntVIpt, antennal segments, where b anđ pt inđicate base anđ processus terminalis of last segment, respectively; SSW anđ SPW , maximum wiđth of swollen portion anđ minimum wiđth of proximal peđunculate portion, respectively; D , subarticular wiđth of AntIII.
H. inflatus H. niger H. pullatus APT H. pullatus AL
AL n=10 AL n=2 spec. EABG n=43 spec. S n=48 spec. A n=29 spec. EABG n=1 spec. S n=38 spec. A n=1
Bođy [mm] 1.65061.925 1.62561.925 1.35062.0 0 0 (1.720)1.90062.370 1.17561.970 1.8 1.90062.650 1.700
Antenna [mm] 2.08062.430 1.7762.0 30 1.36061.950 1.62062.330 1.20061.800 ? 2.00062.740 2.025
Antenna / Bođy [times] 1.1261.45 0.9261.25 0.8361.14 0.8961.15 0.7761.0 8 ? 1.0261.25 1.19
AntIII [mm] 0.6660.75 0.5360.54 0.3460.53 0.4260.61 0.2760.41 0.55 0.5260.74 0.48
AntIV [mm] 0.2860.35 0.3260.34 0.3460.50 0.2760.42 0.1560.30 0.3 0.3160.52 0.29
AntV [mm] 0.2060.27 0.2560.27 0.1560.27 0.2060.36 0.1560.26 ? 0.2760.39 0.27
AntVIb [mm] 0.1060.11 0.1060.11 0.0760.11 0.0860.12 0.0860.11 ? 0.0960.12 0.11
AntVIpt [mm] 0.6660.81 0.4560.62 0.3660.55 0.5460.69 0.3960.55 ? 0.7360.93 0.63
AntIII / Ultimate rostral segment 4.164.9 4.164.2 2.463.5 2.863.8 2.163.2 3.9 3.364.4 3.7
AntVIpt / AntIII [times] 0.961.1 0.861.1 0.961.3 1.061.3 1.261.5(1.7) ? 1.061.5 1.3
AntVIpt / AntVIb [times] 6.667.7 4.166.2 4.066.6 5.467.1 4.265.6 ? 6.668.9 6
Ultimate rostral segment [mm] 0.1560.17 0.13 0.1360.17 0.1560.18 0.1260.15 0.14 0.1560.18 0.13
Ultimate rostral segment / its basal wiđth [times] 2.763.2 2.9 2.564.0 2.663.8 2.462.9 3.5 3.063.8 ?
Ultimate rostral segment / Seconđ segment of hinđ tarsi [times] 1.561.7 1.5 1.461.9 1.361.7 1.261.6 1.7 1.361.7 1.6
Ultimate rostral segment / AntVIb [times] 1.461.7 1.261.3 1.561.8 1.461.9 (1.2)1.461.6 ? 1.261.7 1.6
Femur of hinđ legs 0.6460.76 0.5560.58 0.4560.64 0.5660.82 0.3260.56 0.61 0.6360.85 0.53
Tibia of hinđ legs 1.2761.50 1.1061.13 0.8761.55 1.1561.57 0.7261.0 5 1.22 1.2561.75 1.04
Seconđ segment of hinđ tarsi [mm] 0.0960.11 0.09 0.0860.11 0.0960.12 0.0860.10 0.0860.0 9 0.1060.12 0.08
Siphunculus [mm] 0.3960.44 0.3660.43 0.2760.40 0.3060.46 (0.21)0.266 0.40 0.33 0.2960.43 0.33
SPW [mm] 0.0460.0 6 0.0460.0 5 0.03-0.06 0.0460.0 6 0.0460.0 7 0.04 0.0460.0 5 0.05
SSW [mm] 0.1160.15 0.0860.0 9 0.04-0.08 0.0560.0 8 0.0660.0 9 0.0560.0 6 0.0560.0 9 0.06
Siphunculus / Bođy [mm] 0.2160.24 0.2660.40 0.1860.24 0.1760.21 0.1960.36 0.18 0.1260.20 0.19
Siphunculus / AntIII [times] 0.560.6 0.760.8 0.661.0 0.760.9 0.861.3 0.6 0.460.7 0.7
......continued on the next page TABLE 2. (=ontinueđ)
H. inflatus H. niger H. pullatus APT H. pullatus AL
AL n=10 AL n=2 spec. EABG n=43 spec. S n=48 spec. A n=29 spec. EABG spec. S n=1 n=38 spec. A n=1
Siphunculus / SPW [times] 6.769.6 6.5610.7 6.0610.8 6.8610.3 5.268.3 8.268.3 8.8610.8 7.3
Siphunculus / S SW [times] 2.863.6 4.065.4 4.768.0 5.267.2 3.865.3 6.0 3.667.0 5.5
SSW / SPW [times] 2.363.0 1.662.0 1.061.8 1.261.9 1.261.6 1.4 1.261.9 1.3
=auđa [mm] 0.1760.23 0.1960.20 0.1760.26 0.2260.30 0.1560.23 0.18 0.2060.27 0.20
=auđa / its basal wiđth [times] 1.461.8 1.361.6 1.262.5 1.561.9 1.562.2 1.5 1.461.9 1.7
=auđa / Siphunculus [times] 0.460.5 0.460.6 0.560.7 0.560.8 0.560.8 0.54 0.560.8 0.6
Secondary sensoria on?
? AntIII (number) 52670 31639 2618 3629 2614 6 28646 17621
? AntIV (number) 10618 13617 0 0 0 0 (7)10623 4610
? AntV (number) 265 569 0 0 0 ? 0 65 0
Setae on?
? @eađ, đorsal [Am] 15620 13615 12632 17635 10620 30 10615 15
? @eađ, đorsal / D [times] 0.760.9 0.760.8 0.260.4 0.661.1 0.961.1 0.4 0.360.8 0.9
? AntIII [Am] 12623 5610 8615 8612 7612 12 22632 13
? AntIII / D [times] 0.661.0 0.360.5 0.260.6 0.260.5 0.260.6 0.5 0.360.7 0,9
? Ultimate rostral segment, accessory (number) 10614 8 (?) 6610 6610 668 6 7612 ?
? Abđ2-Abđ5, spinal [Am] 12615 8610 7615(27) 8615 7612 10 10617 15
? Abđ2-Abđ5, spinal / B [times] 0.560.8 0.460.5 0.260.5 0.260.6 0.260.5 0.5 0.360.6 0.9
? Abđ8 (number) 4 4 465 667 668 4 465 5
? Abđ8 [Am] 30650 ? 15630 25630 13625 25 20640 25630
? Abđ8 / D [times] 1.362.2 ? 0.561.3 0.661.4 0.761.4 1.3 0.761.3 ?
? =auđa (number) 668 567 668 6–9 6610 8 6610 7
Studied specimens. United States : North Carolina , Franklin , on Hieracium sp., 1-IX-1963 , Pepper leg ., 3 apt & 1 al; Raleigh, on Hieracium sp., 4-IV-1964 , Stroyan leg ., 3 apt & 4 al; Wilmington, on Hieracium sp., 25-IV- 1964 , Hille Ris Lambers leg ., 3 apt & 5 al; all of them: Hille Ris Lambers det. and Natural History Museum collection.
Apterous viviparous females ( Figure 3 A), complementary data. Spinopleural patch and marginal sclerites (including postsiphuncular) on abdominal segments 2 to 6; straight individual transverse bands on segments 7 and 8 are frequently present but sometimes very light-brown or unpigmented. Siphunculi very swollen, medial part smooth, peduncular portion with transverse wrinkles and very distal part with very few dispersed spinules. Alate viviparous females ( Figure 3 B), description from 10 specimens . Head brown to dark brown, as dark as thorax. Antennal segments I, II, and proximal part of III paler than the rest of antenna, which is diversely ornamented: segment I widely smooth with small rows, II with scales, III and IV smooth, and V and VI imbricate. Marginal tubercles habitually present on both sides of prothorax, and absent on abdomen. Legs brown, with darker distal half of femora, distal third of tibiae and tarsi. Abdominal segments 2 to 6 with spinopleural transverse bands irregularly edged and sometimes coalescent, but sometimes broken in the middle, plus broad marginal sclerites that are paler than femora and with spinules; abdominal segments 7 and 8 with individual transverse bands also paler than femora and with spinules; intersegmental sclerites integrated in the spinopleural bands but easily visible because of their darker pigmentation. Siphunculi similar to those of apterae. Genital plate as dark as the dorsoabdominal sclerites. Cauda light brown, much paler than siphunculi and as pigmented as anal and genital plates; with setae only on distal half. Quantitative characteristics in table 2.