A revision of the subgenus Leucandrena of the genus Andrena of eastern Asia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Andrenidae) Author Xu, Huanli Author Tadauchi, Osamu text Zootaxa 2009 2145 36 46 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188635 e3b43383-f3ce-45b9-9770-04d1895d0283 1175-5326 188635 3. Andrena (Leucandrena) paramelanospila n. sp. Female: BL 11–12.2 mm , WL 9.5–9.6 mm (n= 3). Color: Flagellum reddish yellow beneath; mandible with apical third reddened; wing membranes subhyaline, veins and pterostigma reddish brown; tibial spurs yellowish; terga 1–2 and part of tergum 3 ferruginous; posterior depressions of metasomal terga reddish yellow to brown. Pubescence: Hairs on head more or less dense except clypeus with a broadly hairless area; those on antennal area dull white mixed with brown; those on vertex 300–500 µ , brown mixed with whitish; those on genal area dull white; facial fovea black. Hairs on mesoscutum 300–500 µ , pale yellow to brown; those on scutellum scanty; those on metanotum long and dense; those on mesepisternum 800 µ , whitish; propodeal corbicula developed with complete anterior fringes, internal area without hairs; trochanteral floccus complete, dull white; femoral floccus long and dense, tibial scopal hairs long, dense, yellow to brown. Hairs on terga 1–2 moderately long, dense, yellowish white; terga 2–4 with complete white hair bands; caudal fimbria brown; sterna with dense whitish hairs, sterna 2–5 with short white subapical fimbriae. Structure: Head: HL/HW = 0.83. HW: MsW: MtW = 3.2: 3.2: 3.4. Vertex densely tessellate, not roughened. OOD: POD: OCD = 0.7: 0.4: 0.3. F1 = F2+3, F2 = F3 which are broader than long. Eyes with inner margins paralleled. Facial fovea extending below a line at lower margins of antennal fossae, FVL = 1.2 mm , FVW = 0.44 mm . Face above antennal fossae with finely longitudinal rugulae, interrugal area with obscure PP. Facial quadrangle quadrate (about 2.3: 2.3). Clypeus finely convex, weakly tessellate, surface shiny with shallow PP, irregular in distribution. CPL = 1.1 mm . Process of labrum trapezoidal, deeply emarginate apically. Lower paraocular area weakly tessellate, shiny with PP ø 20 µ , IS <0.5. Malar space short, about 1/6 width of basal mandible. Genal area broader than eye, GW: EW = 0.9: 0.8, surface finely tessellate posteriorly, weakly tessellate with close minute PP near eye. Mesosoma: Pronotum with distinct humeral angle and ridge, surface finely tessellate with obscure PP. Mesoscutum and scutellum densely tessellate with minute PP medially. Propodeal enclosure densely tessellate all over; dorsal face dulled by reticular tessellation. Mesepisternum densely tessellate with obscure PP. Middle basitarsi normal. Vein 1st m-cu meeting second submarginal cell beyond two-thirds of cell. Metasoma: Metasomal terga finely tessellate, nearly impunctate; posterior depressions of terga well indicated; pygidial plate V-shaped with weak internal area. Sterna 2–5 finely tessellate, impunctate at basal halves, closely punctate at apical halves. Male: Unknown. Type material: Holotype female, Mt. Baihua, Beijing, China , 27. v. 1973 (Y–h. Han); Paratypes : 1 female , Mt. Baihua, 1,200 m , Beijing, 28. v. 1973 (Y–s. Shi); 1 female , Badaling, 700 m , Beijing, 5. vi. 1964 (S–m. Ge). Remarks: This species is similar to Andrena melanospila Cockerell in having the polished clypeus, the tessellated propodeal enclosure and the impunctate metasomal terga. It can be separated from melanospila by the large-sized body, the process of labrum trapezoidal and emarginate, the mesoscutum with distinct PP medially, the narrow propodeal enclosure and the partly ferruginous metasomal terga. Distribution: China (Beijing). Floral association: Not available. Etymology: the name is consisted of latin prefix para+ species name melanospila . . Andrena (Leucandrena) melanospila Cockerell (Figs. 1–5) Andrena melanospila Cockerell, 1918 , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)2: 481 [female, China ]; Yasumatsu, 1941, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 15: 278 [in list]. Andrena (Leucandrena) melanospila : Xu & Tadauchi, 1997 , Esakia, (37): 178–180 [female, redescription]. Andrena speculella Cockerell, 1931 , Amer. Mus. Nov., (466): 12 [female, China ]; Yasumatsu, 1941, Peking nat Hist. Bull., 15: 280 [in list]; Wu, 1965, Econ. Insects Faun. China , fasc. 9, 32. Male (new to science): BL 7.7–9.5 mm , WL 6.2–7.2 mm (n= 15). Color: Flagellum dark reddish brown beneath; mandible with apical third or less reddened; wing membranes subhyaline, moderately brown, veins and pterostigma reddish yellow; tibial spurs yellowish; posterior depressions of metasomal terga yellowish to reddish brown. Pubescence: Hairs on head and thorax dense, dull white to pale; those on clypeus 750 µ , dull white; those on vertex 500 µ ; those on genal area 350–750 µ , sparse. Hairs on mesoscutum and scutellum 400–500 µ , pale; those on propodeum dull white; those on mesepisternum 850 µ , dull white. Hairs on metasomal terga sparse, whitish; those on terga 1–2 moderately long; those on terga 3–4 extremely short, sparser; those on tergum 5 dense apically; terga 2–4 with weak, loose apical fasciae; sterna 2–5 with short, whitish subapical fimbriae. Structure: Head: HL/HW = 0.74. HW: MsW: MtW = 2.7: 2.2: 2.2. Vertex densely tessellate, not roughened. OOD: POD: OCD = 0.6: 0.4: 0.2. F1 about equal to F2 which are longer than broad. Eyes with inner margins paralleled. Face above antennal fossae with weak rugulae, dull shagreening. Facial quadrangle broader than long (about 1.8: 1.7). Clypeus flat, weakly tessellate, surface shiny with crowded PPø20–40 µ , IS <0.1, sparser medioapically, CPL = 0.8 mm . Process of labrum small, nearly triangular, thickened apically. Mandibles long, decussate. Lower paraocular area sculptured as in clypeus. Malar space linear. Genal area broader than eye, weakly angulate posteriorly, GW: EW = 0.9: 0.64, surface finely tessellate posteriorly, feebly shiny with weak PP near eye. Mesosoma: Pronotum with sharp humeral angle and ridge, space between ridge and posterior pronotal lobe distinctly rugulose, dorsal surface densely tessellate. Mesoscutum strongly tessellate anteriorly, finely tessellate posteriorly with obscure PP. Scutellum weakly tessellate, shiny with minute PP, irregular anteriorly, close posteriorly. Propodeal enclosure well defined, finely granulate all over; dorsal face densely tessellate with obscure PP. Mesepisternum densely tessellate, weakly shagreened. Vein 1st m-cu meeting second submarginal cell at middle of cell. Metasoma: metasomal terga finely tessellate, impunctate; posterior depressions of metasomal terga not well indicated; pygidial plate presenting. Sterna 2–5 sculptured as in terga; sternum 6 weakly reflected. Specimens examined: Holotype female ( Type No. 23136, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution), Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China . Other material: China : Shanghai: 1 female and 2 males , Nanxiang, 24. iii. 1935 (T–c. Maa); 8 males , 4. iv. 1932 (A. Savio); 5 females , 13–18. iv. 1925 (O. Piel); 19 females , 3–19. iv. 1932 (A. Savio); 3 females , 10. vi. 1920 ; 1 female , 3. v. 1951 . Zhejiang Province: 1 female , Hangzhou, 14. vi. 1932 . Distribution: China (Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang Provs.). Floral association: Not available.