New Zopheridae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) from Baltic amber Author Alekseev, Vitalii I. Author Bukejs, Andris text Zootaxa 2016 4178 3 409 427 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4178.3.6 44b8171c-8531-4192-af43-fadab952741d 1175-5326 254783 3278A5A0-B5FE-4C05-8C09-BAA31E87B9B9 D. slipinskii Alekseev & Bukejs sp. nov. ( Figs 7–9 , 24) Type material. Holotype: Nr. 731-1 [CCHH] “Holotype / Diodesma slipinskii sp. nov. / des. Alekseev V.I. & Bukejs A.” [red hand-written label]; sex unknown. Complete beetle is included in a small, transparent, yellow amber piece embedded in block of GTS-polyester resin with dimensions 18 × 6 × 6 mm . Syninclusions are seven stellate Fagacean hairs and one mite (length 0.35 mm ). Amber piece with inclusion possibly thermally treated in autoclave. Type strata. Baltic amber, Upper Eocene , Prussian Formation (Priabonian). Estimated age: 37.2–33.9 Ma. Type locality. Yantarny settlement (formerly Palmnicken), Sambian (Samland) Peninsula , Kaliningrad region, Russia . Differential diagnosis. Diodesma slipinskii sp. nov. differs from extant species of the genus in the following combination of characters: pronotum with protruding anterior angles; lateral sides of pronotum weakly explanate and flattened anteriad; elytra with small punctures; antennomere 10 subquadrate. Description. Body length about 2.25 mm , maximum height and width (at middle of elytra) 0.68 and 0.95 mm respectively; body elongate, strongly convex dorsally, flattened ventrally; body and appendages apparently uniformly black in colour. Head . 1.5× as wide as long; distinctly widest between antennae; vertex covered with dense, small, round, unisetose granules; frons and clypeus sparsely punctured and setose. Anterior clypeal margin widely rounded. Eyes large, prominent, conical, with coarse facets; interfacetal setae not apparent; distance between eye and antennal insertion slightly shorter than scape length. Maxillary palpus 4-segmented, short; palpomere 4 broad, oval-shaped. Labial palpus 3-segmented, palpomere 3 largest, ovate. Antennae short, extending to middle of pronotum; 11- segmented with 2-segmented club, densely covered with dark, straight semierect setae. Scape, pedicel and antennomere 3 elongate; antennomeres 4–9 transverse; antennomere 10 subquadrate; antennomere 11 rounded. Antennomere length ratios: 6-5-5-4-4-3-3-3-3-5-3. Thorax . Pronotum transverse, 1.2× as wide as long, widest at middle; pronotal disc convex, densely covered with unisetose granules (distinctly larger than granules on head). Lateral sides weakly explanate and flattened anteriad. Anterior margin arcuate; lateral and posterior margins rounded; anterior angles triangular, acute, prominent, reaching middle of eye; posterior angles obtuse. Pro-, meso- and metasternum weakly rugose. Procoxal cavities open posteriorly, meso- and metacoxal cavities closed. All coxae separated: procoxae by elongate (3:1 length to width ratio), parallel-sided prosternal process; mesocoxae by distance approximately 0.3 of coxal diameter; metacoxae by intercoxal process of ventrite 1 (slightly narrower than metacoxal diameter). Scutellum small, indistinct. Elytra ovate, length 1.5 mm , width 0.95 mm ; strongly convex dorsally, slightly wider than pronotum at humeri, jointly rounded apically; weakly rugose at disc and crenulated laterally in basal one-fourth of length. Humeral angles rounded. Each elytron with 10 rows of small, round punctures, distance between strial punctures equal to 1.5–2.0× diameter of one puncture; intervals flat, distance between striae approximately 3–4× diameter of single puncture. Strial punctures bearing long, curved setae. Scutellary striole not apparent. Epipleura well-developed, reaching apex of elytra, widest at humeral angle. Hind wings not apparent. Ratio of lengths of mesoventrite to metaventrite to abdomen: 3-3-14 . Abdomen . With five visible, similarly articulated ventrites. Ventrite length ratios: 22-14-11-9-10. Setation of ventrites not apparent (possibly absent); ventrite 5 rounded apically. Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite 1 rounded. Legs . Tarsi tetramerous. Length of apical tarsomere equal to combined length of tarsomeres 1–3; tarsomere 3 smallest. Tarsal claws simple, large, equal in size, with length about one-third of tarsomere 4. Etymology. Patronymic, this new species is named in honor of a renowned coleopterist and specialist on zopherid beetles, Dr. Adam Ślipiński (CSIRO, Canberra, Australia )