Waterfall-inhabiting Naucoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of southern India and Sri Lanka: Pogonocaudina Sites and Zettel, n. gen., and a review of Diaphorocoris with descriptions of two new species Author Sites, Robert W. Author Zettel, Herbert text Zootaxa 2011 2760 1 17 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.203245 8484b438-d520-4985-bccf-f914612a5798 1175-5326 203245 Diaphorocoris dubreuili Montandon Fig. 12 Diaphorocoris dubreuili Montandon, 1908 : 300 . Diagnosis. Size alone will distinguish D. dubreuili from its three known congeners. This species ( 9.36 mm : male) is the largest of the described species of Diaphorocoris . The ventral surface is generally a medium brown color. The lateral margin of the embolium has a row of short, brown, peg-like spines, and the brown coloration anterior to the distal mesal incursion of the yellowish-white marginal coloration extends close to the lateral margin ( Fig. 12 ), similar to the embolar condition of D. arunachalami . The metaxyphus is longer than wide. Discussion. Montandon (1908) reported that the type specimen would remain in his collection and named this species after the collector, J. Dubreuil. The type locality is Trichonopoly in Tamil Nadu state. No information concerning its biology or ecology has been published. We have observed specimens on the vertical rock faces of small waterfalls and seeps in Kerala and Tamil Nadu states. Material examined. INDIA : Kerala St., N 0 8 o 44.283 , E 77 o 0 7.208 , elev 463 m , 15 March 2010 , roadside seep & pools above, M. Arunachalam, S. Sundar, M. Muralidharan, C. Selvakumar ( 1 male ); Tamil Nadu St., Arasi Parai, stream above Suruli Falls, Vaigai watershed, N 0 9 o 38.878 , E 77 o 19.326 , elev 1299 m , 13 March 2010 , rocky stream with gravel & veg, M. Arunachalam ( 1 female ).