Nomenclatural and taxonomic study in species of Viola (Violaceae) from Argentina Author Nicola, Marcela Viviana Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Labardén 200, C. C. 22, C. P. B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Salomón, Luciana Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Labardén 200, C. C. 22, C. P. B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Zuloaga, Fernando Omar Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Labardén 200, C. C. 22, C. P. B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-02-13 338 2 151 176 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.338.2.1 1179-3163 13719903 Viola cotyledon Gingins (1824: 300) Type :— Holotype , G (not extant). Neotype , designated here : CHILE . [ IX Region :] Cautín , Volcan Llaima , 1100 m , February 1927 , E. Werdermann 1261 ( neotype , SI 141876!; isoneotype , SI 141877!). ( Fig. 2 ) Protologue citation :—“in montibus excelsis Chili . Née. […] (v. s. in herb. Roux, nunc Mus. Genev.)” Distribution :—Native of Argentina and Chile . In Argentina it is known for registers in Mendoza , Neuquén , and Río Negro provinces. Notes :—According to the protologue, Luis Née collected this specimen in the high mountains of Chile , and Frédéric Gingins de la Sarraz revised it at the herbarium of Honoré Roux, at that time already sold to the herbarium of Geneva (G; Stafleu & Cowan 1983 ). This latter material is lost (Lorenzo Ramella pers. comm.) and no specimen of Née was found at MA either, where he used to deposit his type collection ( Stafleu & Cowan 1981 ). Therefore, we here designate the specimen E. Werdermann 1261 (with the barcode number SI 141876) as the neotype of this species since it fully agrees with the protologue, is a complete, vigorous, and well preserved specimen from Chile , and was also identified in 2001 as Viola cotyledon by John M. Watson, a Viola specialist from Chile . An isoneotype (SI 141877) is also being kept at SI. = Viola petraea W. Becker (1925b: 354) Type ( lectotype , designated here) :— ARGENTINA . Neuquén : Patagonia andina septentrional, alrededores de Bariloche , in rupibus secus Rio Correntoso , Nahuel Huapi , January 1898 , C.L. Spegazzini s.n. (BAF!; isolectotypes , LP 006738!, LP 006739!, LP 006740!) . Protologue citation :—“Patagonia: in rupibus secus Rio Correntoso, Nahuel Huapi (Patagon. andin. septentr.), I. 1898 , leg. Carlos Spegazzini.” Notes :—According to the protologue, Wilhelm Becker based his new species on a specimen collected by Carlos Spegazzini. We found one syntype at BAF and three at LP and selected the specimen of BAF as the lectotype of Viola petraea because it fully agrees with the protologue. Rossow (1988) sinonimized Viola petraea under V. columnaris . However, Becker (1925b) remarked that the concept of V. petraea resembles the description of V. cotyledon specifically by the presence of lateral petals with abundant claviform hairs. Therefore, we consider V. petraea as a synonym of V. cotyledon .