A new genus and twenty new species of Australian jumping plant-lice (Psylloidea: Triozidae) from Eremophila and Myoporum (Scrophulariaceae: Myoporeae) Author Taylor, Gary S. Author Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P. Author Austin, Andy D. text Zootaxa 2016 4073 1 1 84 journal article 37193 10.11646/zootaxa.4073.1.1 8d4152c8-c67a-4d0c-92e7-266e6e31ad04 1175-5326 270709 A502D3A2-C070-4E9D-9F55-BA07C731FCF3 Genus Myotrioza Taylor , gen. nov. Etymology . From Myoporeae (containing the host genera Eremophila and Myoporum ) ( Scrophulariaceae ) + Trioza (Triozidae) ; gender feminine. Diagnosis. Structure: body narrow, elongate to large, compact; head little deflexed from longitudinal axis of body; vertex with medial suture, sunk in vicinity of fovea, subtrapezoidal, usually about 0.70–0.85 times as long as wide, produced forward with a pair of submedial rounded lobes; genal processes produced ventrally, short, usually about 0.35–0.50 times as long as vertex, conical, with divergent narrowly rounded apices; antenna short, usually about 0.60–0.85 times, but up to about same width of head; antennal rhinaria variable, mostly with a single subapical rhinarium on each of segments 4, 6, 8 and 9, sometimes with rhinaria on antennal segment 3 and with supernumerary rhinaria (with segments 3–4 swollen to bear multiple rhinaria, segment 3 with up to 30 rhinaria, segment 4 with up to 18, segment 6 up to 8, segments 8 and 9 each with 1–2 subapical rhinaria; segment 10 with a long, pointed and a short truncate to very short, broadly rounded seta; fore wing 3.4–5.6 times as long as head width, 2.0–3.2 times as long as wide, short, broad to elongate with rounded to slightly pointed apex; vein Rs very short, straight, slightly upturned distally, terminating well short of wing apex to longer, terminating just short of wing apex, 0.6–1.1 times as long as vein M; medial cell smaller than cubital cell; veins M1+2 and M3+4 short, broadly diverging with corresponding low m1 cell values; veins Cu1a long, arched and Cu1b long, each widely divergent with corresponding low cu1 cell values; radular areas elongate triangular in cells m1, m2 and cu1; metacoxa with thin pointed meracanthus; metatibia 0.6–1.1 times width of head, shorter to considerably longer than metafemur, mostly with 2 inner and 1 outer small, sclerotised apical spurs, some with spurs vestigial to absent; metabasitarsus without sclerotised lateral spurs; male proctiger conoid, without lateral lobes to triangular, with prominent, angular lateral lobes; male subgenital plate broadly rounded; parameres very short, narrow, heavily sclerotised to elongate acicular, evenly tapering to incurved sclerotised apices; distal portion of aedeagus short to long, straight with asymmetrical, ovate apical expansion; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius short, weakly curved; female proctiger short, truncate with weakly sclerotised apex to elongate, with or without a field of sparse to dense brushlike, hooked subterminal setae; circumanal pore ring consisting of a double row of pores; female subgenital plate short, triangular with tapering to longer pointed, weakly sclerotised apex; valvula dorsalis cuneate; valvula ventralis weakly to strongly curved, lacking apical teeth; valvula lateralis broadly rounded. Host associations: host specific to Scrophulariaceae : Myoporeae ).