New species and records of Macrodactylus Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Macrodactylini) from Bolivia Author Arce-Pérez, Roberto Red Sistemática y Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Apdo. Postal 63, Xalapa, Veracruz 91000, Mexico. Author Morón, Miguel Ángel Red Sistemática y Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Apdo. Postal 63, Xalapa, Veracruz 91000, Mexico. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-08-28 3857 2 292 300 journal article 09b8963f-3aa7-4914-9242-09d5968cfe35 1175-5326 229717 6D902CD0-7A28-485F-A91E-E23EE74C8907 Macrodactylus bolivianus Moser, 1918 ( Figs. 18 –19 , 22– 25 ) Diagnosis . Body integument reddish black; clypeus red, frons black, pronotum, scutellum and pygidium dark red; antennae, elytra, and legs reddish yellow. Dorsally with vestiture of short, scale-like, white, individual setae that do not obscure the integument; tarsi with rings of white setae; parameres glabrous. Redescription . Male: Body length 6.9 mm ; humeral width 2.35 mm . Color: Body intensely reddish black; clypeus intensely red, frons black, pronotum, scutellum, pygidium mahogany red; antennae, elytra, legs reddish yellow. Surface: Clypeus and frons rugopunctate, pronotum punctate, elytra with 5 lightly impressed striae. Head: Form elongate. Clypeus trapezoidal, anterior border nearly straight. Antennal club as long as preceding 5 antennomeres. Maxillary palpi yellow, apical palpomere long and dark red. Labial palpi short and yellow. Mentum yellow, elongate, oval; longitudinally with wide furrow; sparse setae on surface. Thorax: Pronotum hexagonal, convex, wider than long (2.00: 1.75 mm ) with longitudinal glabrous line. Prosternal process short, robust, slightly curved and rounded apically. Scutellum subtriangular; with wide, broadly rounded apex. Elytra with 5 weakly impressed striae, with short vestiture that do not obscure the surface. Metasternum wide, black; with weak rows of stout setae between mesocoxae and metacoxae, partially hidden between other slender setae. Abdomen: Sternites 2–5 concave and moderately flat at middle with 1–3 stout, yellow, long setae at each side of midline; length of sternite 5 twice length of sternite 4 ; sternite 6 ovate, with stout, long apical setae. Pygidium elongate, ovate; with short spine-like, apical setae. Legs: Profemur with a subrectangular projection near base. Mesotibia widened toward apex; with 2 straight, acute spurs and long spine-like setae around apex. Tarsi enlarged, with separated rings of white setae and long spine-like setae around apex. All tarsal claws long and cleft. Genitalia: Total length 2.10 mm . Parameres long and slender, oval, glabrous; narrow and fused dorsobasally; enlarged toward apex; flattened laterally; apex sharply pointed; with length 0.84 mm , width 0.50 mm ( Figs. 22–24 ). FIGURES 18–21. Macrodactylus bolivianus : 18) dorsal view, 20) lateral view. Macrodactylus gracilis : 19) dorsal view, 21) lateral view. FIGURES 22–29. Diagnostic structures of Macrodactylus bolivianus : 22) parameres, distal view, 23) parameres, lateral view, 24) basal piece, dorsal view, 25) female genital plates, ventral view. Macrodactylus gracilis : 26) parameres, distal view, 27) parameres, lateral view, 28) basal piece, dorsal view, 29) female genital plates, ventral view. Scales in mm. Female: Body length 6.5 mm ; humeral width 2.50 mm . Similar to males except as follows: pronotum length 1.85 mm , width 2 mm ; sternites convex at middle with 3–5 medium setae at each side of midline. Pygidium short, subtriangular. Genital plates long, oval; with truncate, straight apex; length 0.84 mm , width 0.32 mm ( Fig. 25 ). Material examined : BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz, 26.4 km NW Comarapa, Kara Huasi, Yungas de la Siberia, 17 º 49 ' 32 ''S ; 64 º 41 ' 17 ''W , 28 -I- 1999 , 2600 m , Yungas ex. hand collecting, 99 -004, F. Génier ( 1 male , 1 female CMNC ). Natural history . Two specimens were collected in January during daylight hours on plants of wet elfin forest of Yungas de la Siberia, at 2600 m . Remarks. The dark, shiny metallic pronotum and the shapes of the male and female genitalia aid in the recognition of this species.