Synopsis of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Cerro Pirre (Darién Province, Panama) Author Ortiz, Orlando Oriel Author de Stapf, María Sánchez Author Baldini, Riccardo Maria Author Croat, Thomas Bernard text Check List 2019 2019-08-16 15 4 651 689 journal article 10.15560/15.4.651 1809-127X Anthurium scandens subsp. pusillum R. Sheffer ( Fig. 5C ) Material examined. Parque Nacional Darién , Cerro Pirre, Rancho Plástico; 07°59′43″N , 077°42′39″W ; 700 m ; 18 Jul. 2016 ; J Aranda s.n. ( PMA ). Cerro Pirre; 07°52′N , 077°44′W ; 4 Aug. 1967 ; N . Bristán 1242 ( MO ). Ibid., cloud forest and/or mossy forest; 07°50′N , 077°44′W ; 750–1300 m ; 9–10 Aug. 1967 ; J . A . Duke 13701 ( MO ). Serranía Pirre, on main ridge from intersection with trail down to Rancho Frío to 1.5 mi. N of that point; 08°00′N , 077°43′W ; 800–900 m ; 12 Jul. 1977 ; R . L . Hartman 4547 ( MO , PMA ). Figure 5. Some aroids from Cerro Pirre. A. Anthurium rubrifructum (inflorescence). B. Anthurium salvinii (inflorescence). C. Anthurium scandens (infructescence). D. Anthurium talamancae (inflorescence). E. Anthurium terryae (infructescence). F. Anthurium terryae (inflorescence). G. Anthurium tonduzii (inflorescence). H. Anthurium trilobum (inflorescence). I. Anthurium sp. 2 (infructescence). Identification. This taxon is characterized by having an epiphytic-climbing habit, short stems and internodes, fibrous-persistent cataphylls, black glandular-punctate blades, usually pendent inflorescences, small spathes and spadices (<1.0 cm long) and whitish berries. Anthurium scandens subsp. pusillum differs from the typical subspecies ( A. scandens subsp. scandens ) in having spadices with fewer flowers (<13 flowers per spadix), small leaves, and very small spadices (up to 1.0 cm long). In the study area it could be confused with A. tonduzii Engl. , but the latter differs in having intact and deciduous cata- phylls, markedly ovate blades and reddish spadices. Distribution and ecology. Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Honduras , Nicaragua , Panama , and Venezuela . This taxon generally ocurrs in montane and submontane forests, above 600 m ( Croat 1986b ). On Cerro Pirre, it represents a relatively rare species. Along the elevation gradient, it can only be observed in the montane cloud forest above 1100 m .