Xenoschesis Förster (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) parasitizing webspinning and leafrolling sawflies with descriptions of four new species and a key to Chinese species
Sheng, Mao-Ling
Sun, Shu-Ping
Wang, Tao
journal article
Sheng & Sun
sp. n.
Fig. 8
. The specific name is derived from the locality of
Material examined
: Female,
: Tianzhushan,
957 m
, Qianshan County, Anhui Province,
21 June 2006
, leg. Mei-Cai Wei.
1 female
5 males
: Tianzhushan,
957–1117 m
, Qianshan County, Anhui Province,
21–22 June 2006
, leg. Mei-Cai Wei, Xiao-Ni Zhu.
. Area petiolaris of propodeum defined by distinct wrinkles. Lower-median portion of face with a yellow brown spot. Coxae black; trochanters and femora reddish brown. Spots on trochanters, apexes of femora, tibiae and tarsomeres yellow to yellowish brown.
. Female. Body length 14.0–15.0 mm. Fore wing length 11.0–12.0 mm. Antenna length
11.5–13.5 mm
. Ovipositor sheath
1.5–1.8 mm
. Inner orbits approximately parallel, slightly impressed nearby antennal socket. Face (
Fig. 8
b) 1.5–1.6x as wide as long, with dense punctures, distance between punctures 0.2–1.0x diameter of puncture; upper-lateral portion, near antennal socket, longitudinally concave. Clypeal suture distinct. Clypeus approximately 3.1x as wide as long, with transverse wrinkles and brown hairs; subapical portion transverse ridge-shaped convex; apical margin marginate, almost truncate. Basal portion of mandible with rough, elongate punctures and brown hairs, upper tooth shorter than lower tooth. Cheek slightly granularly coriaceous. Malar space approximately 0.3x as long as basal width of mandible. Gena coriaceous, almost smooth, with sparse punctures, distance between punctures 1.0–3.5x diameter of puncture; evenly convergent posteriorly, in lateral view 0.7–0.9x as long as width of eye. Vertex (
Fig. 8
c) with same texture as that of gena, except posterior-median portion densely punctate. Interocellar area weakly convex, with median longitudinal groove. Postocellar line approximately as long as ocular-ocellar line. Frons almost flat, with dense punctures. Antenna with 48 flagellomeres; ratio of length from first to fifth flagellomeres approximately: 3.7:2.4:1.9:2.1:2.0. Occipital carina complete.
Sheng & Sun
sp. n.
Holotype. 8a. Body, lateral view. 8b. Face. 8c. Vertex. 8d. Mesopleuron. 8e. Second and third terga of metasoma,. 8f. Apical portion of metasoma, lateral view.
. Propleuron with fine, dense punctures. Anterior portion of pronotum with fine, dense punctures; lateral concavity slightly coriaceous, posterior portion with comparatively large and dense punctures. Epomia short, strong. Mesoscutum with uneven, dense punctures; anterior portion of midian lobe with fine, indistinct punctures. Anterior portion of notaulus deep. Scutoscutellar groove wide and deep, anterior slanting profile with fine punctures, bottom smooth. Scutellum evenly convex, with fine, even and dense punctures; posterior margin distinctly projecting backwardly. Postscutellum smooth, shining, transversely convex, with few fine, indistinct punctures, anterior portion deeply concave. Mesopleuron (
Fig. 8
d) slightly coriaceous; anterior and lower portions of mesopleuron with distinct, dense punctures, distance between punctures 0.1–0.5x diameter of puncture; speculum large, smooth and shining. Epicnemial carina strong, upper end approximately reaching to half distance to subalar prominence, distant from front margin of mesopleuron. Mesosternum with particularly denser and smaller punctures than that on mesopleuron. Metapleuron with punctures, slightly sparser than that of mesopleuron. Without juxtacoxal carina. Submetapleural carina complete, marginate. Wings brownish hyaline. Fore wing with vein 1cu-a distal to 1/M approximately by 0.3x length of 1cu-a. Areolet approximately slanting triangular, petiolate, receiving vein 2m-cu lightly basal of lower-posterior corner. Vein 2- Cu approximately 1.5x as long as 2cu-a.
wing vein 1-cu approximately 0.8x as long as cu-a.
coxae with fine distinct punctures. Ratio of length of hind tarsomeres from first to fifth approximately: 5.8:2.9:2.0:1.2:1.7; fifth tarsomere slightly, evenly curved. Median longitudinal carina of propodeum very weak, incomplete, vestigial. Area petiolaris defined by distinct wrinkles. Median portion irregularly rough. lateral (externa and dentipara) area smooth, with distinct punctures. Area lateralis rough. Propodeal spiracle oval.
. Apical portion from third to last metasomal segment strongly compressed. First tergum approximately 1.7x as long as apical width, strongly convergent anteriorly, with shallow, median longitudinal impression; weakly, indistinctly punctate. Basal half of median dorsal carina present. Dorsolateral and ventrolateral carinae complete, strong. Spiracle circular, small, slightly convex, located approximately at middle of first tergum. Second tergum (
Fig. 8
e) approximately 0.7x as long as apical width, with fine, dense, shallow, even punctures; basal-lateral portion distinctly concave. Remainder terga finely punctate. Third tergum about 0.9x as long as basal width. Ovipositor sheath (
Fig. 8
f) approximately as long as apical depth of metasoma, 0.4x as long as hind tibia. Ovipositor strong, with relative wide notch.
Fig. 8
a). Black, except the following. Dorsal profile of flagellum darkish brown, ventral profile reddish brown. A small spot on lower-median portion of face, clypeus, mandibles except teeth, maxillary palpi and labial palpi yellowish brown. Subalar ridge, anterior margin of mesopleuron and basal margin of tergum 3 reddish brown. Coxae black; trochanters and femora reddish brown. Spots on trochanters, apexes of femora, tibiae and tarsomeres yellow to yellowish brown. Tegulae yellow. Stigma and veins brownish black.
. Body length 13.5–15.0 mm. Fore wing length 10.0–12.0 mm. Antenna length
11.5–13.5 mm
. Antenna with 43–47 flagellomeres.
. Similar to
. (
(Gravenhorst, 1829)
, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the lower-median portion of face with yellow spot; first trochanter and femur of hind leg red to yellowish red; second trochanter, apex of femur, tibia and tarsus yellow to yellowish brown.
. (
: area petiolaris of propodeum defined by carina; face entirely black; hind coxa, trochanters and femora red to brownish red.
Sheng & Sun
sp. n.
Fig. 9
. The new species is named after the collector Mei-Cai Wei.
Material examined
: Female,
: Laomiao,
, Liankangshan, Xinxian, Henan Province,
25 June 2006
, leg. Mei-Cai Wei.
2 females
1 male
, same data as
except leg. Fang-Jun Liao.
2 males
, same data as
except leg. Shao-Bing Zhang.
1 female
1 male
: Liandanhu,
, Tianzhushan, Qianshan County, Anhui provinve,
22 June 2006
, leg. Mei-Cai Wei and Shao-Bing Zhang.
1 female
: Qinglongtan,
, Tianzhushan, Qianshan County, Anhui provinve,
21 June 2006
, leg. Mei-Cai Wei.
. Scutoscutellar groove wide, bottom with fine punctures.
wing vein 1-cu as long as cu-a. Area petiolaris of propodeum slightly rough, or with fine sparse indistinct punctures, defined by weak wrinkles or indistinct carina. Fore and mid legs except coxae, yellowish brown to reddish brown.
. Female. Body length
14.5–17.5 mm
. Fore wing length 11.0–
12.5 mm
. Antenna length
11.5–12.5 mm
. Ovipositor sheath length 2.0–
2.5 mm
Sheng & Sun
sp. n.
Holotype. 9a. Body, lateral view. 9b. Face. 9c. Vertex. 9d. Mesopleuron. 9e. Apical portion of metasoma, lateral view.
. Face (
Fig. 9
b) 1.6–1.7x as wide as long, with dense punctures, distance between punctures 0.1–0.5x diameter of puncture; medially slightly convex; sublateral margin, near antennal socket, distinctly, longitudinally concave. Clypeal suture weak, almost indistinct. Clypeus 3.3–3.6x as wide as long, with dense, large, transverse punctures; subapical portion ridge-shape convex; apical margin impressed, truncate. Mandible long, strong, rough, with large elongate punctures and brown hairs. Lower tooth wider and longer than upper tooth. Malar space 0.2–0.25x as long as basal width of mandible. Gena slightly coriaceous, almost smooth, with sparse punctures, distance between punctures 0.5–4.0x diameter of puncture; evenly convergent posteriorly, in lateral view 0.7–0.8x as long as width of eye. Vertex (
Fig. 9
c) with same texture as that of gena, except posterior portion and interocellar area densely punctate. Postocellar line 0.85–1.0x as long as ocular-ocellar line. Frons with sparse punctures, laterally denser. Antenna with 46 flagellomeres; ratio of length from first to fifth flagellomeres approximately: 3.1:2.0:2.0:1.9:1.8. Occipital carina complete.
. Propleuron with distinct fine punctures. Anterior portion of pronotum longitudinally convex, with fine, dense punctures; dorsal portion above epomia with indistinct oblique transverse wrinkles, dorsoposterior portion with comparatively larger punctures than that on anterior portion. Epomia short, strong. Mesoscutum with fine, even punctures, distance between punctures 0.2–0.8x diameter of puncture. Anterior portion of notaulus deep. Scutoscutellar groove wide, bottom with fine punctures. Scutellum stonglyy convex, with fine, even, relatively sparser punctures than that on mesoscutum. Postscutellum smooth, shining, transversely convex, with fine distinct punctures; anteriorly deeply concave. Mesopleuron (
Fig. 9
d) with dense punctures, punctures on lower half denser than that on upper-anterior half; speculum transversely large, smooth, shining. Epicnemial carina strong, upper end approximately reaching to half distance to subalar prominence, distant from front margin of mesopleuron. Mesosternum with even, slightly smaller punctures than that on lower half of mesopleuron. Metapleuron smooth, with slightly sparser punctures than that on mesosternum. Without juxtacoxal carina. Submetapleural carina complete, weakly marginate. Wings gray, hyaline. Fore wing with vein 1cu-a distal to 1/M by 0.2–0.25x length of 1cu-a. Areolet approximately triangular, petiolate, receiving vein 2m-cu lightly basal of lower-posterior corner. Vein 2-Cu approximately as long as or slightly longer than 2cu-a.
wing vein 1-cu as long as cu-a.
coxae, trochanters and femora with fine, distinct, dense punctures. Ratio of length of hind tarsomeres from first to fifth approximately: 4.2:2.1:1.6:1.0:1.7; fifth tarsomere almost straight. Area basalis of propodeum smooth and shining, with strong lateral carinae. Area petiolaris defined by weak carina or fine wrinkles, with sparse indistinct punctures. Area superomedia irregularly rough. Lateral (externa and dentipara) area with distinct punctures. Area lateralis slightly rough, indistinctly punctate. Propodeal spiracle elongate.
. Apical half compressed. First tergum approximately 1.5x as long as apical width, relatively flat, weakly indistinctly punctate; from spiracle to subapical with median longitudinal impression; basal half of median dorsal carina present. Dorsolateral and ventrolateral carinae complete, strong. Spiracle circular, small, located slightly behind middle of first tergum. Remainder terga almost smooth, with fine, weak punctures. Second tergum 0.6–0.7x as long as apical width. Third tergum 0.6–0.7x as long as basal width. Ovipositor sheath (
Fig. 9
e) 0.35–0.45x as long as hind tibia. Ovipositor strong, with wide, shallow notch.
Fig. 9
a). Black, except the following. Flagellum brownish black. Clypeus except basal margin, mandibles except teeth, maxillary palpi, labial palpi, tegulae, fore and mid legs except coxae, yellowish brown to reddish brown. Stigma and veins brownish black.
. Body length 11.0–
14.5 mm
. Fore wing length 8.5–11.0 mm. Antenna length 8.0 –11.0 mm. Antenna with 43–44 flagellomeres.
. Similar to
. (
Uchida, 1928
, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the clypeus with dense, large, transverse punctures; hind wing vein 1-cu as long as cu-a; hind first tarsomere approximately 2.5x as long as fifth tarsomere; fore and mid legs except coxae yellow to yellowish brown.
. (
: clypeus with dense, fine, round punctures; hind wing vein 1-cu evidently shorter than cu-a; hind first tarsomere approximately 3.0x as long as fifth tarsomere; ventral profile of fore femora, most portion of tibia and tarsus darkish brown; dorsal profile of fore femora, mid legs entirely black.