Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) Author Olmi, Massimo Author Copeland, Robert S. Author Noort, Simon Van text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-10 4630 1 1 619 journal article 26202 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1 db6a16a6-0fe8-4987-8ad5-42223825fcd7 1175-5326 3336635 8D375836-CCBA-473C-836F-6ABD44B4F881 60. Anteon malagasy Olmi, Copeland & van Noort , sp. nov. ( Figs 58B , 60 C–E, 62 ) Diagnosis . of Anteon with head completely strongly reticulate rugose ( Fig. 58B ); propodeal declivity reticulate rugose, with one or two longitudinal keels, with median area rugose; paramere with proximal inner lobe provided or not with mosaic sculpture ( Figs 60C, D ). Description . ( Figs 58B , 62 ). Fully winged; body length 2.1–2.2 mm . Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna testaceous (in paratype brown); mesosoma black; metasoma brown; legs testaceous (in paratype metacoxa and club of metafemur partly brown). Antenna filiform; antennomeres in following proportions: 9:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:7. Head ( Fig. 62D ) dull, completely strongly granulate and reticulate rugose; frontal line complete; frons without lateral keels near orbits directed towards antennal toruli; occipital carina complete; POL = 7; OL = 3; OOL = 5; OPL = 2; TL = 3; greatest breadth of lateral ocelli about as long as OPL. Mesoscutum shiny, completely slightly granulate. In specimen from Madagascar , 21°13.57’S 47°22.19’E , MA-02-09A-06, mesoscutum punctate, unsculptured among punctures. Notauli ( Fig. 62B ) incomplete, reaching about 0.3–0.4 × length of mesoscutum. Mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, unsculptured. Metapectal-propodeal disc ( Fig. 62B ) with strong transverse posterior keel, reticulate rugose, dull; propodeal declivity dull, reticulate rugose, with one or two longitudinal keels; areolae of propodeal declivity about as large as those of metapectal-propodeal disc. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; distal part of 2r-rs&Rs vein much shorter than proximal part (2:7). Paramere ( Figs 60 C-E) without distal in- ner pointed process, with inner more or less large proximal lobe not covered with papillae and having ( Fig. 60C ) or not having ( Figs 60D, E ) a mosaic pattern. Tibial spurs 1/1/2. ♀. Unknown. FIGURE 60. ♂ genitalia of Anteon species. A: A. majunganum Olmi, Copeland & van Noort, sp, nov., holotype; B: A. maker- erense Olmi, van Noort & Guglielmino, holotype; C–E: A. malagasy Olmi, Copeland & van Noort, sp, nov., holotype (C), ♂ from Madagascar, 21°15.05’S 47°24.43’E (D) and ♂ from Madagascar, 21°15.99’S 47°25.21’E (E); F: A. maritimum (Turner), ♂ from Kenya, 4.57749°S 39.43825°E. Scale bar: A, D: 0.07 mm; B: 0.06 mm; C, E: 0.11 mm; F: 0.10 mm. Material examined . Type : holotype (CASTYPE19443): MADAGASCAR : Fianarantsoa , Ranomafana Na- tional Park , Belle Vue at Talatakely , 21°15.99’S 47°25.21’E , 1020 m , 14–24.VII.2002 , MT, secondary tropical for- est, R. Harin’Hala leg., MA-02-09C-35 ( CAS ) . Paratypes : MADAGASCAR : same locality label as holotype , 16– 26.II.2003 , MA-02-09C-54 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label as holotype , 4–16.V.2003 , MA-02-09C-60 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label as holotype , 28.IV–5.V.2002 , MA-02-09C-27 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label, 16.X–8.XI.2001 , MA-02-09C-01 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; Fianarantsoa , Ranomafana , JIRAMA water works, 21°14.91’S 47°27.13’E , 690 m , 2–10.I.2002 , MT, near river, R. Harin’Hala leg., MA-02-09D-10 , 1♂ ( MOLC ) ; Fianarantsoa , Ranomafana Na- tional Park , radio tower at forest edge, 21°15.05’S 47°24.43’E , 1130 m , 15–22.XI.2001 , MT, mixed tropical forest, R. Harin’Hala leg., MA-02-09B-03 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label, 15–21.XII.2001 , MA-02-09B-07 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label, 22–28.XI.2001 , MA-02-09B-04 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality label, 14–21.I.2002 , MA-02-09B-12 , 4♂♂ ( 3 in CAS , 1 in MOLC ); same locality label, 18–27.II.2003 , MA-02-09B-53 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; same locality la- bel, 7–17.VII.2003 , MA-02-09B-66 , 1♂ ( CAS ) ; Fianarantsoa , Ranomafana National Park , Vohiparara , 21°13.57’S 47°22.19’E , at broken bridge, 1110 m , 15–21.XII.2001 , MT, high altitude rainforest, R. Harin’Hala leg., MA-02- 09A-07 , 2♂♂ ( CAS , MOLC ) ; same locality label, 6–15.XII.2001 , MA-02-09A-06 , 1♂ ( MOLC ) . Hosts . Unknown. Distribution . Madagascar . Etymology . The species is named malagasy after the collection site in Madagascar . Remarks . Anteon malagasy is similar to A. kwazuluense Olmi, 2007 , but the propodeal declivity has areolae as large as those of the metapectal-propodeal disc (the areolae are less wide than those of the metapectal-propodeal disc in A. kwazuluense ). Anteon malagasy is also similar to A. madagascolum ( Benoit, 1954 ) , but the shape of the inner process of the paramere is different ( Figs 56E, F ).