Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) Author Olmi, Massimo Author Copeland, Robert S. Author Noort, Simon Van text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-10 4630 1 1 619 journal article 26202 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1 db6a16a6-0fe8-4987-8ad5-42223825fcd7 1175-5326 3336635 8D375836-CCBA-473C-836F-6ABD44B4F881 1. Adryinus bellicosus (Benoit, 1950) ( Fig. 163A ) Neodryinus bellicosus Benoit 1950b: 227 . Adryinus bellicosus (Benoit) : Olmi 1984: 1132 ; Olmi et al . 2016: 79 . Description. . Fully winged; body length 5.0– 5.6 mm . Head black, except mandible reddish; antenna testaceous, except antennomeres 7–10 black; occasionally antenna totally black or brown; mesosoma black; occasionally lateral regions and posterior margin of pronotum reddish; metasoma brown or brown-reddish; legs black, except tarsi testaceous. Antenna clavate; antennomeres in following proportions: 40:14:58:41:28:20:18:14:13:19. Head shiny, excavated, granulate, with many parallel keels on frons, vertex and occiput; occipital carina absent; POL = 14; OL = 6; OOL = 30. Palpal formula 6/3. Pronotum crossed by transverse impression, dull, granulate and sculptured by some striae on collar and around disc; posterior edges of pronotum rounded, not produced into lobes. Mesoscutum dull, granulate and with longitudinal keels. In specimen from Uganda , 01°45’N 31°35’E , mesoscutum with many longitudinal keels crossed by many transverse keels (so mesoscutum apparently reticulate rugose). Notauli absent. In specimen from Uganda , 01°45’N 31°35’E , mesoscutum with two complete longitudinal keels similar to notauli. Mesoscutellum granulate and with many longitudinal keels; in specimen from Uganda , 01°45’N 31°35’E , mesoscutum completely reticulate rugose. Metanotum very reduced and short. Metapectal-propodeal disc reticulate rugose; propodeal declivity reticulate rugose, with two longitudinal keels. Forewing with two dark transverse bands; distal part of 2r-rs&Rs vein approximately 1.4–1.5 as long as proximal part. Protrochanter approximately 4 × as long as broad. Protarsomere 1 longer than 4 (24:14). Enlarged claw ( Fig. 163A ) with one subapical tooth and 11 peg-like setae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 163A ) with two rows of 16 lamellae; apex with at least 15 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1. . Unknown (see remarks). Material examined . Type : holotype : DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : North Kivu , Loashi Valley , 01°22’S 28°47’E , VIII.1937 , J. Ghesquière leg. ( MRAC ) . Other material : DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : Haut-Lomami , Upemba National Park , Kaziba , 2♀♀ ( MRAC , AMNH ). UGANDA : Ruzumbusa , V.1939 , T.H.C. Taylor leg. , 1♀ ( NHMUK ); Namutamba , 2♀♀ ( AMNH , NHMUK ); Masindi District , Budongo Forest near Sonso , 01°45’N 31°35’E , VI.1995 , Th. Wagner leg. , 1♀ ( CNC ). ZIMBABWE : Harare (= Salisbury ), Chishawasha , II.1979 , A. Watsham leg. , 1♀ ( NHMUK ) . Hosts . Unknown. Distribution . Democratic Republic of the Congo , Uganda , Zimbabwe . Remarks . The allotype of A. bellicosus , described by Benoit (1951c) , belongs to a different genus, because the palpal formula is 4/2.