Chenopodium Author John Lindley text 1838 Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans London Flora Medica 347 349 http://un.availab.le book chapter 2819-9661-8339 723 . C. ambrosioides Linn. sp. pi. 320 . Röm. and Sch. ii . 260 . Torrey fl. amer. i . 295 . - Common in waste places in the United States. (Mexican tea.) An annual. Stem 1-2 feet high, much branched, often spreading, green, a little downy. Leaves lanceolate, 1§ inch long, on short stalks, acute at the base, remotely toothed; the upper ones almost linear. Racemes simple, axillary, leafy; about 2 inches long, erect. Flowers green. - All the plant has an agreeable penetrating smell. It has been used with advantage in the treatment of nervous diseases, and Plenck commends it in chorea.