Review of the genus Tinissa Walker, 1864 (Lepidoptera, Tineidae, Scardiinae) from China, with description of five new species
Yang, Linlin
Li, Houhun
journal article
Tinissa leguminella
sp. n.
Figs 1, 12, 17
Type material.
Holotype ♂ − CHINA, Yunnan Province: Rare Botanical Garden, Ruili (
), 1000 m, 5.VIII.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren, genitalia slide No. YLL11139.Paratype: ♂, same data as holotype except dated 7.VIII.2005, genitalia slide No. XYL05048.
Tinissa leguminella
sp. n. is similar to
Tinissa indica
in having a similar forewing pattern, a broad and triangular saccus and a short and conical valva in the
genitalia. However, the new speciescan be recognized from the latter by the beanpod-shaped uncus lobe, the bifurcate subscaphium, the horn-shaped juxta, the process from the membrane between the valva and the juxta with basal 3/5 nearly parallel dorso-ventrally, widended at distal 2/5, then narrowed to melanised and setose apex, and the aedeagus with short carina in the male genitalia. In
Tinissa indica
, the uncus lobe is crescent, the subscaphium is triangular, the juxta is fist-shaped, the process from the membrane between the valva and the juxta is fingerlike, and the aedeagus has long carina in the male genitalia.
Adult (Fig. 12): Male wingspan 16.5−19.0 mm. Vertex ochreous yellow, tinged with blackish brown near eyes; frons ochreous yellow, with blackish brown scales laterally. Antenna with scape and pecten ochreous white, pecten more than 20 bristles; flagellum yellowish brown, first two segments blackish brown above. Labial palpus creamy white; second segment brown on outer surface, mixed with creamy white at middle and apex, tuft black; third segment with dark brown spot at base and distal 1/3 on outer surface. Thorax ochreous white, posterior 1/3 grayish brown; tegula creamy white, anterior 1/3 dark brown, posterior 1/3 mixed with yellowish brown. Forewing index 0.25, rectangular, apex protruded triangularly, termen slightly concave inward at about anterior 1/3; ground color brown, shining dark purplish, scattered with conspicuous white spots throughout, regularly arranged along margins as well as between veins, more white spots concentrated in basal 1/5, near fold and at upper angle of cell; M absent in cell, R4 and R5 separated; fringe brown. Hindwing index 0.32; pale grayish brown, shining dark purplish, with small pale dots apically; M stem conspicuous in cell, branched at middle; fringe yellowish brown. Fore leg yellowish brown, femur with narrow, dark brown spot on ventral surface, tibia blackish brown, tarsus blackish brown except apex of first segment as well as fifth segment ochreous white; mid leg ochreous yellow, tibia with three oblique, blackish brown bands on outer surface, broader near apex, shorter spur with oblique blackish brown band on outer surface, longer spur yellowish brown on outer surface, tarsus with first segment dark brown at base and middle, third and fourth segments dark brown; hind leg pale yellowish brown, tibia ochreous white at basal 2/3 ventrally, tuft dark grayish brown, forming two clusters at spurs, spurs ochreous white ventrally, dark brown dorsally but yellowish at apex, first segment of tarsus ochreous white ventrally, with dark brown spot at base on outer surface, with large, dark brown spot from basal 1/3 to before apex on outer surface, other tarsal segments yellowish brown ventrally, third and fourth segments blackish brown dorsally.
Male genitalia (Fig. 17). Corema present; eighth sternite straight on posterior margin. Uncus lobe beanpod-shaped, hornlike and heavily sclerotized, sparsely setose on distal half, with shallow pocket distally. Subscaphium fused anteriorly, bifurcate from 1/4, forming long band-shaped lobe on each side, gradually narrowed to blunt apex. Saccus broad triangular. Juxta heavily sclerotized, each lobe stout, narrow basally, dilated distally; apex straight, setose, and melanised; basally fused and protruded ventrad, forming a plate with a vertical ridge at middle. Valva short, conical, apex narrowly rounded, with long distal setae; process from membrane between valva and juxta
basal 3/5 nearly parallel dorso-ventrally, widended at distal 2/5, then narrowed to melanised and setose apex. Transtilla broad, inverted peach-shaped. Labides concave at middle on posterior margin, with mastoid process posterolaterally. Aedeagus stout, clubbed, 1.5
length of saccus, gently curved dorsad, complete dorsally and ventrally, with a short carina arising from distal 1/4 ventrally.
Female. Unknown.
China (Yunnan).
The specific name is derived from the Latin legumin- (= legume) and the postfix -ellus, referring to the beanpod-shaped uncus lobe.