Scorpions of Ethiopia (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part I. Genus Butheoloides Hirst, 1925 (Buthidae), with description of a new species Author Kovařík, František text Euscorpius 2015 195 1 10 journal article 1536-9307 CCD601B9-0202-4D71-BC82-2CBD3DE76346 Butheoloides polisi Lourenço, 1996 ( Figures 5–7 , 16 , 29–31 ; Table 1 ) Butheoloides polisi Lourenço, 1996: 88 (figs. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9-13); Kovařík, 1998: 105; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 87; Kovařík, 2003: 135. Butheoloides ( Butheoloides ) polisi : Lourenço, 2002: 731 . TYPE LOCALITY AND HOLOTYPE DEPOSITORY . Ethiopia , basse vallée de l´Omo , prés de Kelam , MNHN . MATERIAL EXAMINED. Ethiopia , Southern Nationalities and Peoples Region Federal State ( SNNPR ), Omorate Kovařík: Scorpions of Ethiopia : Butheoloides 7 Figure 24: Map showing known distribution of Butheoloides in Ethiopia. Both species are known from type localities only. (Kelem), 04°48'42"N 36°03'16.7"E , 373 m a.s.l. ( Locality No. 13EU, Figs. 29–30 ), 4–5.VII.2013 , leg. F. Kovařík et J. Plíšková , 2♂ ( UV detection), FKCP . DIAGNOSIS (based on adult males). Adult size standard for the genus ( 23.6–24.4 mm ). Coloration reddish brown with lighter ornaments, metasomal segments I-III, tergite VII and telson are lighter, patella and femur of pedipalp yellowish; legs yellow, femur of all legs bear dark spot; and chelicerae yellow without reticulation. Pedipalp movable fingers with 10 principal rows of denticles. Pectines with 15/16 teeth. Ventral and lateral surfaces of metasomal segments smooth and sparsely punctate. COMMENTS ON LOCALITIES AND LIFE STRATEGY. This species is based on a male collected 31 July 1969 without photos and information about the locality. We visited the area in July 2013 . It is a large territory with substrate consisting of coarse sand and sparse vegetation of herbs and bushes ( Figs. 29–30 ). During night collecting on 4–5 July 2013 (UV detection), the most common species Hottentotta trilineatus and Parabuthus pallidus Pocock, 1895 as well as less common Parabuthus liosoma (Ehrenberg, 1828) were found on open ground. At the locality we recorded, shortly after sunset (19.00), a temperature of 32 ºC, which gradually dropped to 25.8 ºC (minimum temperature) before sunrise. Humidity during the night varied between 53% and 34%. Hottentotta trilineatus and Parabuthus pallidus became active immediately after sunset, whereas the both males of Butheoloides polisi were found only at 22:40 h (temperature 27.7 ºC).