sp. nov.
crib. cri braria
crib. exmouthensis
crib. mel wardi
Shell shape |
Pyriform, inflated |
Ovate, not inflated |
Pyriform rhomboidal |
Ovate cal lous |
Oval to rhomboidal |
Pyriform, somewhat inflated |
Ovate cal lous |
Shell length (Ave/ range) |
35.2 |
22.5/ 1145 |
23.0/ 1442 |
21.7/ 1526 |
23.2/ 1232 |
31.3/ 2036 |
17.3/ 1030 |
Marginal calluses |
Callused |
Some shells callused |
Some shells very callused |
Very callused |
Very callused |
Somewhat callused |
Some shells very cal lused |
Marginal spots (Color/ Ave. No.) |
No spots |
No spots |
No spots |
No spots |
Light brown/ 20 |
No spots |
Brown/ 27 |
Columellar teeth (Ave./ thickness) |
20, medium |
18.2, fine |
15.7, medium fine |
16.1, mediumfine |
17.2, fine medium |
23.6, fine |
17.5, fine |
Labral teeth (Ave/ thickness.) |
21, thick |
17.2, medium |
16.2, medium |
16.3, medium |
16.1, me diumthick |
21.9, medium |
17.7, fine medium |
Dorsal coat color |
Light brown |
Orange brown to brown |
Brown to dark brown |
White to light brown |
Light to medium brown |
Light to dark yellow |
Orange brown |
Shell extremities |
Rostrated |
Slightly ros trated |
Slightly ros trated |
Blunt |
Slightly ros trated |
Rostrated |
Slightly ros trated |
Fossula |
Sloped, con cave |
Steep, con cave |
Abrupt, flat |
Steep, con cave |
Steep, flat |
Sloped, con cave |
Steep, con cave |
Umbilicus diame ter (Ave in mm) |
6.2/ slightly umbilicated |
2.8/ umbili cated |
3.3/ umbili cated |
3.4/ umbili cated |
3.2/ umbili cated |
4.6/ umbili cated |
2.7/ umbilicated |
Dorsal flare (ante rior extremity) |
Flared |
Flared |
Most shells flared |
Convex in most shells |
Some shells flared |
Not flared |
Flared |
No. Dorsal Spots (DS) (Ave./range) |
88 |
50/ 25120 |
42/ 3577 |
28/ 090 |
70/ 45190 |
50/ 3575 |
65/ 45170 |
DS shape/ min. max. diameter |
Elliptical/ 2.83.5 |
Round/ 1.22.2 |
Elliptical/ 1.12.3 |
Roundirreg ular/ 0.71.2 |
Roundellip tical/ 1.02.1 |
Elliptical/ 1.32.4 |
Round/ 0.61.1 |
DS density/ sharpness |
High /not sharp |
Medium/ sharp |
High/not sharp |
Medium /not sharp |
High/sharp |
Low medium/not sharp |
Medium to high/sharp |
Schilders formula | | | | | | | |
New formula |
35.2/ 62.9/ 6.2/ 2.0/ 0 |
22.5/ 58.2/ 3.3/ 1.3/ 0.1 |
23.0/ 60.6/ 3.3/ 1.7/ 0 |
21.7/ 63.2/ 3.4/ 1.8/ 0 |
23.2/ 62.0/ 3.2/ 1.3/ 2.1 |
31.3/ 59.4/ 4.5/ 1.0/ 0 |
17.3/ 63.2/ 2.6/ 1.1/ 1.3 |