Taxonomic Revision of the Spider Genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae) Author Miglio, Laura Tavares 0000-0002-9101-8657 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657, Author Pérez-Miles, Fernando 0000-0002-4367-6276 Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Entomología, Iguá 4225, 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay. ® myga @ fcien. edu. uy, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4367 - 6276 Author Bonaldo, Alexandre B. 0000-0002-9101-8657 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657, text Megataxa 2020 2020-10-09 2 1 1 256 journal article 3667 10.11646/megataxa.2.1.1 f7793976-e4e9-4562-a9cd-eda910d77fa0 2703-3090 5597237 D8203766-9E7B-468F-9E75-F21393A1BA3D Actinopus tarsalis Perty, 1833 Fig. 9 A–C, Map 1 Actinopus tarsalis Perty, 1833: 198 , pl. 39, fig. 6 ( holotype ♂, Piauí , Brasil , MNHN, not located); C.L. Koch, 1842: 101 , fig. 753; Simon, 1892: 80 , figs 80, 82; Lucas et al. , 1978 / 1979: 133, figs 3–6; Miglio et al. , 2012: 376 , figs 112; World Spider Catalog, 2020. Pachyloscelis tarsalis : Lucas, 1837: 377 . Sphodros tarsalis : Walckenaer, 1842: 437 . Pachyloscelis crassipes : Mello-Leit „o, 1943: 149. Pachyloscelis luteipes : Mello-Leit „o, 1943: 149. Actinopus crassipes : Mello-Leit „o, 1943: 149. Actinopus luteipes : Mello-Leit „o, 1943: 149. FIGURE 9. Actinopus tarsalis Perty, 1833 (drawings from Miglio et al. , 2012 ), male: A–C MPEG 11717: A. Copulatory bulb, prolateral; B. Copulatory bulb, dorsal; C. Copulatory bulb, retrolateral. PA- Paraembolic apophysis; PAc -Prolateral Accessory keel; PI -Prolateral Inferior keel; PS -Prolateral Superior keel; Arrow: Serrated Area. Scale line: 1 mm. MAP 1. Distribution map of Actinopus tarsalis Perty, 1833 , and Actinopus castelo sp. nov. Diagnosis. Males of A. tarsalis differ from those of all species, except A. castelo ( Fig. 12 A–C), by the copulatory bulb without BTA and by the robust embolar base, inserted basally at a right angle (90°); the embolar apex is flattened and expanded, arrow-shaped in dorsal view. They differ from those of A . castelo by PAc inconspicuous at prolateral surface, embolus shorter, tegulum wider than in A. castelo and PA more conspicuous ( Fig. 9 A–C, see Miglio et al. , 2012 , figs 1–12). Description. See Miglio et al. (2012: 376) .