Curculionidae of Guam Author Zimmerman, Elwood C. Entomologist Bernice P. Bishop Museum text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 73 146 book chapter d0309e8b-3179-4162-946c-08cef1c82013 5159964 15. Deretiosus ficae , new species (pl. 3, A). Derm reddish brown to black, almost everywhere concealed by dense scaling; scaling dirty gray or muddy colored in old abraded specimens, but as follows in fresh, clean examples: head basically fawn colored, becoming paler dorsally, sometimes with some black spots, with an outstanding basal patch of white scales at top of eye; prothorax almost entirely white with setae and fascicles fawn colored, or paler or darker, with cliscal area from base to median fascicles fawn colored and black or almost or entirely black, apex sometimes mostly black on either side of median line beyond median fascicles; elytra mostly fawn colored and white with at least the scutellum, bases of first three intervals and third interval to first fascicle black, or with first three intervals almost entirely black to middle, with a black patch at base of fifth interval, and with black extending over part of fourth and fifth intervals at middle or extending to sides and there irregularly clouded with black, and with variations between these extremes in color, the basal half, or somewhat more than half of the elytra, dark, the apical part distinctly paler; legs spotted and ringed with fawn and brown on a pale or white background; scaling below mostly white, but with last three ventrites mostly dark. Head with scaling on crown spongy and in rosettes, spatulate setae hardly projecting above squamae; front flattened or shallowly concave, with large, round, flat, prostrate scales, with a conspicuous cluster of long, stout, erect, spatulate setae along basal half of ipner margins of eyes. Rostrmn at most finely carinate in male, with one median and two lateral carinae; punctate throughout in both sexes. Antennae with first funicular segment as long as 2, 2 as long as 3 plus moi:e than half of 4, 3 hardly longer than 4, 5-7 moniliform and each successively broader; club ovate, as long as three preceding funicular segments. Prothorax one quarter broader than long, almost straightly, hardly expanded on sides from base almost to apical third, thence abruptly angulate, forming nearly a right angle, and deeply constricted, distance across constriction distinctly less than three fourths breadth across dorsum at angulations, apex almost hemispherical beyond lateral emarginations, median line even and hardly convex longitudinally in basal three fourths; scales large, rounded, flat; with a well-developed fascicle on either side of median line, bordering a line drawn between fore edges of lateral angulations, and a well-developed apical fascicle on either side of median line, the lateral angulations with a few stout setae but not fasciculate, with a few scattered, stout, erect setae behind median fascicles, two or three between them and lateral angulations, and scattered ones on apical fourth; lateral expansions flange-like and quite strongly overhanging sides. Srntellum quite strongly protuberant. Elytra five eighths as broad as long, two and two thirds as long as prothorax; intervals 1 and 2 each with a row of stout, erect setae arising from small pustules, 3 with a low basal fascicle that reaches its summit and extends to a distance from base equal to that between base of prothorax and fore margin of a median fascicle, and with two small fascicles between this and beginning of pale coloration at about or slightly behind middle, or with interval more or less continuously raised there, otherwise with a row of erect setae arising from pustules, 4 with pustules and setae only, 5 with a basal fasciculate callus similar to but shorter and smaller than that on 3, with a small callus on a line between first two calli on 3 and with two or three irregular or fragmented calli behind this, the last at apex of interval, first usually quite elongate, but variable, 6 with pustules and setae, 7 bearing conspicuous subrectangular humeral callus which is followed by stout setae bearing pustules, 8 rather strongly elevated above first two ventrites, 9 elevated above metasternum. Legs with femoral teeth strong and triangular. Sternum with metasternal receptacle not overhanging, very steep and terminating at about hind margin of mesocoxae in male, concave and terminating at about half way between mid and hind coxae in female. Venter with setae decumbent on first two ventrites, first ventrite hardly differing in sexes; fifth ventrite coarsely punctate, almost or quite bare at apex, broadly convex in male, roundly pointed in female. Length, 5-7 mm .; breadth, 2.5-3.5 mm. Holotype male , reared by Swezey from a pupa found in the bark of dead "small leaf" Ficus at Yigo , Oct. 18, 1936 ; allotype female taken at Barrigacla, June 14, Usinger; and the following paratypes collected by Swezey: eight with identical data as the holotype , eight from Ficus at Machanao, June 30, and two from Ficus at Agat, Aug. 15. This is quite a distinct species because of its color pattern and position and number of dorsal fascicles and calli. It does not closely resemble any of the other described species of the genus.