Redescription of the Jamaican orb-weaving spider Chrysometa pecki Levi, 1986 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), including the first description of the male Author Kallal, Robert J. Author Hormiga, Gustavo text Zootaxa 2016 4066 1 95 100 journal article 51197 10.11646/zootaxa.4066.1.11 06acedfa-8d2a-4201-849e-5acd45e35153 1175-5326 270513 C9D733A8-7504-427A-B566-D5C5CB8FB45C Chrysometa pecki Levi, 1986 ( Figs. 1–23 ) C. pecki Levi, 1986 : 117 , f. 23–26. Holotype : JAMAICA , Trelawny Parish, 2.5 km SSE of Stewart Town, 18.3874, -77.4487*, 2.iv.1969 , S. Peck & A. Fiske, 1 female (AMNH; not examined). Paratypes : Same data, 3 females (AMNH; not examined). JAMAICA , St. Andrew Parish, Hardwar Gap, 18.0825, -76.7361*, i.1966 , R. Kern, 1 female (AMNH; not examined). Material examined. JAMAICA , Trelawny Parish, Trelawny Parish, Drip Cave, Stewart Town, 18.3874, -77.4487*, 25.viii.1974 , S. Peck, 7FF, 1M, 20Juv ( AMNH ); Trelawny Parish, Drip Cave, 18.3874, -77.4487*, 28.vii.1973 , R. Norton & R. Zimmerman, 6FF ( AMNH ); St. Ann Parish, Mt. Plenty Cave, Goshen, 18.3318, -77.0526*, 20.viii.1975 , S. Peck, 3FF, 1M, 3Juv ( AMNH ); St. Mary Parish, Mt. Plenty Cave, 18.3318, -77.0526*, 31.iii.1973 , R. Norton & R. Zimmerman, 1M ( AMNH ). * Longitude and latitude estimated based on label data. Diagnosis . Females can be distinguished from all other Chrysometa species by the smooth venter of the epigynum and relatively rugose posterior area ( Fig. 13 ). The male is diagnosed by the unique and conspicuous morphology of its paracymbium, which is very large and curved, with its apical region reaching near the tibia-patella joint ( Figs. 5–7 ). C. cornuta (Bryant, 1945) males have a curved paracymbium but has a distal process that is completely lacking in C. pecki ; C. distincta (Bryant, 1940) males have a relatively large paracymbium but much smaller and less curved than in C. pecki , scarcely exceeding half the tibia length. Description. Male ( Figs. 1–7 , 18–23 )(from St. Ann Parish, 20.viii.1975 ). Total length 5.17. Carapace 2.82 long, 2.08 wide, 1.01 high, brownish yellow, with brown pars cephalica , dark brown fovea with longitudinal marking ( Fig. 1 ), and lighter brown ocular area ( Figs. 2, 3 ); sternum 1.12 long, 1.19 wide, of similar color as pars thoracica . Eye rows slightly recurved, anterior row more so than the posterior. AMEs relatively large, on small prominence; lateral eyes juxtaposed, on a small prominence; AME diameter 0.25; AMEs interdistance ca. 1/4 diameter of AME; AME–PME distance ca. 1/2 AME diameter. Clypeus low, ca. 1/3–1/2 an AME diameter. Chelicerae dark brown, ectally rugose, with three prolateral and four retrolateral teeth. Leg formula 1243, annulated, alternating light and dark brown. Abdomen 3.08 long, 2.12 wide, 2.15 high, with dark brown and reflective guanocyte pattern ( Fig. 1 ); venter of abdomen with reflective guanocyte area between epigastric furrow and spinning field, tapering anteriorly ( Fig. 4 ). Palps ( Figs. 5–7 , 18–23 ) with CEBP and CEMP; paracymbium with membranous articulation, very large, curving mesally, terminating near tibiapatella joint; conductor with two points, one rounded and one sharp; sperm duct spiraled, without switch-backs. Female ( Figs. 8–17 ) (from Trelawny Parish, 25.viii.1974 ). Total length 6.31. Carapace 2.92 long, 2.02 wide, 1.15 mm high, brownish yellow, with dark brown pattern on pars cephalica ( Figs. 8, 10 ); sternum 1.04 mm long, 1.09 mm wide, mostly brown as in pars cephalica , with lighter anterior area. Eye rows slightly recurved, anterior row more so than posterior. AMEs relatively large, on small prominence; lateral eyes juxtaposed, on a small prominence; AME diameter 0.24. AME interdistance 1/2 an AME diameter. AME–PME distance ca. 1/2 an AME diameter. Clypeus low, ca. 1/2 an AME diameter. Chelicerae reddish brown, with three prolateral and four retrolateral teeth. Legs annulated, alternating light and dark brown. Abdomen 3.31 long, 3.22 wide, 2.65 high; globose, with dark brown mottling and white reflective guanocyte patches in a somewhat banded pattern ( Fig. 8 ); abdomen venter with whitish area of guanocytes between epigastric furrow and spinning field ( Fig. 11 ). Spinnerets as in Figs. 15–17 . Epigynum rounded, with smooth ventral surface, rugose posterior surface, and large central lobe; copulatory opening posterior-facing; spermathecae associated with glands; fertilization ducts emerge dorsally from posterior area of spermathecae ( Figs. 13, 14 ). Variation . Males’ (n=3) total length 5.10–5.19, carapace length 2.57–2.99, width 1.98–2.26, height 0.60–1.01; abdomen length 2.46–3.08, width 1.88–2.16, height 1.92–2.15; sternum length 0.97–1.12, and width 1.10–1.21. Females’ (n=3) total length 6.04–6.31, carapace length 2.88–3.00, width 2.02–2.28, carapace height 0.99–1.19; abdomen length 3.31–3.41, width 2.22–2.99, height 2.65–2.93; sternum length 1.04–1.08, and width 1.09–1.23. Levi (1986) noted the lighter pattern and smaller spots in the color pattern of a female from Hardwar Gap, Jamaica (not examined). Natural history. Nothing is known about this species other than that it has been collected in cave habitats. Distribution. Known only from Jamaica ( Fig. 24 ).