Revision of Madagascan Cleridae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea). Part I. - The genus Biflabelotillus Pic, 1949 (Tillinae) Author Pavel, Filip Author Purchart, Luboš text Zootaxa 2024 2024-10-09 5519 3 384 394 journal article 304558 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.3 420544ff-4b36-493d-8fa7-53470b12dde7 1175-5326 13915935 988A65E0-4B68-4E8F-B52C-112FEAE8F06C Biflabelotillus peyrierasi Menier, 1979 Figs 2, 5, 8, 11 , 21–32 Biflabellotillus [sic!] peyrierasi Menier, 1979: 75 (original description). Type locality. Antanambe , Mananara Nord District , Analanjirofo Region . Type material studied. HOLOTYPE , ( MNHN ): [white, printed] Madagascar Est / distr. Mananara – N. / Antanambe // [red, printed] ♂ HOLOTYPE // [white, handwritten] Biflabelotillus peyrierasi / n.sp. Holotype / J.J. MENIER det. 1979. Additional material examined. ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ IJC): East Madagascar , Alaotra-Mangoro Region , Moramanga District , Moramanga env., 25.– 27.11.1995 , Ivo Jeniš leg. Remarks. The holotype was fixed by original designation by Menier (1979) . Differential diagnosis. B. peyrierasi can be distinguished from both B. foveolatus and B. bicolorus sp. nov. mainly by black parallel sided elytra and tuberculate elytral interstriae, whereas the elytra are brown in B. foveolatus and bicoloured in B. bicolorus sp. nov. , subparallel, slightly widened with smooth elytral interstriae in both mentioned species ( Figs 14, 17 , 22, 24 , 28 , 34 ). Redescription. Size of holotype 8.1 x 2.2 mm . Winged, black, with tarsi pale brown ( Figs 21–25 ). Head. Head including eyes broader than pronotum (DV) in ratio 1:0.8 (HW = 1.7 mm ). The space between eyes (frons) narrow (HW / FW = 2.8). Ultimate antennomere elongate-oval, 8.8x longer then broad ( Fig. 5 ). Pronotum. Longer than wide in ratio 1:1.3 (PL = 1.8 mm , PW = 1.4 mm ), cylindrical, apical two thirds of pronotum parallel sided and slightly trangled in apical third, basal third strongly trangled ( Fig. 8 ). Elytra. Parallel, 2.3x longer than their width (EL = 5.1 mm , EW = 2.2 mm ). Almost whole elytral surface covered with bituberculate foveae ( Fig. 21 ). Space between foveae smaller than diameter of foveae. Scutellum. Heart shaped ( Fig. 26 ). Remark. The species was described based on a single male. The female is unknown so far. Fortunately, we had the opportunity to examine the female of B. peyrierasi and found out that it fully agrees with the male holotype and Menier´s description except the following characters: antennae serrate ( Fig. 30 ) (biflabeloid in males), each elytron with pale-brown humeral spot (whole elytral surface black in males) ( Fig. 28 ). Variability of size. Examined male: body length 7.5 mm , HW = 1.65 mm , HW / FW = 2.75, PL = 1.75 mm , PW = 1.2 mm , EL = 4.5 mm , EW = 2.1 mm . Examined female body length 8.0 mm, HW = 1.65, HW / FW = 1.94, PL = 1.9 mm , PW = 1.4 mm , EL = 5.4 mm , EW = 2.4 mm . Distribution. Eastern Madagascar , known only from Moramanga and Maroantsetra Districts so far ( Fig. 38 ).