Revision of Ephydrini Zetterstedt (Diptera: Ephydridae) from the Americas south of the United States Author Mathis, Wayne N. Author Marinoni, Luciane text Zootaxa 2016 4116 1 1 110 journal article 274475 10.11646/zootaxa.4116.1.1 99249a81-fbb8-40be-8684-679b248a904c 1175-5326 257322 22D15539-E49E-4D6C-BFCF-D4DBC72BA640 17. Neoephydra inca sp. nov. Figs. 79–81 , Map 17 Diagnosis. Specimens of N. inca are distinguished from similar congeners of the araucaria group by the following characters: appearance generally dark, particularly the legs; face moderately setose; gena high; and structures of male terminalia with distinctive conformation. Medium-sized to moderately large shore flies, body length 3.30– 4.60 mm ; generally dull, grayish brown to gray with some subshiny areas dorsally. Head: Head ratio 0.72–0.74; frontal ratio 0.49–0.53; mesofrons with dark bluish green to greenish metallic luster, generally pilose laterally; ocellar triangle and parafrons nearly concolorous, microtomentose, brownish gray to charcoal gray; parafrons becoming more charcoal colored anteriorly; fronto-orbits with narrow strip through insertions of fronto-orbital setae subshiny, with some faint metallic luster, number of fronto-orbital setae usually 2. Antenna mostly concolorous, blackish brown. Facial ratio 0.97–1.03; mostly moderately setulose particularly along oral margin and toward posteroventral portions of face; dorsum of interfoveal hump with subshiny area more or less concolorous with mesofrons, otherwise face densely microtomentose, grayish brown to gray, paler along oral margin. Eye ratio 0.97–0.98; gena-to-eye ratio 0.51–0.53; gena high, coloration gray to whitish gray but with faint tinges of olivaceous green to brown posteriorly. Thorax: Mostly microtomentose; scutum mostly brown, darker and subshinier posteriorly; anterior margin microtomentose, especially postpronotum, gray to brownish gray; pleural areas paler, more gray colored especially ventrally; anepisternum with central area, dorsal and sometimes posterior margins brownish, otherwise mostly gray; other pleural areas including coxae whitish gray, although lighter, whitish ventrally. Wing length averaging 3.83–3.96 mm ; mostly palely infuscate, faintly brown; costal vein ratio 0.26–0.29; M vein ratio 0.76–0.80. Legs dark generally; femora gray, microtomentose, only slightly darker than ventral pleural areas; tibiae and tarsi mostly concolorous, reddish yellow. Abdomen: Generally microtomentose and unicolorous, grayish olivaceous green to gray, becoming paler toward lateral margins, some specimens with faint bluish tinges of metallic luster; ventral surface of tergites frequently whitish gray. Tergite 5 of male somewhat trapezoidal, truncate apically. Male terminalia ( Figs. 79–81 ): margins of epandrium in posterior view parallel, rounded dorsally; surstyli in posterior view roughly forming isosceles triangle with an apical process; surstylus in lateral view basically rectangular with an apical, digitiform, short process and a longer lateral prong, length of lateral prong about equal to width of surstylus at base, lateral prong with sub-basal tuft of setulae, anterior margin between apical process and lateral prong shallowly produced, shallowly triangular. FIGURES 79–81. Structures of male terminalia of Neoephydra inca sp. nov. (79) epandrium, cerci, surstyli, posterior view; (80) same, lateral view; (81) surstylus, lateral view. Type material. The holotype male is labeled “ PERU . Cuzco: Quispicamchis [sic, Quispicanchi], Huarcapay, 2900m , 1 Sep 1988 , WNMathis/ HOLOTYPE Ƌ Neoephydra inca Mathis USNM [red].” The holotype is double mounted (minuten in a plastic elastomer block), is in excellent condition, and is deposited in the USNM . The allotype female and 36 paratypes (36Ƌ, 3♀) bear the same locality label as the holotype . Other paratypes are as follows: ARGENTINA . Jujuy: Abra Laite ( 85 km S Abra Pampa; 23°12'S , 65°47'W ), 29 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 13♂ , 5♀; CNC ); Barrios (S La Quiaca; 22°15'S , 65°32'W ; 3500 m ), 31 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña (1♀; CNC ); Cajas (35 Km E La Quiaca; 22°15'S , 65°18'W ; 3800 m ), 24 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 10♂ , 19♀; CNC , USNM ); Cangrejillos (S La Quiaca; 22°25'S , 65°34'W ; 3500 m ), 28–29 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 44♂ , 77♀; CNC , USNM ); Cerrillos ( 22°19'S , 65°49'W ; 3600 m ), 31 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 34♂ , 40♀; CNC , USNM ); Cienagas ( 2 km SW; road to Pirquitas; 22°41'S , 66°31'W ), 3 Nov 1968 , L. E. Peña (1♀; CNC ); Cienaguillas ( 22°05'S , 65°53'W ; 3650 m ), 28 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 16♂ , 13♀; CNC ); La Quiaca ( 22°06'S , 65°37'W ; 3500 m ), 23 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 1♂ , 2♀; CNC ); Lecho ( 32 km E La Quiaca; 22°13'S , 65°27'W ), 4 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 11♂ , 19♀; CNC , USNM ); Río Cincel, S. L. Pozuelos ( 22°22'S , 66°01'W ; 3800 m ), 3 Nov 1968 , L. E. Peña (1♀; CNC ); Río Seco ( 5 km S Santa Catalina; 22°06'S , 66°18'W ; 3500 m ), 25 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 6♂ , 5♀; CNC ); Santa Catalina ( 22°05'S , 66°18'W ; 3700 m ), 25 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 1♂ , 1♀; CNC ); Suripugio ( 22°10'S , 65°22'W ), Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 4♂ ; CNC ); Tilcara ( 12 km S; 22°35'S , 65°22'W ; 2000 m ), 23 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 8♂ , 5♀; CNC ); Yavi ( 2 km W; 22°08'S , 65°28'W ; 3400 m ), 31 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 1♂ , 2♀; CNC ); Yavi Chico ( 22 km E La Quiaca; 22°06'S , 65°28'W ; 3500 m ), 24 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña ( 9♂ , 19♀; CNC ). Tucumán: San Miguel de Tucumán ( 30 km N; 26°50'S , 65°13'W ; 700 m ), 15 Oct 1968 , L. E. Peña (1♀; CNC ). BOLIVIA . Cochabamba: Colomi ( 5 km E; 17°17.9'S , 65°52.2'W ; 3370 m ), 24 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 2♂ ; USNM ); Japo ( 18 km W; 17°35'S , 66°56.2'W ; 4060 m ), 23 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 6♂ , 1♀; USNM ); Lequepalca ( 1 km E; 17°37.7'S , 66°57'W ; 3970 m ), 26 Mar 2001 , A. Freidberg, W. N. Mathis ( 14♂ , 3♀; USNM ); Lequepalca ( 2 km W; 17°37.7'S , 66°57'W ; 3970 m ), 23 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 17♂ , 5♀; USNM ); Sacaba ( 20 km E; 17°25.1'S , 65°53.9'W ; 3450 m ), 24 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ , 1♀; USNM ). La Paz: El Alto ( 14 km S; 16°40.1'S , 68°11'W ; 3900 m ), 20 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ ; USNM ); El Alto ( 23 km S; 16°42.7'S , 68°11.2'W ; 3860 m ), 21 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis (1♀; USNM ); Guaqui (Lake Titicaca; 16°35.6'S , 68°51.2'W ; 3840 m ), 28 Mar 2001 , A. Freidberg, S. D. Gaimari, W. N. Mathis ( 17♂ , 4♀; USNM ); Guaqui (Lake Titicaca; 16°35.6'S , 68°53.5'W ), 19 Apr 2001 , A. L. Norrbom (2♀; USNM ); Patacamaya ( 17 km NE; 17°09.5'S , 67°56.7'W ; 3800 m ), 21 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis (3♀; USNM ); Tiahuanaco Ruins ( 16°33.7'S , 68°40.7'W ; 3870 m ), 28 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 4♂ , 5♀; USNM ). Oruro: Pazña (S of town; 18°36.2'S , 66°54.7'W ; 3750 m ), 22 Mar 2001 , W. N. Mathis ( 17♂ , 8♀; USNM ). PERU . Puno: Pusi ( 15°26'S , 69°56'W ), 18 Oct 1965 , J. C. Hitchcock ( 2♂ , 1♀; USNM ). Type locality. Peru . Cuzco: Quispicanchi, Huarcapay ( 13°38'S , 71°40'W ; 2900 m ). Distribution (Map 17). Neotropical: Argentina (Jujuy), Bolivia (Cochabama, La Paz, Oruro), and Peru (Cuzco, Puno), between 13°–26°S and 65°–71°W. MAP 17. Distribution map for Neoephydra inca sp. nov. Etymology. The specific epithet, inca , is taken from the general name of the Native Americans who frequent the area where this species is found and is a noun in apposition to the generic name.