A new species of the genus Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901, subgenus Isocollyris Naviaux, 1994, from southern Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) Author Matalin, A. V. text Russian Entomological Journal 2021 2021-12-31 30 4 390 392 http://dx.doi.org/10.15298/rusentj.30.4.02 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.02 0132-8069 13177492 Neocollyris ( Isocollyris ) sharovae Matalin , sp.n. Figs 1–8 . TYPE MATERIAL . Holotype , — S Vietnam , Lam Dong Province , 5 km S of Dung K’No , at light, 19–21.IV.2010 , leg. A. Prokofiev ( ZIN ). How to cite this article: Matalin A. V . 2021 . A new species of the genus Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901 , subgenus COMPARATIVE MATERIAL . Two paratypes , , of Neocollyris ( Isocollyris ) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 : Vietnam , Hue Province , Bach Ma National Park , 16°12´N 107°51´E , alt. 400– 1,200 m , 16–20.IV.2012 , E. Jendek leg. (cCD, cJW) . DIAGNOSIS. Head elongate, black with violet lustre, frontal grooves convergent in anterior and posterior thirds, interocular excavation with an oval central impression; eyes slightly protruding. Labrum short and transverse, monochromous yellow, with eight submarginal setae and seven apical teeth. Palps entirely yellowish except for yellow-brown apical joints. Pronotum metallic bluish-green, glabrous, expand- ed in basal third, straight in lateral view. Prothorax bluish-green, mesothorax dark with metallic green tinge, metathorax yellow. Coxae and trochanters yellow; fore- and mid-femora dark yellow, hind femora bichromous; tibiae and tarsi mostly dark yellow. Elytra long, with sloping shoulders, expanded apically, bright metallic green, with numerous, regularly distributed, rounded, blue pits; maculation consisting of a three-lobed humerobasal spot, a subquadrate middle spot, and a wide, crescent, apical spot. Insinuator (sternum 8 th ) with two sharp apical spines. DESCRIPTION: TL, 9.4 mm. Head elongate, HL/HW: 1.32, with thin isodiametric microsculpture, temples gradually convergent towards base ( Fig. 5 ); black with violet lustre, anterior margin of genae with blue reflection; clypeus with two setae; frons narrow, frontal grooves deep, strongly convergent in anterior and posterior thirds, interocular excavation with an oval central impression and golden-green reflection in anterior half; eyes slightly protruding, LE/TE: 1.19; each supra-orbital plate with two long setae (right posterior one double); vertex in anterior third with sparsely arranged shallow wrinkles; occiput smooth ( Figs 5–6 ). Labrum short and transverse, LW/LL: 2.4; monochromous yellow with extremely narrow light brown anterior and posterior margins; with eight long submarginal setae and seven apical teeth: with a very short central tooth and a pair of relatively large latero-apical teeth, as well as a small laterobasal tooth on both sides ( Fig. 2 ). Mandibles dark yellow with brown apices and molars ( Fig. 6 ). Maxillary ( Fig. 3 ) and labial ( Fig. 4 ) palps entirely yellowish except for yellow-brown apical joints with straight and truncate apices. Antennae relatively long, slightly projected towards base of pronotum; antennomere 3 the longest; scape yellow with a single apical seta, antennomeres 2–5 brown on dorsal face and yellow-brown on ventral face, antennomeres 6–11 entirely brown, antennomeres 7–10 finely pubescent on ventral face, antennomere 11 entirely and finely pubescent ( Figs 1, 6 ). Pronotum relatively long, with a short collar, distinctly expanded in basal third ( Fig. 5 ), straight in lateral view ( Fig. 6 ); PL/PW: 2.38, PL/HL: 1.48; metallic bluish-green, glabrous with sparse, shallow, transverse wrinkles at the centre of disc; anterior and posterior sulci wide and shallow, anteri- or one distinctly wider; apical and, especially, basal lobe with distinct golden-green lustre, lateroventral portion of basal lobe yellow with a group of thin, soft, sparse and white hairs. Prothorax bluish-green, pro-episternum indistinctly transversely wrinkled, prosternum sparsely pubescent with long, soft, white hairs ( Fig. 6 ). Mesothorax dark with metallic green tinge, except for yellow supracoxal area and mesepisternum; the latter, as well as the centre of posterior margin of mesosternum with groups of sparse, soft, white hairs. Metathorax entirely yellow, metepisternum with a deep, longitudinal, central groove and very sparse, thin, white hairs in posterior third. Abdominal sternites dark brown, sternites 5 and 6 each with five thin and pale setae on each side; sternite 7 with at least 32 similar setae in anterior third and with ca. 35 yellow setae extending directly from anterior margin. All coxae and trochanters yellow; fore- and mid-femora dark yellow except for brown anterior margins, hind femora bichromous: dark-yellow in proximal half and dark brown in distal half; fore- and mid-tibiae dark yellow, indistinctly brownish at base, hind tibia yellow except for its 3/4 brown inner face; tarsomeres 1–3 of fore- and mid-tarsi yellowish-brown, of hind tarsi light yellow; two apical tarsomeres of all tarsi dark brown, all claws dark yellow ( Figs 1, 6 ). Figs 1–8. Neocollyris (Isocollyris ) sharovae Matalin , sp.n. , female, holotype: 1 — habitus, dorsal view; 2 — labrum; 3 — left maxillary palp; 4 — left labial palp; 5 — head and pronotum, dorsal view; 6 — head, pronotum and basal third of elytra, right lateral view; 7 — left elytron, dorsal view; 8 — insinuator (sternum 8 th ), ventral view. Рис. 1–8. Neocollyris (Isocollyris ) sharovae Matalin , sp.n. , самка, голотип: 1 — внеШний вид, сверху; 2 — верхнЯЯ губа; 3 — левый нижнечелюстной Щупик; 4 — левый губной Щупик; 5 — голова и переднеспинка, сверху; 6 — голова, переднеспинка и баЗальнаЯ треть надкрылий, сбоку справа; 7 — левое надкрылье, сверху; 8 — инсинуатор (стернит 8), сниЗу. Elytra long, distinctly expanded towards apex, with sloping shoulders, EL/EW: 3.1, EL/PL: 2.95, EW/SW: 1.58; bright metallic green with light golden lustre except for light purple reflection along suture; covered with isodiametric microsculpture, with numerous relatively regularly distribut- ed, rounded, blue pits, denser along suture and sparser at base and apex ( Figs 1, 6–7 ); scutellum black-blue, small, with a blunt apex; suture dark, slightly protruding; epipleura brown with greenish metallic tinge. Elytral maculation consisting of three large yellow patches: a three-lobed humerobasal spot with a long juxtasutural portion, a long sublateral part (the latter extended to the level of the middle of the metepisternum), and a short central portion ( Figs 1, 6–7 ), a large, subquadrate, middle spot ( Figs 1, 7 ) separated from lateral edge by one row of pits, and a wide crescent apical spot extending from lateral edge to suture ( Figs 1, 7 ). Insinuator (sternum 8) oblong-oval, sparsely pubescent with short pale setae in anterior quarter including lateral sides, with two sharp spines with apices slightly curved towards ventral side, and a short oblong ridge under notch between spines ( Fig. 8 ). Male unknown. ETYMOLOGY. The new species honours my late teach- er, the famous Russian entomologist, Professor Inessa Khristianovna Sharova. COMPARISON. Neocollyris ( Isocollyris ) sharovae sp.n. seems to be especially close to N. ( I. ) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 (male and female paratypes , cCD, cJW, revised), but is easily distinguished by the entirely yellow labrum ( vs. bichromous in N. ( I. ) apiceflava ); the frontal grooves strongly convergent in anterior and posterior thirds ( vs. first subparallel and then divergent in N. (I. ) apiceflava ); the bright green colouration of the pronotum and elytra ( vs. dark blue, cobalt-blue or blue-green in N. ( I. ) apiceflava ); the shape and size of the elytral maculae: very wide bright yellow spots in N. ( I. ) sharovae sp.n. , vs. narrower dull yellow spots in N. ( I. ) apiceflava . To accommodate the new species, the first two couplets in the key to the species of the subgenus Isocollyris from Vietnam [ Wiesner et al., 2017 ] must be modified as follows: 1. Elytral apex with a yellow band .................................. A — Elytral apex without yellow band ................................. 2 A(1). Labrum bichromous with a pale central area; head, pronotum and elytra dark blue or blue-green; elytral spots dull yellow and relatively narrow ................................... .................................... N . ( I .) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 — Labrum uniformly pale; head dark violet, pronotum and elytra bright green; elytral spots bright yellow and very wide ............................................. N. ( I. ) sharovae sp.n. Acknowledgements . I am very grateful to Artem Prokofiev and Pavel Udovichenko (both Moscow , Russia ), as well as to Charles Dheurle (Langres, France ) and Jürgen Wiesner (Wolfsburg, Germany ) who kindly lent material for this study. Sergei Golovatch ( Moscow , Russia ) kindly checked the English.