The coral-associated shrimp genus Pontonides (Caridea, Palaemonidae, Pontoniinae) in Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam, with description of two new species Author Marin, Ivan text Zootaxa 2007 1635 1 21 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179514 fcf9e9dc-fdc8-4644-8d7f-e7ce840a743a 1175-5326 179514 Pontonides asperulatus Bruce, 2005 ( Figs. 4 , 5 , 10 D) Pontonides sp. Bruce, 1976b : 285 , figs. 43. Pontonides asperulatus Bruce, 2005 : 359 , figs. 13–16, 22E. Material examined. Vietnam , Nhatrang Bay: 1 male (pcl. 1.5 mm ), 3 juveniles (pcl. 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 mm ), Dun I., depth 20 m , on sea whip Cirripathes sp., coll. I. Marin, 29 May 2006 , ZMMU Ma 5485; 1 ovig. female (pcl. 2.5 mm ), 3 males (pcl. 2.0, 2.6, 2.3 mm ), Dun I., depth 20-25 m , on sea whip Cirripathes sp., coll. I. Marin, 2 August 2006 , ZMMU Ma 5486. Diagnosis. Medium-sized pontoniine shrimps with subcylindrical body. Carapace smooth, not gibbous. Rostrum long, overreaching distal margin of basal antennular segment. Supraorbital margin well developed, rectangular, with small but distinct tooth; orbits well developed. Eyestalk without dorsal tubercle. Fourth pleura rounded with produced distodorsal angle; fifth pleura pointed ventrodistally. Second maxilliped without or with one fusiform seta on ischial segment. Third maxilliped with numerous fusiform setae along proximal margin of basal segment. First to fifth pereiopods without fusiform setae on ischia. Second pereiopods subequal, differing slightly in shape of chelae, somewhat sexually dimorphic: female major chela covered with tiny tubercles, setose, with long curved simple setae along ventral and ventrolateral margins and shorter simple setae dorsally; fingers stout and curved; female minor chela sparsely setose, fingers 2–2.5 times as long as wide, with curved tips; male major chela similar to that of female; male minor chela with palm nonsetose, stouter, twice as long as wide; fingers straight and long, about 6–7 times longer than wide, with curved tips. Third pereiopods smooth, non-setose; dactylus simple, curved, distally acute. Colouration. Body and appendages uniformly whitish ( Bruce, 2005; I. Marin, pers. obs. ). Size. Maximum length: ovigerous female, cl. 3.3 mm , pcl. 2.5 mm , tl. 10 mm ; male, cl. 3.4 mm , pcl. 2.6 mm , tl. 10 mm . Eggs numerous, diameter 0.3 x 0.4 mm . Ecology. In Nhatrang Bay, P. asperulatus was found on sea whips, Cirripathes sp., usually in small groups of three to five adults and several juveniles per host. Distribution. Papua New Guinea ( type locality), Madagascar , ( Bruce, 2005 ), herewith reported for the first time from Vietnam .