A new species, genus and tribe of Sapotaceae, endemic to Madagascar Author Laurent Gautier Author Yamama Naciri Author Arne A. Anderberg Author Jenny E. E. Smedmark Author Richard Randrianaivo Author Ulf Swenson text Taxon 2013 62 5 972 983 journal article 10.12705/625.17 a149c921-11bd-43f5-b7f5-6466bd6ee07d 164827 Bemangidia L. Gaut. , gen. nov. Type : B. lowryi L. Gaut. Leaf venation brochidodromous with many, closely packed, parallel and weak secondaries, difficult to distinguish from the parallel tertiaries; calyx lobes 5, quincuncial, outer two with strongly involute margins that cause impressed longitudinal grooves on the external surface of the three inner sepals; corolla lobes 5, contorted, overlapping to the right; stamens 5; staminodes 5, villous, connivent and forming a chamber above the ovary; fruit 1-seeded with seed scar covering 30% of seed surface; embryo with plano-convex cotyledons; endosperm absent. Bemangidia differs from Tsebona by brochidodromous leaf venation (instead of eucamptodromous), five stamens (instead of 3 × 5), the staminodes that are connivent and form a chamber above the ovary, a single-seeded fruit (instead of 1–5 seeds), and a seed scar that occupies 30% of the seed surface (instead of 75%). Bemangidia differs from Capurodendron similarly by leaf venation, but also in sepal aestivation which causes an impressed median groove on the inner sepals, similar to the pattern in Tsebona but absent in Capurodendron , and by larger flowers, ca. 30 mm long compared to a 2–12 mm long corolla in Capurodendron . The genus is named after Bemangidy forest that is located approximately 55 km NNE of Tolañaro (Fort Dauphin) in south-western Madagascar , the only locality from where this genus is known.