A revision of the genus Malus Mill. (Rosaceae) Author Liu, Jian-quan liujq@lzu.edu.cn Author Gao, Xin-fen Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bioresource Utilization and Ecological Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China. School of Life Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China. xfgao@cib.ac.cn text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-12-28 853 1 127 http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2022.853.2019 journal article 222443 10.5852/ejt.2022.853.2019 aedbf741-3844-4f1b-9c45-5504394416a9 2118-9773 7501371 26 . Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehder Figs 59–60 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 2 (1): 51 ( Rehder 1920 ) . Crataegus tenuifolia Kom. , Trudy imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago botanicheskago Sada 18: 435 ( Komarov 1901 ), nom. illeg. – Crataegus komarovii Sarg. , Plantae Wilsonianae Vol. 1 (2) : 183 ( Sargent 1912 ) , nov. nom. of Crataegus tenuifolia Kom .. – Sinomalus tenuifolia (Kom.) Koidz., Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 1 (1): 12 ( Koidzumi 1932 ) . – Sinomalus komarovii (Sarg.) Honda , Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 47: 297 ( Honda 1933 ) . Type : NORTH KOREAvalley Segeelu- Korani ; 16 Jun. 1897 ; fl; V. Komarov 869 ; holotype: LE ; isotype: K [ K000758431 ]! Examined specimens CHINA Jilin Antu ; 29 Aug. 1959 ; fr; P.Y. Fu 1256 ; IFP ibid.; 9 Aug. 1979 ; fr; S.D. Zhao 2447 ; IFP Changbai ; 26 May 1976 ; fl; X.Z. Wang s.n. ; PE ibid.; 3 Jul. 1958 ; fl; F.M. Luo et al. 662 ; PE . NORTH KOREA North Hamgyong Kilju-gun ; 25 Aug. 1942 ; fr; Nakashima s.n. ; NAS locality unknown; 12 Sep. 1962 ; st; S.E. Liu & S.X. Li 9191 ; IFP . Description Small tree or shrub, 3 m high. Branches terete, pubescent when young, glabrescent. Leaves petiolate, petiole ca 1.8‒2.0 cm long, puberulous. Lamina ca 3.9‒4.2 × 2.9‒3.9 cm , ovate, rarely oblong, base cordate or cuneate, equilateral, apex acute or acuminate, margin serrulate, blade puberulous, 3-lobed. Inflorescence corymbose, with 6‒8 flowers. Pedicel ca 1.8 cm long, puberulous. Hypanthium puberulous. Sepals lanceolate, abaxially puberulous or glabrous, adaxially lanuginous, caducous or persistent. Petals white, ovate. Stamens 20‒30, unequal. Styles 4 or 5, glabrous. Pome ca 0.8‒1.0 cm in diameter, subglobose, yellow to red. Carpopodium ca 1.5 cm long, puberulous. Fig. 59. Distribution of Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehder. Fig. 60. Morphological characters of Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehder ; K000758431 (isotype), IFP06828006y0001, PE00952717, PE00952719, PE00952721. Scale bars = 10 mm. Phenology Flowers in May. Mature fruits in September. Habitat Terrestrial, seasonally green, growing in shrubs; 1100‒1300 m a.s.l. Distribution China ( Henan , Jilin ), North Korea , and South Korea ( Fig. 59 ). Chromosome number 2n = 34.