Two new species of Hypselodelphys (Marantaceae) from West Africa Author Jongkind, Carel C. H. text Adansonia 2008 3 30 1 57 62 journal article 1639-4798 4601941 Hypselodelphys velutina Jongkind , sp. nov. FIG. 2. — Hypselodelphys triangularis Jongkind : A , leaf; B , leaf base from beneath; C , fruit from beneath; D , fruit from above. A, B, Breteler 5876 ; C, D, van der Maesen 5275. Scale bars: A, 1 cm; B, 1 mm; C, D, 5 mm. ( Figs 4 ; 5 ) A Hypselodelphyde poggeana (K.Schum.) Milne-Redh. differt indumento confertim velutino in pagina extra bractearum et in internodiis inflorescentiae. TYPUS . — Liberia . Grand Cape Mount , in MMAL mine area, on slope of the mine, 14.II.1970 , J . W . A . Jansen 1846 (holo-, WAG; iso-, BR, MO). PARATYPES . — Sierra Leone . Mt Leicester , V .1857, Barter s.n. ( K ). — Kangahun , 7.II.1953 , Deighton 6020 ( K , P ). — Lake Sonfon , 14.II.1966 , Gledhill 446 ( K ). — Près Kania , vers Mt Loma , 27. I .1966, Jaeger 9102 ( K ). — Piémont W Loma , II.1966 , Jaeger 9181 ( P ). — Gbinti , Dibia , 4.II.1955 , H . D. Jordan 988 ( K ). — Tingi Mountains , on main plateau near camp, 12.IV.1965 , Morton & Gledhill SL 1857 ( K , WAG ). — Koyema , N Kono , foot of Tingi Hills , 12.IV.1965 , Morton & Gledhill SL 1960 ( K , WAG ). — Kennema , 20. I .1914, N . W . Thomas 7748 ( K ) . Liberia . Nimba , 3.II.1965 , J . G . Adam 20826 ( K ) . — Nimba , I .1970, Blyden 935 ( WAG ). — Duport , c. 8 miles E of Monrovia , 2.XI.1966 , Bos 2304 ( WAG ). — 19 miles E of Bomi Hills , along the road to Bopulu , 13.II.1969 , J . W . A . Jansen 1542 ( MO , WAG ). — E slope of Putu Hills East Range , W of Tiama Town , 31. V .2005, Jongkind , Kwewon & Kpadeyeah 6544 ( WAG ) Côte d’Ivoire . Mount Tonkoui , 9.II.1961 , H . C . D. de Wit 9150 ( WAG ). — Mount Tonkoui , 30.III.2000 , Jongkind , Hawthorne & Assi-Yapo 4839 ( WAG ) . DESCRIPTION Liana scrambling up to 10 m high in vegetation. Leaves slightly asymmetric; blade very variable in size, 2.2-11 × 5-25 cm , with some hairs close to the midrib beneath but otherwise glabrous.Inflorescence terminal, simple or branched at base, up to 12 cm long, with internodes c. 5 mm long with the surface hiding beneath a dense cover of half-erect short hairs; bracts 1.7-2 cm long, dense velutinous on the outside.Flower white, sometimes with yellow and violet, more or less equal to the flowers of the other species in the genus.Fruit yellow and green, three-lobed with rounded corners, muricate, with 3 large seeds. FIG. 3. — Distribution map of the new species: ●, Hypselodelphys triangularis Jongkind ; ▲, H. velutina Jongkind. FIG. 4. Hypselodelphys velutina Jongkind : A , habit,with all leaves on short shoots; B , leaf; C , leaf base from beneath; D , detail of inflorescence branch; E , fruit from beneath. A-D, Bos 2304 ; E, J.W.A. Jansen 1846 . Scale bars: A, 2 cm; B, 1 cm; C, D, 1 mm; E, 5 mm. FIG. 5. — Hypselodelphys velutina Jongkind : A , fruit; B , flowers. Jongkind 8024 . HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION Wet evergreen forest from Sierra Leone to Côte d’Ivoire ( Fig. 3 ). REMARKS The habit of Hypselodelphys triangularis is principally the same as that of H. velutina as shown in the Figure 4 .