Novelties in Selaginella (Selaginellaceae - Lycopodiophyta), with emphasis on Brazilian species Author Valdespino, Ivan A. Departamento de Botanica, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Tecnologia, Universidad de Panama, Apartado Postal 0824 - 00073, Panama text PhytoKeys 2015 2015-12-15 57 93 133 journal article 1314-2003-57-93 FFE6FF86AC41FFF6FFCE3235FFCFFFFD 576334 Selaginella glazioviana Hieron Selaginella glazioviana Hieron., Hedwigia 43: 36. 1904. - Type. Brazil. [Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo, Alto Macahe , chez les Crannin, 21 Jan 1874], A. Glaziou 7280 (holotype: B! [B 20 0095195]; isotypes: BM-fragment! [BM000905698], P [P00559320]-image!, P [P00559321]-image!). Additional specimens examined. BRAZIL . Minas Gerais : Serra do Espinhaco , Pico de Itacolomi, 3 km S of Ouro Preto, 1600 m, 1 Feb 1971, Irwin et al. 29530 (F, K, NY), 29554 (K, NY); Ouro Preto, Chapada, 20°28'53.8"S , 43°33'03.6"W , 1100 m, 6 Nov 2006, Salino & Salino 14999 (BHCB-n.v., PMA); Ouro Preto, Sao Bartolomeu, 20°15'34.44"S , 43°34'50.56"W , 1035 m, 13 Oct 2007, Dittrich & Lobao 1499 (BHCB-n.v., PMA); Santa Barbara , RPPN Capivari, along path to Cachoeira de Capivari, 20°07'57"S , 43°34'54"W , 1140 m, 12 Dec 2009, Arruda & Filogonio 23 (BHCB-n.v., PMA), West portion of the RPPN, entrance to Fazenda do Ze Maria, 20°07'45"S , 43°35'50"W , 900 m, 1 May 2009, Arruda et al. 127 (BHCB-n.v., PMA); Serra do Itacolomy, 1936, Badini 316 (BM). Discussion. Alston (1936) , Reed (1965-1966) , and Alston et al. (1981) included Selaginella glazioviana under Selaginella erectifolia . I have studied type material of Selaginella erectifolia ( Swainson s.n. , holotype: K!) and its synonym Selaginella camptostachys Fee ( Glaziou 2242 , holotype: P!; isotypes: B!, BR!, K!, NY-fragment!) and agree with Alston et al. (1981) that they are conspecific, but I consider Selaginella glazioviana to be a different species. A full account of that finding, along with the formal resurrection of Selaginella deltoides and Selaginella chromatophylla , will be reported separately (Valdespino in prep). Selaginella glazioviana is morphologically close to Selaginella trygonoides , described herein (see for comparison).