Pauximyia, a new genus of Odiniidae (Diptera: Acalyptratae) with description of two new species from Brazil Author Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco Author Marques, Dayse Willkenia A. Author Gaimari, Stephen D. Author Rafael, José A. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-01-22 4728 2 227 236 journal article 24284 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.4 a9deb3a0-a087-4943-9618-5673c9d6a750 1175-5326 3621153 53A8EB00-9FD6-4721-8346-F76AE5958D27 Pauximyia gen. nov. Type species . Pauximyia oliveirai , sp. nov . , by present designation. Gender . Feminine Etymology . The feminine generic name is a combination of two names. Pauxis, the name of an indigenous tribe that inhabited the left bank of the Amazon River, where the city of Óbidos was founded in the state of Pará ; and myia from Greek μυια, meaning fly. Diagnosis . Frons with 3 fronto-orbital setae, anterior inclinate and two posterior reclinate. Gena lacking upturned genal seta. Dorsocentral setae 1+4, presutural (anteriormost) seta weakest and posteriormost postsutural strongest; prescutellar acrostichal seta present. Prescutellum absent. Scutellum lacking setulae. Mid tibia with 2 strong ventral spurs. Wing vein C extended to R 4+5 ; costal spinules extended less than halfway point between R 2+3 and R 4+5 . Adults . Body length 3.40–3.60 mm . Head ( Figs 1–4 , 13–16 ). Height 1.36–1.70X the length; width 1.90–2.59X the length and 1.37–1.67X wider than high. Eye slightly higher than long, with posteroventral edge distinctly concave. Postocellar setae strong, divergent. Medial and lateral vertical setae present, strong. Postcranium not concave in dorsal view. Frons 1.52– 1.80X wider than long. Fronto-orbital plate silvery-yellow; with 3 fronto-orbital setae, anterior pair inclinate and two posterior pairs reclinate. All macrosetae with oblong alveolae slightly raised. Antenna with scape and pedicel brown, postpedicel and first aristal segment yellow, remainder of arista black. Lunule 0.15–0.20 mm high, arched; 0.40–0.60X height of frons length; lunule entirely white or with velvet black band through upper part of antennal bases and medially through upper lunule. Gena with 5–6 strong setae, none upturned; genal groove area (below eye) concolorous with face. Palpus flattened laterally, palpus yellowish with sparse to dense black setae. Thorax ( Figs 1, 5 , 13, 17 ). Mesonotum yellowish to silvery-grey, with brown markings and distinct brown medial vitta, faded posteriorly in one species. All macrosetae with alveolae slightly oblong. Chaetotaxy: 1+4 dorsocentrals (presutural + postsuturals; posteriormost seta strongest), 1 prescutellar acrostichal (as strong as anterior dorsocentral), 1 postpronotal (along with few setulae, mainly above), 2 notopleurals, 2 postsutural intra-alars (in posterior part of scutum, posterior one stronger), 1 presutural supra-alar, 2 postsutural supra-alars (posterior one stronger; lacking additional setae between them), 1 postalar very strong (additional 0–2 very small posteriorly). Prescutellum absent. Scutellum with 2 pairs of macrosetae; lacking setulae. Pleuron above katepisternum lacking setae or setulae except for 1 strong proepisternal seta. Katepisternum with 3 strong setae along dorsal edge. Legs ( Figs 1 , 13 ). Brown, except yellow at apical tips of femora and proximal ends of tibiae. Hind femur moderately thickened or flattened laterally. Wing ( Figs 7 , 18 ). Vein C extended to R 4+5 . Costal spinules extended slightly beyond R 2+3 , not reaching midpoint between R 2+3 and R 4+5 . Membrane with distinct dark spots along r-m and dm-m crossveins; slightly darkened along bm–m crossvein, and fork of Rs. Halter yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 6 ). Tergites 3–5 with large paired brown pruinose patches dorsally, encompassing anterior edges of tergites but not reaching posterior edges; with smaller brown spots laterally. Tergite 6 ( Figs 8, 10 , 19, 21 ) with membranous appearance to sclerotized, bare. Sternite 6 asymmetrical, apparently connected anterodorsally to syntergosternite 7+8. Syntergosternite 7+8 ( Figs 8, 10 , 19, 21 ) weakly sclerotized, with membranous appearance, bare, 8X wider than long. Male genitalia ( Figs 8–12 , 19–23 ). Epandrium subglobose, setulose, wider than long. Surstylus as two small lobes fixed (not articulated) to epandrium; inner and outer surstylar lobes subequal in size. Hypandrium longer than maximum width; with lateral edges longer basally in lateral view, extended laterally around phallapodeme and phallus. Gonocoxal apodeme with few setulae distally. Pregonite broad with slight medial curve. Postgonite as a small lobe directed ventrally. Phallus bulbous and membranous, covered with tiny spicules. Phallapodeme rod-like. Cercus small, setulose.