The genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in southeast Brazil, with the description of three new species Author Giupponi, Alessandro ,, Brazil Author de Vasconcelos, Eduardo Museu Nacional - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro ,, Brazil Author Lourenco, Wilson Museum national d Histoire naturelle, Paris, France text ZooKeys 2009 2009-07-03 13 13 29 41 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.13.125 09827415-df1c-4129-9bc1-39321f933d5d 1313–2970 576464 531CF885-FED5-4B1B-806B-02C9E5051929 Ananteris bernabei sp. n. 859FD1E9-018A-4EDC-8E67-B485CDAC3B77 Figs 19-28 Type material . Female holotype . Brazil , State of Espírito Santo , Santa Tereza , Reserva Augusto Ruschi ( T . Bernabe leg.), 2006. Paratypes . 1 male ( juvenile ), same data as for the holotype . Both deposited in the arachnological collection of the Museu Nacional , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ( MNRJ – 11305). 1 female , Espírito Santo , Reserva Biológica ( REBIO ) – Sooretama , Porteira Quirinão ( Exp. Arachné col.), 20/IV/2006 , deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris . Diagnosis . Species of moderate to large size when compared with the average size of the other species of the genus ( 27.6 mm in total length; see Table I ). General coloration yellow to reddish-yellow with variegated dark pigmentation. Pedipalps slender; fingers with 6-7 rows of granules; male and female pectines with 13-14 teeth. The new species can be distinguished from other known species of the genus, also distributed in the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil , by: (i) a paler, reddish-yellow coloration and a distinct pattern of pigmentation on the chelicerae; these are not pigmented in the central zone, (ii) pedipalp fingers with have 6-7 rows of granules, (iii) male and female pectines with 13-14 teeth, (iv) anterior margin of the carapace with a sharp and convex projection; this character is better marked in adults. Th e new species is possibly an endemic element to the Atlantic Forest region. Etymology . Patronym is in honor of biologist Tiago Nascimento Bernabé. Description . Based on female holotype (measurements in Table I ). Coloration . Generally yellow to reddish-yellow with dark brown to blackish pigmented zones on the body and its appendages. Prosoma: carapace reddish-yellow with blackish-brown spots on the anterior, lateral and posterior edges; eyes surrounded by black pigment. Mesosoma: reddish-yellow with confluent blackish zones on the posterior and lateral edges of tergites. Metasoma: segments I to III yellowish; IV-V reddish-yellow; all segments intensely marked with blackish-brown spots. Vesicle reddishyellow without any spots; the base of the aculeus reddish-yellow and the tip reddish. Venter yellowish; sternites with very diffused brownish spots. Chelicerae yellowish with variegated blackish-brown spots over almost the entire surface, with the exception of the central zone; fingers with blackish spots; teeth reddish. Pedipalps: yellowish; femur and patella with densely marked blackish-brown spots; chela hand almost entirely blackish-brown; fingers yellowish with dark on the extremities. Legs yellowish, with several blackish-brown spots. Morphology. Carapace with coarse intense granulation; anterior margin not emarginated, almost straight, but with a sharp convex projection. Anterior median superciliary and posterior median carinae weak or absent. All furrows moderate to weak. Median ocular tubercle distinctly anterior to the centre of the carapace; median eyes separated by approximately 0.7 of one ocular diameter. Th ree pairs of lateral eyes. Sternum subpentagonal. Mesosoma: tergites with coarse intense granulation. Median carina moderate in all tergites. Tergite VII pentacarinate. Venter: genital operculum di- Figures 19-27. Ananteris barnabei sp. n. , male holotype . 1 9 Carapace dorsal view. 20 Pectines. 2 1 Chelicera, dorsal view. 22 Metasoma, segments IV-V and telson, lateral view. 23 Chela, dorsal view. 24 Manus, ventral view. 25 Pedipalpal femur, dorsal view. 26-27 Pedipalpal patella, dorsal and external view. Scale bars: 1mm . vided longitudinally, each plate more or less sub-triangular in shape. Pectines: pectinal tooth count 14- 14 in holotype ; 13-13 and 14- 14 in paratypes ; basal middle lamellae of the pectines not dilated; fulcra absent. Sternites V to VII slightly granular; stigmata moderately elongate; setation moderate; sternite VII more intensely granulated and with four weakly marked carinae. Metasoma: segments I and II with 10 carinae, moderately crenulate. Segments III and IV with 8 carinae, moderately crenulate. Intercarinal spaces slightly granular, almost smooth. Segment V slightly rounded with 5 carinae. Telson moderately elongated, without granulations, smooth; with one ventral carina weakly marked; aculeus short and weakly curved; subaculear tooth strong and spinoid. Cheliceral dentition characteristic of the family Buthidae ( Vachon 1963 ) ; fixed finger with two moderate basal teeth; movable finger with two weak basal teeth; ventral aspect of both finger and manus with dense, long setae. Pedipalps: femur pentacarinate; patella and chela with weak to vestigial carinae; internal face of patella with 4-5 minute spinoid granules; all faces slightly granular, almost smooth. Fixed and movable fingers with 6-7 almost linear rows of granules; two small external and one internal accessory granule present at the base of each row; three granules in the extremity of the fingers; Trichobothriotaxy; orthobothriotaxy A-ss-beta ( Vachon 1974 , 1975 ). Legs: tarsus with very numerous fine median setae ventrally. Tibial spurs moderately to strongly developed on legs III and IV.