Phytoseiid mites of the subtribe Amblyseiina (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Amblyseiini) from sub-Saharan Africa
Zannou, Ignace D.
De, Gilberto J.
Ueckermann, Eddie A.
Oliveira, Anibal R.
Yaninek, John S.
Hanna, Rachid
journal article
Amblyseius lumangweensis
Zannou, Moraes & Oliveira
n. sp.
Fig. 10
DIAGNOSIS—Seta Z1 present; setae Z5 much longer than distance between their bases; ratios s4:Z1 = 13.5, s4:S2 = 13.5. Ventrianal shield pentagonal. Fixed cheliceral digit with 10 teeth. Genu of leg I with a macroseta. Spermatheca with calyx swollen basally, bladder-like, then narrowing and flaring distally; atrium nodular, small.
FEMALE—(Specimen measured—Zambia: 1). Idiosomal setal pattern 10A:9B/JV-3:ZV.
Dorsum (
Fig. 10
A)—Dorsal shield smooth, 304 long and 184 wide. Setae j1 28, j3 36, j4 5, j5 5, j6 5, J2 5, J5 5, z2 8, z4 8, z5 5, Z1 6, Z4 101, Z5 218,
s4 81
S2 6
S4 6
S5 6
, r3 12, R1 5. Setae smooth, except Z4 and Z5, lightly serrate.
Peritreme—Extending forward to level of j1.
Venter (
Fig. 10
B)—Sternal shield mostly smooth, with few lateral striae; posterior margin wavy; distances between, St1-St3 56, St2-St2 62. Genital shield smooth; distance between St5-St5 59. Ventrianal shield smooth, pentagonal, anterior margin straight, 97 long, 84 wide at level of Zv2 and 72 wide at level of anus; preanal pores elliptical and in line with Jv2. Two pairs of metapodal shields.
Amblyseius lumangweensis
Zannou, Moraes & Oliveira
n. sp.
: A. Female dorsal shield; B. Female ventral surface; C. Spermatheca; D. Female leg IV; E. Spermatodactyl, F. Male ventrianal shield.
Chelicera—Movable digit 30 long, with apparently 3 teeth; fixed digit 23 long, apparently with 10 teeth and a
pilus dentilis
Spermatheca (
Fig. 10
C)—Calyx swollen basally, bladder-like, then narrowing and flaring distally, 20 long; atrium nodular, small.
Legs—Sharp-tipped macrosetae: Sge
I 36
, Sge
II 30
, Sge
III 42
, Sti
III 31
, Sge IV 105, Sti
IV 66
, St
IV 67
); presence of a prominent erect seta at base of tarsus I.
MALE—(Specimen measured—Zambia: 1)
Dorsum—Dorsal shield pattern as in female, 261 long and 190 wide. Setae j1 23, j3 36, j4 3, j5 3, j6 3, J2 5, J5 5, z2 6, z4 5, z5 3, Z1 5, Z4 101, Z5 203,
s4 81
S2 5
S4 5
S5 5
, r3 8, R1 5. Setae smooth, except Z4 and Z5, lightly serrate.
Peritreme—Extending forward to level between j1 and j3.
Fig. 10
F)—Ventrianal shield subtriangular, with transverse striae anteriorly to Jv2, 109 long, 147 wide at the anterior corners, with 4 pairs of lyrifissures (1 anterior to Jv1, 2 lateral and almost in line or slightly posterior to Jv1 and 1 lateral and slightly posterior to Zv2); preanal pores elliptical and in line with Jv2.
Spermatodactyl (
Fig. 10
E)—L-shaped; shaft 16 long.
Legs—Sharp-tipped macrosetae: Sge
I 34
, Sge
II 30
, Sge
III 37
, Sti
III 31
, Sge
IV 81
, Sti
IV 55
and St
IV 62
MATERIAL—Holotype female and 1 allotype male from
Psidium guajava
, Lumangwe Falls
, J.S. Yaninek deposited at ESALQ-USP.
ETYMOLOGY—The epithet
refers to the location where the
of this species were collected.
Amblyseius chanioticus
Papadoulis, 1997
A. monacus
Wainstein, 1975
A. pamperisi
Papadoulis, 1997
differ from the new species by having z2 and z4 at least twice as long; in addition
A. chanioticus
has ventrianal shield vase-shaped, with 2 pairs of preanal setae;
A. monacus
has s4, Z4 and Z
5 25–40
% shorter and
A. pamperisi
has Z5 ca. 30% shorter than in the new species.
Amblyseius sculpticollis
& Evans (
et al. 1999
A. supercaudatus
Karg, 1994
A. longisaccatus
Wu, Lan & Liu, 1995
differ from the new species by having Z4 and Z5 45–70% longer. Furthermore, the first two species have the atrium of the spermatheca undifferentiated and the last has fixed cheliceral digit with more than 15 minute teeth.
Amblyseius incognitus
Schuster, 1966
also differs from the new species by having atrium of spermatheca undifferentiated; fixed cheliceral digit with 2 large subapical teeth and 18–20 minute teeth; and Sge IV as long as St IV, each ca. 20% longer than Sti IV.