Taxonomy and reclassification of South African Asteraceae genus Elytropappus (Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae), the description of two new genera and two new species Author Koekemoer, Marinda text Phytotaxa 2019 2019-05-15 403 4 248 284 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.403.4.1 1179-3163 13715872 Myrovernix intricata (Levyns) Koekemoer comb. nov. Basionym:— Stoebe intricata Levyns (1937: 21) . Type:— SOUTH AFRICA . Western Cape . Prince Albert, Levyns 5034 (BOL!, holotype ). Taxonomic note:— Levyns (1937) described this species under Stoebe , because of the predominantly single-flowered capitula. All other characters (glandular leaves, shape and colour of disc florets, cypsela morphology and short-spined pollen grains), clearly places it in Myrovernix . Intricately branched, bushy shrubs, up to ± 1 m tall and about the same in diam., occasionally wider when scrambling over rocks. Main branches up to 15 mm diam.; secondary and tertiary branches often perpendicular to main branches, stems densely or sparsely tomentose with a dense covering of stalked glands rising above the tomentum. Leaves glandular, mostly adpressed, oblong-lanceolate, up to 3 mm long, slightly gibbous near the apex, somewhat cobwebby or almost glabrous; leaf glands very different from those on stems, up to 0.5 mm in diam., widely spaced and wart-like, glands towards the leaf base much smaller, slender and stalked, very much like glands on stems; gland stalks very short, longer towards leaf bases. Capitula homogamous, discoid, 1-flowered (rarely 2-flowered), in small groups of 5–12 capitula, both lateral and terminal. Receptacle small, conical, bare. Involucral bracts in several rows, the outer bracts short, leafy and glandular, woolly or almost glabrous; the inner bracts brown, scarious, acute, equal to or slightly shorter than the florets. Disc florets ± 3 mm long, deep purple; lobes small, erect, triangular, reflexed at maturity. Cypselas smooth, with ± 10 inconspicuous ribs. Pappus setae ± 20, slightly joined at the base, as long as the corolla. Flowering March to May. Diagnostic features: —Leaf glands wart-like, widely spaced; innermost involucre bract tips acuminate, capitula 1-flowered. Conservation status: —Least Concern ( Distribution and habitat:Western Cape . Rocky mountain slopes. Elevations 700–1 100 m . Figure 13 . Specimens examined :— SOUTH AFRICA , Western Cape . Ceres Div., Schurweberg, N of Bokkeveld Tafelberg, 19 April 1954 , Esterhuysen 22884 (PRE); Waaihoek Mts., Chavonnes Mt, 31 March 1934 , Galpin 12744 (PRE); Nieuwoudtville Plateau (3119AC), 19 March 1948 , Acocks 14165 (PRE); Nieuwoudville plateau (3119AC), 4 April 1974 , Goldblatt 1327 (K, NBG, PRE); Calvinia, W of Nieuwoudtville (3119AC), 3 June 1980 , Goldblatt 5518 (PRE); Viewpoint above Van Rhyns Pass (3119AC), 11 September 1990 , Koekemoer 423 (PRE); Clanwilliam, Pakhuis Pass, below Kleinkliphuis (3218BB), 7 March 1991 , Koekemoer 582 (PRE); Clanwilliam, Amon jeeptrack, N Cederberg, TR048 (3218BB), 8 May 1989 , Taylor 12042 (NBG); Clanwilliam, Amon jeeptrack, N Cederberg, TR005 (3218BB), 8 May 1989 , Taylor 12045 (NBG); Clanwilliam, Amon jeeptrack, N Cederberg, TR004 (3218BB), 8 May 1989 , Taylor 12047 (NBG); Clanwilliam, Amon jeeptrack, N Cederberg, TR006 (3218BB), 8 May 1989 , Taylor 12051 (NBG); N Cederberg, path Pakhuisvlakte to Dwarsrivier, between Taaiboskraal River and Kliprivier (3218BB), 9 May 1989 , Taylor 12061 (NBG, PRE); Clanwilliam, Grey’s Pass (3218DB), 19April 1937 , Compton 6766 (NBG); Dist. Piquetberg, Greys Pass (Piquenierskloof) (3218DB), 10 May 1934 , Galpin 12917 (PRE); Grey’s Pass, Clanwilliam (3218DB), May 1934 , Galpin s.n. (BOL); Clanwilliam, Oupoort, NW of Pakhuis Pass on rd. to Botterkloof (3219AA), 24 April 2004 , Bergh 1339 (NBG); Cederberg, E side of Pakhuis Pass (3219AA), 21 March 1996 , Koekemoer 1223 (PRE); Cederberg, Uitkyk Pass, Algeria Forest Station (3219AA), 22 March 1996 , Koekemoer 1232 (PRE); Lower slopes of Pakhuis Pass (3219AA), 11 September 1990 , Koekemoer 428 (PRE); Cederberg, between Dwars River & Uitkyk Pass (3219AA), 4 April 1952 , Levyns 9823 (BOL); Cederberg, Pakhuisberge, from Clanwilliam on rd. to Pakhuis (3219AA), 25 August 1995 , Rodriguez-Oubina 2077 (PRE); Clanwilliam, Amon jeeptrack, N Cederberg, near Crossroads Camp at TR053 (3219AA), 9 May 1989 , Taylor 12058 (NBG); Wupperthal, Pakhuis-Heuningvlei jeeptrack, N Cederberg above ‘Groot Rondevlak’ at TR008 (3219AA), 10 May 1989 , Taylor 12067 (NBG); Wupperthal, Groot Rondevlak at Fortyn-se-kloof at TR064 (3219AA), 10 May 1989 , Taylor 12069 (NBG); Wupperthal, Pakhuis-Heuningvlei jeeptrack, N Cederberg (3219AA), 10 May 1989 , Taylor 12071 (NBG); Cederberg, Algeria, Rooikop, W of Algeria Forestry Station (3219AC), February 2004 , Bergh 1182 (NBG); Cederberg, path up to Helshoogte (Helskloof?) avove Algeria campsite (3219AC), 26 February 2000 , Bergh 141 (NBG); Cederberg, Algeria, N of Algeria Forestry Station, Helskloof (3219AC), 26 February 2000 , Bergh 145 (NBG); Cederberg, Cederberg Pass, on the way to Kromrivier (3219AC), 26 February 2000 , Bergh 173 (NBG); Clanwilliam Div., S Cedarberg, Sneeuberg (3219AC), 12 April 1952 , Esterhuysen 20058 (PRE); Cederberg, near jeep track to Sneeukop hut, above Crystal Pools (3219AC), 12 September 2002 , Koekemoer 2415 (PRE); Algeria Forest Station, near camping site along footpath to waterfall (3219AC), 7 March 1991 , Koekemoer 592 (PRE); Gonnafontein, Cederberg, Plot 2, Pond’s (3219AC), 30 March 2000 , Pond 38 (NBG); Clanwilliam Div., S Cederberg (3219AC), April 1947 , Stokoe SAM63073 (SAM); Clanwilliam, Bath (3219CA), 6 July 1935 , Compton 5338 (NBG); Clanwilliam Div. Olifantsrivier Mt., below Olifantsrivier Dome (3219CA), 16 April 1949 , Esterhuysen 15305 (BOL, PRE); Elandskloof, Cold Bokkeveld (3219CA), 20 April 1935 , Levyns 4888 & 4900 & 4906 (BOL); Cederberg, Matjiesrivier Nature Reserve, Stadsaal (3219CB), 4 October 1997 , Lechmere-Oertel 752 (NBG); Wupperthal, Gideonskop (3219CB), 22 April 1957 , Stokoe PRE42412 (NBG, PRE); Gideonskop (3219CB), 22 April 1957 , Stokoe s.n. (NBG); Ceres Div., rocky ridge above Winkelhaaks River, E of Bokkeveld Sneeuwkop (3219CC), 20 April 1946 , Esterhuysen 12687 (BOL, PRE); Clanwilliam near Thee River Kloof (3219CC), 16 April 1949 , Esterhuysen 15332 (BOL); Cold Bokkeveld Mount, Ceres Div., Schoongezicht Pk. (3219CC), 4 April 1953 , Esterhuysen 21290 (PRE); Ceres, Schurweberg (N of Bokkeveld Tafelberg) (3219CC), 19 April 1954 , Esterhuysen 22885 (BOL, K, PRE); Ceres Div., Schurweberg (3219CC), 19 April 1946 , Esterhuysen 23334 (BOL); Citrusdal, Platkloof (3219CC), 18 April 1998 , Hanekom 3020 (NBG); Ceres, Cold Bokkeveld, Skoongezicht (3219CC), 8 April 1967 , Hanekom 877 (PRE); Ceres, rd. NE from Op-Die-Berg, past Boplaas (3219CD), 24 April 2004 , Bergh 1313 (NBG); Ceres Div., Winkelhaaks River, E of Bokkeveld Sneeukop (3219DC), 20 April 1946 , Esterhuysen 12688 (BOL); rd. between R303 and Witzenberg Valley (3319AB), 21 December 2001 , Bayer 01139 (PRE); Gydo Pass (3319AB), March 1951 , Stokoe SAM 65885 (PRE); Tulbagh, above bridge in Nuwekloof, from Tulbagh on rd. to Gouda (3319AC), 23 March 1996 , Koekemoer 1239 a & b (PRE); Ceres Div., Swartruggens, NE of Onverwacht (3319BA), 16 June 1965 , Acocks 23662 (PRE); Ceres, Karoopoort (3319BA), 10 December 2003 , Bergh 1067 (NBG); Ceres Karoo, Karoopoort, (3319BA), 10 December 2003 , Bergh 1068 (NBG); Ceres, along R46/ R355 Kareekloof Private Nature Reserve, Kleinfontein farm (3319BA), 16 July 2003 , Murray HMM 117 (NBG); Worcester Div., Keeromsberg (3319DA), 18 May 1944 , Esterhuysen 10158 (BOL); Keeromsberg, Robertson-Worcester Div. (3319DA), 18 April 1954 , Esterhuysen 22855 (PRE); Poesjenels River, Robertson (3319DC), 12 April 1936 , Levyns 5512 (BOL); Montagu, S end of Kogmanskloof (3320CC), 14 March 1959 , Acocks 20348 (K, PRE) and 27 June 2000 , Bergh 529 (NBG); Montagu, between town & Baths (3320CC), 5 July 1938 , Levyns 6456 (BOL); Montagu (3320CC), 1 May 1951 , Levyns 9577 (BOL); S of Montagu Bath (3320CC), October 1922 , Michell 124 (PRE); Calitzdorp, Gamka Reserve (3321BB), 24 May 1975 , Esterhuysen 33832 (BOL); Gamkaskloof, Swartberg, (3321BD), 8 September 2001 , van Wyk 359 (PRE); Riversdale, Langeberg, Garcia’s Pass (3321CC), 8 April 2004 , Bergh 1277 (NBG); Garcias Pass (3321CC), 20 May 1950 , Esterhuysen 17033 (BOL); Ladismith, Langeberg, Garcias Pass (3321CC), 13 May 1971 , Kruger 1273 (NBG, PRE); Muiskraal, Riversdale (3321CC), 16 July 1957 , Levyns 10742 (BOL); Muiskraal, Riversdale (3321CC), July 1927 , Levyns 2122 (BOL); Little Karoo, Gamka Mountain Nature Reserve, upper reaches of Suiferwaterkloof (3321DB), 13 April 1988 , Erasmus 156 (NBG, PRE); Oudtshoorn, Boomplaas, Cango Valley (3322AC), 21 January 1976 , Hugo 26 (NBG, PRE); Swartberg Pass (3322AC), July 1935 , Levyns 5034 (BOL); Prince Albert (3322AC), May 1926 , Pocock 5180 (S. 180 in BOL) (BOL, PRE); Prins Albert Dist., Swartberg Pass (3322AC), April 1972 , Reyneke & studente 143 (PRE); R.P.N.R. Suikerbosrug (3418AB), 8 May 2004 , Duckitt 606 (NBG); R320 from Hermanus to Caledon (3419AD), 4 April 2004 , Bester 5036 & 5054 (PRE); Robertson Div., Riviersonderendberge (3419BB), 7 April 1974 , Theron & students 3020 (PRE); Clanwilliam Div., Uitkyk Pass (3219AA), 11 March 1938 , Acocks 8597 (PRE); Cold Bokkeveld; Ceres Div.; Schurweberg (3219CC), 19 April 1946 , Esterhuysen 12671 (PRE).