Taxonomic Transfer of the Red Algal Genus Gloiosaccion to Chrysymenia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodymeniales), Including the Description of a New Species, Chrysymenia pseudoventricosa, for the Gulf of Mexico Author Schmidt, W. E. Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, 70504 - 3602, USA Author Gurgel, C. F. D. Departamento de Botânica, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC 88040 - 970, Brazil Author Fredericq, S. Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, 70504 - 3602, USA text Phytotaxa 2016 2016-01-08 243 1 54 70 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.243.1.2 1179-3163 13680442 Chrysymenia pseudoventricosa W. E. Schmidt, Gurgel and Fredericq , sp. nov . Figures 9–16 . HOLOTYPE : sample LAF-NSF-II-78-2 ( WES 16 ), Campeche Banks , Southeastern Gulf of Mexico , Mexico , 22˚10’420” N , 91˚ 09’550” W ), 42–43 m depth sample NSF-II-106-3, vegetative plant, attached to rhodolith. Figs. 9–14 , leg . Suzanne Fredericq , deposited in LAF . ETYMOLOGY: the specific epithet refers to the similarity in habit with C. ventricosa . SYNONYM: Chrysymenia ventricosa in part MATERIAL EXAMINED: Campeche Banks, SE Gulf of Mexico , Mexico , LAF-NSF-II-63-1 ( WES 88 ), 21˚48’048” N , 91˚54’962” W ), 30–38 m depth ; LAF-NSF-II-106-3, 22˚10’420” N , 91˚ 09’550” W , , dredged from a depth of 37–43 m , attached to rhodolith ; sample NSF-II-106-3, vegetative plant. See Table 1 . GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Caribbean, Bermuda , Canary Islands [see records in Taylor (1960) , Littler and Littler (2000) as C . “ ventricosa ”] HABIT AND VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE: Thalli up to 10.5 cm tall and 13 cm in width, terete to moderately compressed, with a thickness of approximately 4.5 mm , from a small attachment stipe of 2 mm in height, and a small discoid holdfast ( Fig. 9 ). The blade is hollow and filled with mucilage. Gland cells are pyriform, solitary ( Fig. 10 ), or borne on unmodified medullary cells ( Fig. 11 ). The thallus is completely corticated ( Fig. 12 ), composed of threeto-four pigmented cortical cell layers ( Fig. 13 ), a larger layer of roundish subcortical cells, and one-to-two medullary layers of hyaline cells ( Fig. 14 ). The middle portion of the stipe is of complete solid construction, with pigmented cortical cells transitioning into large hyaline medullary cells filling the solid mass with rhizoidal filaments ( Fig. 15 ). Internal filaments develop either from transformed medullary cells, or invading medullary cells ( Fig. 16 ). Female, male and tetrasporangial thalli were not seen. REPRESENTATIVE SEQUENCES: HQ400581 ( rbc L), KT154726 (LSU), KT154701 (UPA).