A review of Chelonian type specimens (order Testudines) Author Iverson, John B. text Megataxa 2022 2022-01-25 7 1 1 85 journal article 20418 10.11646/megataxa.7.1.1 bd1f1932-a0fa-4daf-af9f-cc52c932ed40 2703-3090 5964441 3BD32BFF-0402-47FB-A9EE-FE08E260793D Pseudemys concinna (LeConte 1829:106) Syntypes (number uncertain): includes MNHN 9171 (including body parts catalogued as MNHN 2067 ) and 9172 (including body parts catalogued as MNHN 2066 ). MNHN 9171-9172 photographed in Bour (2003:542, Figs. 3–4). MNHN 9172 designated as lectotype by Bour (2003:543) . Emys annulifera Gray 1830:12 Holotype : BMNH 1946.1 .22.28 (presumably the specimen that Boulenger 1889:84 suggested might be the holotype ). Emys hieroglyphica Holbrook 1836:47 Holotype : ANSP 217 according to Baur (1893) and Carr (1938b , 1952 ), but now apparently lost (not listed in Malnate 1971 ). Emys mobilensis Holbrook 1838:53 Holotype : ANSP 242 (illustrated in the original description, Pl. IX ; Malnate 1971:354 ). Baur (1893:224) listed ANSP 241 as a co-type, but there is no evidence to support that claim. Emys labyrinthica Duméril & Bibron in Duméril & Duméril 1851:13 Syntypes (4 or 5): MNHN 9179-81, and 9521 (Roux-Esteve1979:28);and also MNHN 9177 according to Bonnemains & Bour (1996:23) . Ptychemys hoyi Agassiz 1857:433 Holotype : None designated; USNM 55516 ( Cochran 1961:235 ; Reynolds et al. 2007:20 ) designated neotype by Stejneger (1938:175) . Emys orthonyx Wied-Neuwied 1865:23 Syntypes (number uncertain): Not located; 22 specimens originally described and three illustrated in the original description (Pl. II, Fig. 5; PL. III, Figs. 1–2). Pseudemys vioscana Brimley 1928:66 Holotype : USNM 79632 ( Cochran 1961:234 ; formerly Brimley number 115 in the original description, where it was illustrated, Pl. 2, Fig. 2); paratypes (11, according to the original description with intent to be deposited in the USNM [original numbers 106, 107, 111–114, and 7807-11],but only 7 are currently identified and in the USNM collection; Reynolds et al. 2007:20 ), USNM 79633-34, 166490-91 (formerly NCSM 3646-47), and 167248-50 (formerly NCSM 3648, 3649, and 3651)( Reynolds et al. 2007:20 ). USNM 194822 is a possible paratype ( Reynolds et al. 2007:20 ). Cochran (1961:235) listed only USNM 79633-34 as paratypes . Pseudemys elonae Brimley 1928:67 Holotype : USNM 79631 ( Cochran 1961:234 ; originally Brimley number 124; illustrated in the original description, Pl. 2, Fig. 1); paratypes (3), USNM 166487-89 (formerly NCSM 3653- 54 and 3665; original numbers Brimley 127, 128 [illustrated in the original description, Pl. 1], and 130; Reynolds et al. 2007:17 ). Paratypes not listed in Cochran (1961:234) . Pseudemys concinna metteri Ward 1984:34 Holotype : USNM 7173 (photographed in the original description, p. 35, Fig. 7; Reynolds et al. 2007:17 ); paratypes (5), TCWC 14579, 18462- 63, 57934; UTA 5163. Note that the holotype of metteri is also a paratype of Pseudemys texana ( Reynolds et al. 2007:17 ) .