A review of Chelonian type specimens (order Testudines) Author Iverson, John B. text Megataxa 2022 2022-01-25 7 1 1 85 journal article 20418 10.11646/megataxa.7.1.1 bd1f1932-a0fa-4daf-af9f-cc52c932ed40 2703-3090 5964441 3BD32BFF-0402-47FB-A9EE-FE08E260793D Malayemys subtrijuga (Schlegel & Müller 1845:30) Syntypes (3): RMNH 6082, 6084, and 6085 ( Hoogmoed et al. 2010:10 ). RMNH 6082 designated lectotype by Brophy (2004:74 ; pictured in Boie “Erp. Java ” Plate III). BMNH 1947.3.4.53 (formerly 1848.10.31.16; = specimen “m” listed in Boulenger 1889:95 ) has erroneously been considered the holotype of this species (see full discussion in Brophy 2004:73–74 , Hoogmoed et al. 2010:10 , and Dawson et al. 2020:1–4 ). Cistudo gibbosa Bleeker 1857:239 Holotype : BMNH 1863.12 .4.38 ( Gray 1873:39 ). Emys nuchalis Blyth 1863:82 Syntypes (3): ZSI 824-26 ( Das et al. 1998:126 ; Kundu et al. 2018:52 , all types photographed therein, p. 54). Damonia crassiceps Gray 1870:43 Holotype : Not located; possibly BMNH ; illustrated in Hardwicke (1835 :Figs. 19–21). Damonia oblonga Gray 1871:367 Holotype : BMNH 1947.3 .5.30 (formerly 1871.4.10.2 or 1871.10.12.2). Mauremys annamensis (Siebenrock 1903:341) Holotype : NMW 23394 ( Tiedemann & Häupl 1980:7 ; Tiedemann et al. 1994:12 ). Annamemys merkleni Bourret 1940:15 Syntypes (8): original numbers NUH T57-58 (illustrated in the original description, p. 16, Fig. 4), T66-68, Y20, and Y23-24; SU 9142 ( Leviton 1953:132 ; formerly Y-20) designated lectotype by Savage 1953:471 ). T57, T67 and Y 23 in the Musée d’Histoire naturelle de Toulouse (Roger Bour, pers. comm). T66 and Y24 now MNHN 1948-40 and 1948-39, respectively. T58 and T68 have not been located.