The Neotropical genus Titanochrysa (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae): larval descriptions, biological notes, a new species, and taxonomic changes
Tauber, Catherine A.
Albuquerque, Gilberto S.
Tauber, Maurice J.
journal article
Titanochrysa simpliciala
Figs 8
(a male) is in the Entomological Collection of the University of Minnesota [
]. Its labels read: [1] “
: Heredia / Quebrada Amistad,
1.8 km
/ (road) NW Porosail /
, el.
1920 m
/ Holzenthal, Muñoz, Kjer”; [2] “
/ sp. / det. Penny, 92”; [3] “
Titanochrysa simpliciala
/ des. C. A. Tauber 2012”.
. Externally, the
T. simpliciala
adult resembles many of the common
species [e.g.,
Chrysoperla externa
] in its light green coloration with a yellow median stripe and simple, unmarked wings with regular, largely green venation and narrow costal area. However, it clearly falls into the genus
It has a pronounced lateral stripe on the scapes, black genal markings, largely black labial and maxillary palpi, and basal inner gradates meeting Psm—all traits that typify
species. Also, it has a broadly based gonarcus, a broad, somewhat membranous mediuncus with beak-like apex and lateral lobes, microtholi on sternites 3
8, a simple, straight, dorsal apodeme on T9+ectoproct, and a spoon-shaped gonapsis—all character states that typify
This species keys out at couplet 2 (
Titanochrysa trespuntensis
Sosa & Freitas
) in the “Key to species of
Sosa & Freitas 2012: 17
). For example, couplet 1: it has microtholi on abdominal sternites 3
8, and the dorsal rods on the median plate of the arcessus are parallel, not X-shaped; couplet 2: the membrane of the forewing is entirely without shading, and the male has a field of small setae below the mediuncus and above the gonosaccus. However, the species differs from
T. trespuntensis
in that the wing venation is entirely green (not with black areas as in
T. trespuntensis
); the setae on the flagellum are amber-colored (not black as in
T. trespuntensis
); there are more costal crossveins and they are slanted (not perpendicular or almost perpendicular as in
T. trespuntensis
); the dorsum of the mediuncus is not striated (as in
T. trespuntensis
); and the gonapsis lacks an acute dorsal projection (present on
T. trespuntensis
Fig. 8
1.2 mm
wide (including eyes); ratio of head width to eye width = 2.35: 1. Vertex raised, rounded, dome-like; surface smooth, without setae; posterior region with prominent, flat, raised areas. Antenna 12.0,
12.2 mm
long (~0.88 times length of forewing); scape slightly longer than broad (frontal view,
0.26 mm
0.23 mm
wide); lateral margin of scapes straight, mesal margin convex; distance between scapes
0.09 mm
; distance between tentorial pits
0.40 mm
; length of frons (midway between scapes – midway between tentorial pits)
0.32 mm
. Frons largely flat, with smooth, shiny surface, with anterior margin strongly concave, angular at midline. Clypeus smooth, shiny, with anterior margin straight. Labrum with dorsal surface sculptured, base slightly pinched mesally, distal margin with small, mesal indentation, anterolateral margins rounded. [Note: On the maxillae of the
, the galeae are large and they extend well beyond the labrum. Whether this condition is characteristic of the species or unique to this specimen is not known.]
Head coloration
Fig. 8
): Antenna: scape light cream, with heavy black lateral stripe; pedicel light cream, with black distolateral stripe; flagellum light cream-colored, with pale setae. Vertex, dorsal torulus yellow to cream. Frons creamy white, without markings. Anterior torulus creamy white, with pair of small black lateral spots. Clypeus creamy white, with black stripe along lateral margin. Gena with base creamy white dorsally, ventrally; lateral surface black. Labrum cream-colored. Maxillary palpus: distal three palpomeres entirely black; basal two palpomeres cream-colored. Labial palpus: distal palpomere cream-colored, with black tip; basal two palpomeres cream-colored, unmarked. Venter cream-colored throughout.
Titanochrysa simpliciala
Holotype, Entomological Collection, University of Minnesota. A. Habitus, lateral; B. Head and prothorax, dorsal; C. Head and prothorax, lateral; D. Head, frontal; E. Head and thorax, dorsal.
Titanochrysa simpliciala
Holotype, Entomological Collection, University of Minnesota. Upper. Forewing; Lower, Hindwing. Scale applies to both wings.
: (
Fig. 8
): Cervix mostly yellowish green, with small black spot laterally. Prothorax (sclerotized region)
0.48 mm
0.94 mm
wide; ratio of length to width = 0.51: 1; setae medium-length, light golden to light brown; pronotum green, with broad, yellow mesal stripe, pair of diffuse lateral (anterior) to sublateral (posterior) stripes, black anteriorly, becoming reddish posteriorly. Mesonotum, metanotum yellow mesally to very light green dorsolaterally; sides creamy white. Legs cream to very light green, with pale setae; tips of claws brown, bases pale, central area black.
: (
Fig. 9
): Forewing
13.8 mm
3.5 mm
wide (at widest point); ratio of length: maximum width = 3.3: 1. Costal area relatively narrow; tallest costal cell (#7)
0.8 mm
tall, 2.3 times width, 0.21 times width of wing (midwing). First intramedian cell ovate, 0.6 times width of third median cell. First radial crossvein distal to origin of radial sector (Rs); radial area (between Radius and Rs) with single row of 14 closed cells; tallest cell (#6) 1.9 times taller than wide. Six b cells (= cells beneath Rs, not including an inner gradate vein). Two series of gradate veins; eight inner, eight outer gradates (both in regular, parallel series). Six b’ cells (cells beneath pseudomedia after second intramedian cell). Three intracubital cells (two closed). Stigma transparent, unmarked, with four subcostal crossveins below. Longitudinal veins green; costal veinlets brown throughout or at distal and basal ends, radial crossveins brown throughout or brown at basal end; other crossveins, gradates, veinlets green; membrane unmarked.
12.2 mm
3.5 mm
wide. Two series of gradate veins; six inner, six outer gradate veins (all in regular, parallel series); twelve radial cells (counted from origin of Radius, not false origin). Six b cells (including one small “t” cell); six b’ cells beyond second intramedian cell; three intracubital cells (two closed). Stigma slightly transparent; veins green, except costal veinlets, some radial crossveins brown; membrane clear.
Male abdomen
: (
Figs 10
): Tergites 3
7 roughly rectangular, very narrow, long, with rounded edges; in lateral view, length about six to seven times height; ventral margins regular, straight; T6, length approximately same as length of T7 (x 1.1). Spiracles small, oval externally; atria not enlarged. Integument of pleural region without folds; depth approximately same as height of sternites (lateral view). Length of sternites 4
7 approximately two times height.
Titanochrysa simpliciala
Holotype, Entomological Collection, University of Minnesota. Male abdomen. A. Segments 4-terminus, lateral; B. Segments 2–5, ventral (full width of sternites, with tergites behind, visible through sternites); C. Terminal segments, lateral; D. Callus cerci; E. Tergite 9 + ectoproct, dorsal. Abbreviations: a.c., anterior cleft of T9+e; c.c., callus cerci; d.a., dorsal apodeme of ectoproct; p.c., posterior cleft of T9+e; P6, pleural membrane of sixth segment; S4, fourth sternite; S6, sixth sternite; S8+9, fused eighth and ninth sternites; T4, fourth tergite; T6, sixth tergite; T7, seventh tergite; T8, eighth tergite; T9+e, fused ninth tergite and ectoproct; v.a., ventral apodeme of S8+9. Note: The abdominal tergites are elongate and very narrow, whereas the sternites are broad and tall. In Fig 12A, T5 and T6 are shown in full width (they are not folded), and S5 and S6 are folded, offset from the midline; T8 and S8+9 are folded in the center. In Fig. 12B, the tergites and sternites are not folded, and the full width of each is in view (tergites: dark, narrow, mesal stripe, visible below the sternites, which extend the full width of the abdomen).
Callus cerci ovate, margins well sclerotized;
0.17 mm
0.10 mm
width, with 23
34 trichobothria, mostly long. T9+ectoproct (lateral view) truncate distally, with long, robust, straight setae; (dorsal view) rounded distally, left and right sections of basal region separated by deep cleft, sections fused in distal region; ventral section extending broadly below approximately one-half of T8, to anterior margin of S8, with slender, well sclerotized apodeme extending from behind callus cerci, along dorsal margin of ectoproct to posterior margin; apodeme unbranched. S8+9 (lateral view) with proximal margin straight; ventral margin straight, without knob; dorsal margin fairly straight anteriorly, with deep concave depression after midregion; rounded terminus; dorsal margin with heavy apodeme from base along entire dorsal length of sternite (absent from terminal margin). S8+9 (ventral view) broad basally; distal section rounded, narrowing to blunt terminus; microtholi present on S3
S8, absent from S1, S2, S9. Setae on terminal section of S9 robust, long. Subanal plate small, partially withdrawn; gonarcal complex connected to terminus of ectoproct by relatively short, clear, smooth membrane that attaches to top of gonarcus, membrane extending around sides of gonarcus, becoming confluent with distal base of gonosaccus. Gonarcus fairly robust, arcuate, with lateral apodemes extending approximately perpendicularly from gonarcal bridge; gonarcal apodemes slightly enlarged, rounded, distally, with curved processes extending outward on lateral margins of gonosaccus below rods. Mediuncus broad basally, dome-like; pair of flat lateral rods extending from lateral margin of gonarcal bridge, along top of mediuncus to lateral edges of tip; tip of mediuncus with pair of rounded, lateral lobes, small, sharp beak mesally. Gonosaccus expanded below neck of mediuncus, smooth with field of small gonosetae immediately below mediuncus, large field of ~24 robust, long setae on large chalazae in lower region. Gonapsis elongate, flattened laterally, dumbell-shaped in lateral view; tip with well sclerotized, internal beak, scalloped dorsal margin. Gonocristae absent; hypandrium internum not found.
: Unknown.
Titanochrysa simpliciala
Holotype, Entomological Collection, University of Minnesota. Male genitalia—gonarcal complex. A. Ventrolateral; B. Ventral; C. Dorsolateral (Note gonapsis.); D. Dorsal; E. Gonapsis, lateral [Note scalloped edge on dorsal margin of distal lobe (right)]. Abbreviations: beak, mediuncal beak; g.a., gonarcal arm; gon, gonarcus; gps, gonapsis; gsa, gonosaccus; gse, gonosetae; lobe, mediuncal lobe; mu, mediuncus; rod, mediuncal rod; s.s., short setae.
Specimens examined.
The species is known only from the
Known distribution.
The name “
” (simplici-, Latin adjective, meaning simple; “ala”, Latin noun, fem., meaning wing) refers to the species’ very simple wings (transparent stigmas, unmarked membranes, very regular, largely green venation).