Culicoides Latreille and Leptoconops Skuse biting midges of the southwestern United States with emphasis on the Canyonlands of southeastern Utah (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Author Phillips, Robert A. 2962 Desert Road Moab, UT 84532 USA text Insecta Mundi 2022 2022-01-28 2022 907 1 214 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.6391684 1942-1354 6391684 CBD29188-143B-44DF-BE21-1654D50D8621 Culicoides ( Silvicola ) species D (Fig. 185, 246, 267) Diagnosis. ( Tables 14 , 15 ) (n = 2, numeric data presented here as Nevada specimen first, Utah specimen second). Large, wing length 1.95–2.17 mm ; wing pattern extensive, with distinct distal stripes and pale spots; pale spot over at least distal half of r 2 ; cua 1 without central dark spot; eyes contiguous for ~1 ommatidium diameter; superior transverse suture present; antennal ratio 0.90–0.88; SCo patterns 1, (7), 9–13 and 1, 5–13; palpal segment 3 with wide shallow, irregular sensory pit and scattered sensilla, ratio 2.75–2.82; proboscis ratio 0.91–0.83; 16–15 mandibular teeth; apical spines single on fore tarsomeres, paired on hind tarsomeres; spermathecae unequal by 1.15–1.20; male unknown. Distribution. One female was collected with a CO 2 -baited trap on 13 May 2003 at 38.5286°N 109.48156°W and 1389 m elevation 8 km southeast of Moab in Grand County, Utah ; and one female was collected with UVLT on 2 April 2019 at 36.14032°N 114.72704°W and 384 m elevation in Clark County, Nevada . Adult behavior. The mandibular and lacinial teeth and collection in a CO 2 -baited trap indicate it feeds on vertebrate blood; however, its hosts are unknown. Remarks. The combination of diagnostic characters places this species in the Cockerellii group of subgenus Silvicola and distinguishes it from all other described species of the group. The specimens have the SCo patterns of C . neomontanus , C . freeborni , or C . saltonensis , irregular palpal sensorial pits of C . neofagineus , apical fore and hind tarsal spines of C . cockerellii , C . neomontanus , or C . sierrensis , unequal spermathecae of C . neofagineus or C . sierrensis , and distinct wing patterns similar to that of C . freeborni or C . neofagineus . However, all of these characters are somewhat variable; and with only two specimens , this species will not be formally described at this time. See subgenus Silvicola discussion.