Revision of the subtribe Clavigerodina and an annotated catalogue of South African Clavigeritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) Author Hlavác, Peter text African Invertebrates 2007 2007-12-31 48 2 65 92 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7667945 2305-2562 7667945 Novoclaviger auriculatus (Wasmann, 1898) , comb. n. Figs 13, 14 , 36 Fustigerodes auriculatus : Wasmann 1898: 98 ; Raffray 1898: 412. Fustigerodes (s. str.) auriculatus Wasmann : Jeannel 1964: 209, fig. 306 (aedeagus). Differential diagnosis: This species is easily distinguished from other species of the gibbiventris group by the unique structure of the lateral processes on the composite tergum. Description: Body reddish brown, 2.06–2.22 mm long and 0.78–0.86 mm wide, head 1.15–1.20 times as long as wide and slightly shorter than pronotum, reticulate structure on whole surface but less defined, frontal rostrum roundly acute, clypeus clearly visible dorsally, tempora slightly convergent; antennae longer, terminal antennomere conical, 4.73–4.82 times as long as wide, antennomere III almost quadrate; pronotum about 1.08–1.10 times as wide as long, with 6 or 7 macrosetae on sides, longitudinal sulcus well-defined, posterior part of elytra simple, lacking setae, disc and abdomen smooth and shiny, humeri with 6 or 7 macrosetae; lateral processes on composite tergum smaller, upper part rounded, convex, lacking any trace of carinae; triangular tooth of mesofemora large, occupying almost half of femoral length, mesofemora normally developed with shallow groove extending from middle to apex, sharp, acute spine of mesotibiae located close to apex. Holotype : ơ [lacking aedeagus] SOUTH AFRICA : Eastern Cape : ‘[blue label] [h] Dr. Brauns, Port Elizabeth, Rhopalomyrmex transversinodis / [blue label] MUSEUM PARIS, 1917, COLL. A. RAFFRAY / [h] F . auriculatus A. Raffray det. / C. B. S. / Fustigerodes auriculatus / [red ink] HOLOTYPE Novoclaviger auriculatus (Wasmann) , P. Hlavác v det. 2006.’ (MNHN). Figs 13, 14. Novoclaviger auriculatus , aedeagus, dorsal and lateral aspects. Other material examined: ơ SOUTH AFRICA : Eastern Cape : ‘Algoa Bay, Capland, Dr. Brauns, /ơ / [reddish brown label] Fustigerodes auriculatus Wasm. , Type ơ’; ^‘Algoa Bay, Capland, Dr. Brauns / [h] ^/ [reddish brown label] [h] Fustigerodes auriculatus Wasm. , Type ^’ (both TMSA).