Phidon abismus sp. nov. from Patagonian forests of Argentina (Blattaria: Pseudophyllodromiidae) Author Bramardi, Martina A. 0009-0003-8160-0605 martinabramardi @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0003 - 8160 - 0605 Author Moccia, Tobías 0009-0000-4263-6566 tobiasmoccia @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0000 - 4263 - 6566 Author Kun, Marcelo E. 0000-0002-7299-2796 marcelo. kun @ crub. uncoma. edu. ar; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7299 - 2796 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-06-06 5297 4 579 586 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5297.4.7 1175-5326 8009233 469D5072-6096-45EB-8478-04B3076F8820 Phidon abismus Bramardi, Moccia & Kun sp. nov. ( Figs 1A–D , 2A–F , 3A–C , 4A–D ) Etymology The name of the species comes from heraldry and refers to the central area of a shield (Spanish “ abismo ”, English “abyss”) where the main drawing is located. In this case the drawing is the set of central lines on the pronotum disk. Type material Holotype : male , Argentina , Río Negro Province , Bariloche , Villa Coihues ; -41.15394 , -71.42135 ; 873 m a.s.l., 10.XII.2005 , leg. Corsolini (pinned, genitalia on one slide mounted in Hoyer‘s solution) ( MACN-ENT ). Paratypes : 1 female , same location and date of holotype (stored at ethanol 70%) (MACN-ENT); 1 female and 1 male , Argentina , Río Negro Province , Villa Coihues; -41.181437 , -71.423941 ; 1020 m a.s.l., 22.VIII.2022 , leg. M. Bramardi (stored at ethanol 70%) (MACN-ENT). Other material examined 1 female , Argentina, Refugio Jakob , -41.178923 , -71.556318 , 1350 m a.s.l., 14.II.2020 , leg. M. Bramardi (CRUB-LZ); 1 female and 1 nymph, Argentina, Villa Coihues , -41.182443 , -71.420646 , 1020 m a.s.l., 11.IX.2021 , leg. M. Bramardi (CRUB-LZ); 1 male and 1 nymph, Argentina, Cerro Otto , -41.148065 , -71.363955 , 1280 m a.s.l., 22.X.2021 , leg. T. Moccia (CRUB-LZ); 5 male and 1 female , Argentina, Villa Coihues , -41.181437 , -71.423941 , 1020 m a.s.l., 22.VIII.2022 , leg. M. Bramardi (CRUB-LZ); 1 nymph, Argentina , path to Cerro Tronador, -41.375538 , -71.748199 , 760 m a.s.l., 28.I.2022 , leg. A. Iglesias; 1 male , Argentina, Villa Coihues , -41.149846 , -71.412093 , 800 m a.s.l., 6.I.2022 , leg. A. Iglesias. FIGURE 1. Phidon abismus sp. nov. A: Male dorsal view. B: Male ventral view. C: Female dorsal view. D: Female ventral view. Description Size. Male Holotype : Body length 14 mm , total body length 17.05 mm , body width 5.66 mm , pronotum length 2.54 mm , pronotum width 4.2 mm , tegmen length 14.5 mm , tegmen width 4.7 mm , interocular distance 0.62 mm , interantennal distance 0.68 mm . Males [mm] : Body length 15.01–12.50 (mean 13.72), total body length 19.94–15.50 (mean 17.66), body width 6.08–5.08 (mean 5.72), pronotum length 2.56–1.80 (mean 2.34), pronotum width 3.93–3.04 (mean 3.63), tegmen length 16.00–14.08 (mean 14.86), tegmen width 4.74–3.83 (mean 4.18), interocular distance 0.78–0.62 (mean 0.70), interantennal distance 0.68–0.66 (mean 0.67), interantennal length 16.48–13.98 (mean 15.20). Body. Oblong, dorsoventrally depressed, coloration greyish brown ( Fig. 1 A–B ). Head . Subtriangular, with scattered dark-brown marks, slightly depressed, vertex slightly exposed beneath pronotum in dorsal view. Eyes black. IO and IA subequal ( Fig. 2E ). Antennae yellow, filiform, reaching the apex of abdomen, stout scapes nearly three times the length of the first segment of flagellum, (with nearly 70 segments wider than long). Maxillary palps with fifth article larger and spatulate. Thorax. Pronotum subtrapezoidal (trapezoid base on posterior margin), wider than long, flattened, with rounded translucent margins, slightly bent down. Two dark submarginal regions not touching the characteristic pigmentary pattern of the median pale area composed of two lines converging in the center and diverging as three lines posteriad ( Fig. 2F ). Tegmina. Amber translucent, oblong elongate, venation dark brown, exceeding body apex by nearly 3 mm . Costal vein tenuous and subcostal fused at its base to the radial. Radial field widely developed, occupying the anterior half of the wing. First nine radial branches simple, followed by four forked branches, one of them double forked. Discoidal field well developed and median branches with poorly defined endings. Anterior cubital branched in a double fork. Posterior cubital not reaching the edge of tegmen. Piriform anal field, clearly delimited, composed of five simple veins ( Fig. 2B ). Wings. Subcostal branches and first four radial branches club shaped, remaining radial forked. Median vein forked.Anterior cubital veins with six branches reaching the edge of the wing, remaining four branches anastomosed with posterior cubital. Anal field subtriangular well developed, occupying nearly half of wing area, first anal with four branches, six remaining veins simple ( Fig. 2B ). Legs . Yellow, anteroventral margin of prothoracic femur with two distal spines and a series of scattered spinules terminating in two large spines at nearly the middle of the femur. Proximal stout setae present on front femur approaching the type B2 armament. Proximally, on the anteroventral margin there are four piliform longer spines ( Fig. 2A (I)). Middle femur with a terminal thin long spine followed by two apical shorter spines, on anteroventral and posteroventral surfaces, surrounding the tibial joint. On the middle of the posterior margin there is one series of spine pairs, each represented by one dorsal and one ventral. Remaining armament as in figure 2A (II). Hind femur with 2 orthogonal prominent distal spines. Remaining armament as in figure Fig 2A (III). Tarsomeres 1–4 with whitish euplantulae; arolia distinct. FIGURE 2. Phidon abismus sp. nov. Male. A: Armament of the femurs I, II and III. B: Tegmen and wing longitudinal veins. C: Detail of male genitalia. D: Detail of tergal male modification, dorsal view. E: Frontal view of head. F: Details of pronotum. Abbreviations: L3 ‘: sclerite, r.o.: rounded outgrowth of the sclerite L3 ‘, Ts: Tergal specialization, p.l.s.: piliform longer spines. Abdomen and genitalia ( Figs 2C–D , 3A– H ) A specialization is located in a clearly defined median membranous depression of the seven tergite, consisting of a circular area divided in two specular setal assemblages separated by a longitudinal middle strip; setae inclined and combed towards the center of the area ( Fig. 2D ). Supra-anal plate subtrapezoidal, distal border with a short median notch. Paraprocts asymmetrical, equipped with spines and setae, and slightly protruding below supra-anal plate. The right one more sclerotized but less haired ( Figs 3G,H ). Hypandrium asymmetrical, bearing short lobiform setulose styli ( Fig. 3A ). Nomenclature of sclerites follows Anisyutkin (2011) , however due to the side-reversed condition on Pseudophyllodromiinae we added an apostrophe (‚) to the corresponding terminology, as was used for the description of other cockroaches ( Crespo et al. 2015 ). Sclerite L2D‘ less sclerotized than L3‘, right phallomere ( r.plm .‘) well developed and highly sclerotized, with a warty surface bearing dorso-medial outgrowth (d.m.o) and bilobed fringed elongate sclerite (e.f.s.). There are two membranous areas, one warty ( w.b.m.a ) and the other covered densely with chaetae ( c.b.m.a. ) ( Figs 3B–F ). FIGURE 3. Phidon abismus sp. nov. Male genitalia dorsal view. A: Hypandrium. B–C: Dorsal view. D: Details of right phallomere, warts-bearing membranous area and chaetae-bearing membranous area. E–F: Right phallomere. G: Paraprocts dorsal view. H: Paraprocts posterior view. Abbreviations : cr.p: cribate plate, mt: median triangle, L2D ‘, L3 ‘, L4V’ and L4U’: sclerites, r.o.: rounded outgrowth of the sclerite L3 ‘, hge: groove of the sclerite L3 ‘, e.fs: elongated fringed sclerite, c.b.m.a: chaetae-bearing membranous area, w.b.m.a.: warts-bearing membranous area, r.plm ‘: right phallomere, d. m. o.: dorso-medial outgrowth of the right phallomere, st: stylus, I.pp.: left paraproct, r.pp.: right paraproct. Female ( Figs 1 C,D , 4 B,D ) Size [mm] : Body length 11.95–10.56 (mean 11.33), total body length 11.95–10.56 (mean 11.33), body width 4.77–4.40 (mean 4.61), pronotum length 2.74–2.34 (mean 2.54), pronotum width 4.97–3.74 (mean 4.19), tegmen length 2.31–2.22 (mean 2.27), tegmen width 1.20–0.88 (mean 1.06), interocular distance 1.07–0.94 (mean 1.01), interantennal distance 0.81 (mean 0.81), interantennal length 11.00–9.50 (mean 10.17). Body flattened, ovate, maximum width of abdomen at the second tergite. Head as in male. Tegmina reduced. Pronotum semicircular, margins translucent. Disk pigmentation pattern as in male but darker. Mesonotum pigmentation similar to the pronotal disk, and metanotum with dark central pigmentation. Brachypterous ( Figs 1C,D ). Front femur of type B2. Ootheca ( Figs 4 A,C ) Ootheca subtriangular, laterally compressed, keel dorsally curved with texturated margin ( Fig. 4A ), carried vertically, with apex hidden inside the abdomen ( Fig. 4C ). As other members of the subfamily the ootheca is carried for a few days and thereafter glued on pieces of bark. This type of reproduction behaviour must be assigned to the A type oviparity ( Roth 2003 ).