New additions to the Brazilian fauna of the genus Scytodes Latreille (Araneae: Scytodidae) with emphasis on the Atlantic Forest species Author Rheims, Cristina A. Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2009 2116 1 45 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.187984 b29a7c01-615c-4ceb-b500-20f3eed6f2bd 1175-5326 187984 Scytodes chopim new species Figs. 112–117 Type material: Holotype : male from Cruzeiro do Iguaçu, Dois Vizinhos, (Pequena Central Hidrelétrica de Foz do Chopim ) [ 25°34' S ; 53°07'W ], Paraná, Brazil , 8–15 October 1998 , Equipe Butantan, deposited in IBSP 21347. Paratypes : BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro : Angra dos Reis, Ilha Grande [ 23°00' S ; 44°17' W ] (Ponta da Aripeba), 63 2Ƥ, 13–15 November 1993 , A.B. Bonaldo (MCN 24869). São Paulo: São Paulo [ 23°31' S ; 46°37' W ] (Alto de Perdizes), 2Ƥ, September 1951 , H. Urban ( MZSP 15041); Miracatú [ 24°03' S ; 47°13'W ] (Fazenda Itereí), 23 1Ƥ, 20–26 September 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 91946; 91949); (Teagem) [ 24°16' S ; 47°28' W ], 23 1Ƥ, 20 December 1998 , R. Pinto da Rocha, R.S. Bérnils & M. Matsumoto ( MZSP 17314); Itanhaém [ 24°10' S ; 46°46' W ] (Ilha da Queimada Grande), 1Ƥ, 23–24 January 1997 , R. Bertani & A. D. Brescovit ( IBSP 7902); Peruíbe [ 24°33' S ; 47°01' W ] (Estação Ecológica Juréia Itatins), 33 1Ƥ 3 juvs., 17–21 March 1997 , A D. Brescovit et al . ( IBSP 9798; IBSP 37153). Paraná: Capitão Leônidas Marques (Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Caxias, Rio Iguaçu) [25°23'– 25°40' S ; 53°02'– 53°30' W ], 13 1Ƥ 1juv. , 20–28 March 1998 , A.B. Bonaldo (MCN 23430). Other material examined . BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro : Nova Friburgo [ 22°16' S ; 42°31' W ], 13, January 1946 , Wygodzynski, ( MZSP 21372); Teresópolis [ 22°27' S ; 42°59' W ] (Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos), 23, 18–22 August 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 92292; 92291); Volta Redonda [ 22°31' S ; 44°07' W ] (Floresta da Cicuta), 13, 11–18 June 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 97152). São Paulo : Piracicaba [ 22°43' S ; 47°37' W ], 1Ƥ, 5 February 1945 , C. Zamith ( ESALQ ); Ribeirão Grande [ 22°48' S ; 45°27' W ], 2Ƥ, June 2006 , C.F.S. Andrade ( IBSP 99582); Jundiaí [ 23°13' S ; 46°56' W ], 1Ƥ, 12–17 February 1999 , C.A Rheims ( IBSP 22035); 13, (Reserva Biológica Municipal da Serra do Japi), 2004, Equipe Curso Pós USP ( IBSP 92577); 1Ƥ, 6–10 July 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 92451); 23 1Ƥ, March 2007 , A D. Brescovit ( IBSP 78558); São Paulo [ 23°31' S ; 46°37' W ] 13, ( IBSP 36490); (Água Funda), 13, 14 December 1951 , Werner ( MZSP 21365); (Jardim Aracati), 13, 6–12 November 1999 , R.P. Indicatti ( IBSP 38449); ( Mata do Instituto Butantan), 3Ƥ 2juvs., May 2000February 2001 , D.F. Candiani ( IBSP 76233); (Parque da Previdência), 133 33Ƥ, 1999–2001 ( IBSP 29214–29237; 29239–29243; 29245–29251); (Parque Ecológico do Guarapiranga), 13, 12–19 February 2000 , R.P. Indicatti ( IBSP 38448); 163 19Ƥ, (Parque Ilha dos Eucalíptos, Reservatório da Represa de Guarapiranga), 7–13 April 2004 , I. Cizauskas & C.R.M. Garcia ( IBSP 62217; 62219–62220; 62222; 62224–62228; 62231–62243; 62245–62248); (Reserva do CUASO ), 2Ƥ, 18 May 1999 , F.S. Cunha , ( IBSP 29129; 29130); Jandira [ 23°31' S ; 46°53' W ], 13, 28 February 2005 , CCZ Jandira ( IBSP 50947); Salesópolis [ 23°32' S ; 46°51' W ] (Estação Biológica de Boracéia), 1Ƥ, 2003, Equipe Curso USP ( IBSP 92583); Caucaia do Alto [ 23°40' S ; 47°01' W ] (Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande), 83 4Ƥ, 13–30 June 2002 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 92367–92373; 92570–92573; 38063); São Pedro [ 23°45' S ; 49°22' W ], 1Ƥ, 7 December 2001 , F.S. Cunha ( IBSP 33106); Santo André [23°46'– 23°47' S ; 46°18'– 46°20' W ] (Reserva Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba), 13, 14–16 December 2003 , C.A Rheims & R.P. Indicatti ( IBSP 91962); Miracatú [ 24°03' S ; 47°13'W ] (Fazenda Itereí), 23 5Ƥ, 20–26 September 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 91947; 91948; 91950–91954); (Teagem), 1Ƥ 2juvs., 20 December 1998 , R. Pinto da Rocha, R.S. Bérnils & M. Matsumoto ( MZSP 17307); Peruíbe [ 24°33' S ; 47°01' W ] (Estação Ecológica Juréia Itatins), 133 29Ƥ 12juvs., 26 April – 3 May 1999 , A D. Brescovit et al. ( IBSP 22353; 22380; 22410; 22428; 22554; 22576; 22633; 22680; 22732; 22790; 22918; 22923; 24590; 24860; 24885; 24934; 25397; 25452; 25621; 25799–25802; 25804–25806; 9943); 1Ƥ, 29 September 1997 , R. Bertani ( IBSP 13741); Iporanga [ 24°34' S ; 48°34' W ] (Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira, Gruta Ouro Grosso), 1Ƥ, 5–15 November 2001 , Equipe Biota ( IBSP 92477). Etymology . The specific name is a noun in apposition that refers to the type locality of the holotype . Diagnosis . Males of Scytodes chopim n.sp. are distinguished from those of the remaining Neotropical Scytodes by the palp with prolaterally concave distal region ( Fig. 113 ) and retrolateral dorsal hyaline keel ( Fig. 114–115 ). The females are distinguished by the slightly oval and medially fused hyaline pockets with very narrow lateral sclerotized areas ( Fig. 117 ). Description . Male ( Holotype , IBSP 21347). Carapace orange with dark brown pattern as shown on Fig. 112 . Chelicerae orange with median longitudinal brown stripe. Pedipalps pale yellow with brown prolateral and dorsal stains. Labium orange with pale brown base. Endites pale yellow. Sternum cream colored with brown markings in front of each coxae. Legs pale yellow. Femora I–IV with ventral pair of longitudinal black stripes. Tibiae I–IV with median transversal black band. Abdomen gray. Posterior half with black pattern ( Fig. 112 ). Total length 4.0. Carapace slightly domed, 2.3 long, 1.9 wide. Eye diameters: PME 0.14, ALE 0.12, PLE 0.12. Lateral eyes on a tubercle. Chelicerae with subapical hyaline keel and inconspicuous stridulatory ridges. Labium 0.12 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 1.2 long, 0.9 wide. Leg measurements: I: femur 5.4, patella 0.5, tibia 5.9, metatarsus 7.2, tarsus 0.8, total 19.8; II: 3.8, 0.5, 3.9, 4.6, 0.6, 13.4; III: 1.8, 0.5, 2.2, 2.6, 0.5, 7.6; IV: 3.6, 0.5, 3.3, 3.9, 0.7, 12.0. Palpal femur with stridulatory pick long and slender on slightly triangular and projected socket. Cymbium with a strong distal spine ( Fig. 113 ). Bulb 0.64 long, slightly bent and medially narrowed. Distal region with retrolateral-dorsal hyaline keel and short sclerotized process ( Figs. 114–115 ). Abdomen 1.7 long, 1.5 wide, covered with short slender hairs. Female ( Paratype , IBSP 9798) Coloration pattern as in male. Total length 4.8. Carapace slightly domed, 2.4 long, 2.1 wide. Eye diameters: PME 0.12, ALE 0.12, PLE 0.14. Lateral eyes on a tubercle. Chelicerae as in male. Labium 0.18 long, 0.28 wide. Sternum 1.28 long, 0.90 wide. Leg measurements: I: femur 3.5, patella 0.6, tibia 3.6, metatarsus 4.6, tarsus 0.7, total 13.0; II: 2.7, 0.6, 2.3, 2.7, 0.5, 8.8; III: 1.8, 0.6, 1.5, 1.9, 0.6, 6.4; IV: 2.6, 0.6, 2.5, 2.8, 0.6, 9.1. Palpal femur as in male. Epigynum with ridged positioning ridges separated from each other by 2–3 times their width ( Fig. 116 ). Vulva with small and rounded spermathecae, with narrow stalks, adjacent to slightly oval and medially fused hyaline pockets and very narrow lateral sclerotized areas ( Fig. 117 ). Abdomen 2.4 long, 2.0 wide, as in male. Variation . Ten males: total length 3.0–4.2; carapace 1.7–2.3; femur I 3.6–5.8; bulb 0.46–0.66. Ten females: total length 3.8–5.9; carapace 1.9–2.5; femur I 2.1–3.9. Distribution . Atlantic Forest. States of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná.