A taxonomic study on semifumata species-group of Fissocantharis Pic, with description of six new species from China and Myanmar (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) Author Yang, Yuxia Author Yang, Xingke text ZooKeys 2011 152 43 61 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.152.2070 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.152.2070 1313-2970-152-43 Fissocantharis semifumata (Fairmaire, 1889) Figs 1 -311- 13 Podabrus semifumatus Fairmaire, 1889 : 39. Podabrus bicoloricornis Pic, 1926a : 356. - Wittmer, 1989 : 219 (syn.). Rhagonycha nigrosubapicalis Pic, 1926b : 5. - Wittmer, 1989 : 219 (syn.). Rhagonycha semifumata : Wittmer, 1989 : 219. Micropodabrus semifumatus : Wittmer, 1997 : 312. Fissocantharis semifumata : Yang et al. 2009 : 49. Type material examined. Holotype ♂ of Podabrus semifumatus Fairmaire, 1889, "Moupin [Sichuan: Baoxing], 1870, A. David" (MNHN). Holotype ♂ of Podabrus bicoloricornis Pic, 1926, "Moupin [Sichuan: Baoxing], 1870, A. David" (MNHN). Holotype ♂ of Rhagonycha nigrosubapicalis Pic, 1926, "Szetschwan [Sichuan], Gunpanting [Songpan], Stoener" (MNHN). Additional material examined. 2♂♂, CHINA, Sichuan, Mt. Emei, 500-1200m, 29.30°N , 103.20°E , 4-18.v.1989, leg. S.J. Kolibac (NHMB); 1♂, same locality, 1000m, 4-20.v.1989, leg. Vit Kubaň (NHMB); 1♂, same locality, 600-1050m, 5-19.v.1989, lgt. Lad. Bocak (NHMB); 1♂, 1♀, Sichuan, Mt. Emei, 580-960m, 21.vi.1955, leg. Xingchi Yang [transliterated from Chinese label, the followings as the same] (IZAS); 1♀, same locality, 580-1150m, 27.vi.1955, leg. Zhonglin Ge (IZAS); 1♀, same locality, 1800-2100m, 24.vi.1955, leg. Zhonglin Ge (IZAS); 1♀, same locality, 2100-3100m, 25.vi.1955, leg. Le Wu (IZAS); 1♂, Sichuan, Chudian, 1783m, 23.vi.1957, leg. Fuxing Zhu (IZAS). Distribution. China (Gansu, Sichuan). Redescription. Male(Figs 1-3). Head yellow, apices of mandibles, terminal labial and maxillary palpomeres dark brown, antennae black, antennomeres I yellow, slightly darkened at apices, prothorax and scutellum yellow, elytra mostly black, light yellow at bases and lateral margins, of which inner margins slightly wider on anterior than posterior part and distinctly wider than outer margins, legs yellow, femora darkened at apices, tibiae black along upper sides, tarsi black, meso- and metasterna and abdomen black, last 2 abdominal ventrites yellow. Head subquadrate, evenly narrowed behind eyes, densely and finely punctate, eyes moderately protruding, breadth across eyes slightly wider than anterior margin of pronotum, terminal maxillary palpomeres long-triangular, widest near apices, antennae filiform and simple, extending to apical one-third of elytra, antennomeres II slightly widened apically, about 1.5 times as long as wide at apices, III about twice as long as II, V longest, XI slightly longer than X. Pronotum subquadrate, slightly wider than long, widest at base, anterior margin arcuate, lateral margins diverging posteriorly, posterior margin almost straight, anterior angles rounded, posterior angles nearly vertical, disc densely and finely punctate as that on head, distinctly convex on posterolateral parts. Elytra about 4 times longer than pronotum, 3 times longer than humeral width, lateral margins distinctly diverging posteriorly, disc slightly sparsely and largely punctate than that on pronotum. Legs: all tarsal claws bifid, with lower claws slightly shorter than upper ones. Aedeagus (Figs 11-13): conjoint dorsal plate of parameres with median emargination of apical margin wide and distinctly deeper than lateral ones, protuberances between median and lateral emarginations narrow and almost half length of ventral process of each paramere in dorsal view; ventral process of each paramere narrow, slightly turned outwards at apex in lateral view; median lobe without any sclerotized projection in dorsum. Female. Body larger, eyes less protruding and antennae shorter than that of males, pronotum distinctly wider than long, disc slightly convex, tarsal claws with lower claws distinctly shorter than upper ones. Variation within species. Sometimes elytra entirely light yellow, or slightly darkened at apices, legs with tibiae entirely black. Body length: 8.0-11.0 mm; width: 1.5-2.5 mm. Remarks. In this study, the holotype male of this species is examined, however, its male genitalia is different from the illustration provided by Wittmer (1997) who based on the specimen located in "Chasseurs Thibetains, Ta-Tsien-Lu, 1896" (NHMB). After a careful examination, the latter is shown to be a new species described below, Fissocantharis bicolorata sp. n. In this case, it is necessary to redescribe and illustrate this species here. Figures 1-4. Male habitus, dorsal view 1-3 Fissocantharis semifumata (Fairmaire, 1889) 1 Holotype of Podabrus semifumatus Fairmaire, 1889 2 Holotype of Podabrus bicoloricornis Pic, 1926 3 Holotype of Rhagonycha nigrosubapicalis Pic, 1926 4 Holotype of Micropodabrus fissus Wittmer, 1997