Contributions to the knowledge of Neotropical Lycaenidae: taxonomy of Johnsonita Salazar & Constantino, 1995 with descriptions of seven new species (Theclinae Eumaeini) Author Bálint, Zsolt 0000-0001-8174-878X Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, H- 1088 Budapest, Baross utca 13, Hungary. balint. zsolt @ nhmus. hu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8174 - 878 X Author Boyer, Pierre Lotissement l’Horizon, 13610 Le Puy Sainte Réparade, France. Author Cerdeña, José 0000-0003-3930-6480 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Museo de Historia Natural, Av. Alcides Carrión s / n, Arequipa, Peru. cerdenajoseal @ yahoo. es; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3930 - 6480 jjackie 4 u @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5913 - 0756 Author Larico, Jackie Farfán 0000-0003-3930-6480 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Museo de Historia Natural, Av. Alcides Carrión s / n, Arequipa, Peru. cerdenajoseal @ yahoo. es; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3930 - 6480 jjackie 4 u @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5913 - 0756 Author Brudecka, Jadwiga Lorenc- Nature Education Centre, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 5, 30 - 387 Kraków, Poland. Author Prieto, Carlos Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Author Pyrcz, Tomasz W. Department of Invertebrate Evolution, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 9, 30 - 387 Kraków, Poland. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-16 4963 1 11 57 journal article 7214 10.11646/zootaxa.4963.1.2 78e78beb-b1ed-43a4-84c7-8180e61463c5 1175-5326 4711249 E93AB178-3419-498B-9563-A704ABAE5EB9 Key for the identification of Johnsonita males based on wing characters 1 FW length more than 18 mm , HW vein CuA1 terminus extended without or with minute spiraled tail, ventral wing pattern with straight submedian, medial and postmedial pattern comprised of gleaming scales, androconia when present situated in dorsal FWdiscalarea, maleventral FWoftenwithbluereflector .............................................. Micandra – FW length less than 18 mm , HW vein CuA1 terminus without tail, ventral wing pattern comprised of undulate submedian, medial and postmedial pattern comprised of gleaming scales, androconia when present situated in ventral FW medial area along the vein CuA2 or as a large patch............................................................. 2 ( Johnsonita ) 2(1) Dorsal wing surface blue............................................................................... 3 – Dorsalwingsurfacebrown ....................................................................... J. assula 3(2) Male FW withoutandroconia............................................................................ 4 – Male FWwithandroconia .............................................................................. 5 4 (3) FW apex sharply pointed, HW dorsal wing surfaces tornal lobe rufous brown, maleventral surface medial area below Cubitus brown....................................................................................... J. iacinta – FW apex less pointed, HW dorsal wing surface tornus grey with anal margin orange scaling, male ventral surface medial area belowCubituswithbrightpatch .................................................................... J. auda 5(3) Male dorsal wing surface deep violet blue .................................................................. 6 – Maledorsalwingsurfacelightervioletblue ............................................................... 10 6(5) Ventral HW surface medial pattern appearing as line or lines composed of gleaming scales.......................... 7 – VentralHWsurfacemedialpatternappearingasdarkzigzaggedband ........................................... 8 7(6) Ventral HWsurfacemediallinecomposedofonerowofdashes .......................................... J. carpia – Ventral HWsurfacemediallinecomposedoftwo (parallel) rowofdashes .............................. J. chlamydem 8(6) Dorsal FW tornal lobe with black scaling.................................................................. 9 – Dorsal FW tornal lobe ochreous without black scaling, ventral HW surface submarginal area with a row of interveinal marginal spots, along CuA2 narrow scent patch from subbasal to postmedian area................................. J. johnsoni 9(8) Ventral wing surface marginal area with light pattern, scent patch appearing also as a large postbasal/medial spot in HW dorsal surface .................................................................................. J. subcunicula – Ventral wing surface marginal area dark, scent patch appearing as subbasal spot in FW ventral surface, HW without androconia ................................................................................................. ........................................................................................... J. iansuca 10 (5) Dorsal HW surface discal area with structural blue colouration without additional special scales..................... 12 – Dorsal HW surface discalareahairy...................................................................... 11 11(10) Dorsal HW medial area hairy, comprised by special scales (androconia), FW ventral surface basal area without cubital androconia, HW median dark zigzagged pattern not so wide but highly ruptive, both wings submarginal area slightly lighter than medianandbasal regions, medianandbasal areaswithnogleamingscale suffusion. ...................... J. johnbanksi – Dorsal HW medial area with fur but no androconia, FW ventral surface basal area with cubital androconia, HW surface median dark zigzagged pattern wide but less ruptive, both wings submarginal area considerable lighter than median and basal regions, no gleaming scale suffusion..................................................................... J. oxalida 12(10) Male ventral FW androconia brown coloured.............................................................. 13 – Maledorsal FW androconiablackcolouredandwellvisibleinthemedianareaalongthevein CuA2............ J. turquisca 13(12) Androconia situated in the FW ventral surface median area as a wider line, dorsal wing surface violet................. 14 – Androconia situated in the FW ventral surface median area as a narrow line, dorsal wing surface blue vivid and bright...... ........................................................................................... J. catadupa 14(13) Dorsal wing surface bright violet, HW ventral surface median pattern highly zigzagged, white pattern elements well visible … J. pardoa – Dorsal wing surface pale violet, HW ventral surface median pattern less zigzagged, white pattern elements pale.. J. zubkova