Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico Author Bousquet, Yves Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text ZooKeys 2012 2012-11-28 245 1 1722 journal article 1313-2970-245-1 FFFF52503A0AFF882450FFB66D45FF8E 578462 Bradycellus conformis (Fall, 1905) Tachycellus conformis Fall, 1905: 173. Type locality: "Washington State and P[oin]t Reyes, California" (original citation), restricted to "Washington State" by Lindroth (1968: 903). Syntype(s) in MCZ [# 23881]. Triliarthrus tetricus Casey, 1914: 241. Type locality: "Hoopa Valley, Humboldt Co[unty], California" (original citation). Lectotype (♀), designated by Lindroth (1975: 143), in USNM [# 47996]. Synonymy established by Fall (1930: 251), confirmed by Lindroth (1968: 903). Distribution. This species is restricted to the Pacific Coast from southern British Columbia, including Vancouver Island (Lindroth 1968: 903), south at least to the San Francisco Bay in California (Fall 1905: 173). The record from northern Colorado (Armin 1963: 119) is likely in error. Records. CAN : BC (VCI) USA : CA, OR, WA