Fourteen new species of Sonoma Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) with a key to species from western North America Author Ferro, Michael L. text Insecta Mundi 2016 2016-03-11 2016 472 1 57 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5170505 1942-1354 5170505 B39DE284-15C2-4ADE-B1B9-9146D3DFE764 Sonoma parviceps (Mäklin, 1852) – AK, BC, CA, OR, WA CANADA : BRITISH COLUMBIA : *CANADA, British Columbia , Queen Charlotte Islands, Graham Island, 0.2 km E of Kiusta village site, 8 m , 17 Aug. 1983 , Stop #83-109 D.H. & M.D. Kavanaugh colls. / D. H. Kavanaugh Collection / QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS EXPEDITION – 1983 *** D. H. & M. D. Kavanaugh Calif. Acad. Sciences [ 3♂ , CAS ]. *CANADA, British Columbia , Queen Charlotte Islands, Lyell Island, at mouth of Gate Creek 3-10 m 10 Aug. 1983 , Stop #83-89B D.H. & M.D. Kavanaugh / D. H. Kavanaugh Collection / QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS EXPEDITION – 1983 *** D. H. & M. D. Kavanaugh Calif. Acad. Sciences [ , CAS ]. * BC : Bellacoola 14.VII.88, 3m S&JPeck, forest litteratseacoast [ , CNC ]. *Diamond Head Trail,Garibaldi Pk. VIII-8-53 nr.Squamish, B.C. / 3200 ft. S.D.Hicks / [ , CNC ]. *B.C.,Pr.Rupert Mt.Hays, 1-2000’ VI .29.1968 Campbell&Smetana / [ 2♀ , CNC ]. * BC : 10kmE Prince Rupert,GrassyBay 22.VII-18.VIII.88,20m S&JPeck, mossy wet forest malaise- FIT [ 2♂ , , CNC ]. *B.C.Queen Charlotte Is..Graham I.,4miS Fort Clements, 8.VII 1984 , R .S.Anderson / Sitka spruce/ hemlock/ cedar forest litter / CNC COLEO DNA 00162689 / Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen SmpleD CNC COLEO 00162689 BOLD Proc. ID: CNCCJ 582-13 [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Queen Charlotte Is..Graham I.,4miS Fort Clements, 8.VII 1984 , R .S.Anderson // Sitka spruce/ hemlock/ cedar forest litter [ , CNC ]. *B.C.,Mt.Garibaldi 14 mi. N.Squamish 4000’, V .30.1968 Campbell&Smetana / [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Prince Rupert Park Ave.Cpgd., 10m 10.VIII.1988 S.&J.Peck.moss & litter, rainforest / CNC COLEO DNA 00162690 / Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen SmpleD CNC COLEO 00162690 BOLD Proc. ID: CNCCJ 583-13 [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Prince Rupert Park Ave.Cpgd., 10m 10.VIII.1988 S.&J. Peck.moss & litter, rainforest [ , CNC ]. *B.C.PrinceRupert ParkAve.Campgd. 10.VIII.88, 10m S&JPeck, rain forestmoss&litter [ , , CNC ]. *B.C.PrinceRupert ParkAve.Cpdg.forest 22.VII.88, 10m tree base litter mossy forest [ , , CNC ]. *B.C.Queen Charlotte Is.,Graham I.,4miS Port Clements, 8.VII 1984 , R .S.Anderson // Sitka spruce / hemlock/ cedar forest litter [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Queen Charlotte Is.,Graham I.,1miNW Tlell, 27.VI-8.VII. 1984 , R .S.Anderson // Sitka spruce hemlock forest [ , CNC ]. *Upper Carmanah Valley British Columbia , Canada UTM: 10U CJ 802998 30 IX - 16 X 1991 N. Winchester FF. MT 1 [ , CNC ]. *Upper Carmanah Valley British Columbia , Canada UTM: 10U CK 803005 31 VII - 11 VIII 1991 N. Winchester CC .PT2 [ , CNC ]. *Upper Carmanah Valley British Columbia , Canada UTM: 10U CK 803005 28 VIII - 9 IX 1991 N. Winchester CC .PT3 / CNC COLEO DNA 00162691 / Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen SmpleD CNC COLEO 00162691 BOLD Proc. ID: CNCCJ 584-13 [ , CNC ]. *CANADA: BC : 10 km E Prince Rupert, 20m Grassy Bay, VII 22-1988 , S&JPeck, moss and rotten wood [ 2♀ , CNC ]. *B.C.,Shames R . 21 km .W.Terrace 2km .N.Hwy.16 24.VIII.1983 J.M.Campbell / 83-112,sifting alder and decid. shrub litter [ , , CNC ]. *B.C.,Pr.Rupert Mt.Hays,1-2000’ VI .29.1968 Campbell&Smetana / [ , CNC ]. *B.C., 25 mi. E. Hope, VI .21.1968 Campbell& Smetana / [ , CNC ]. *CANADA, British Columbia , Queen Charlotte Islands, Lyell Island, at mouth of Gate Creek, 3-10 m 10 Aug. 1983 , Stop #83-89B D.H. & M.D. Kavanaugh / D. H. Kavanaugh Collection / QUEEN CHAR- LOTTE ISLANDS EXPEDITION – 1983 **** D. H. & M. D. Kavanaugh Calif. Acad. Sciences [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Glacier N.P. 5.6miE E.Boulder on Hwy.1, 11.V-15. VI .1984 / R .S.Anderson flight inter-cept trap. [ , CNC ]. *B.C., Queen Charlotte Is. 7.3 km NW Rennell Sound Rd, Ghost Main Rd, 800 ft. 83-23, 800’ 18.VII.1983 J.M.Campbell sifting moss [ , CNC ]. *B.C., Queen Charlotte Is. Lyall Is,Gate Cr. J.M.Campbell / 10.VIII.1983 83-71, sifting alder litter [ , CNC ]. *B.C.,Port Ed-ward, VI .28.1968 Campbell& Smetana / [ , CNC ]. *B.C., Queen Charlotte Is. Kiusta,Graham Is.,J.M.Campbell / 18.VIII.1983 83-97, Berlese of litter at base of trees [ , CNC ]. *B.C.,Queen Charlotte Is. Graham Is. Mt. Needham J.M.Campbell / 28.VII.1983 83-44,2600’ Berlese of moss & alder litter [ , CNC ]. *B.C.Queen Charlotte Is., 7.9 km .NW.Q.C.City / 29.VII-4.VIII. 1983 ,J.M.Campbell flight intercept [ , CNC ]. *B.C. Courtney Forbidden Plateau nr. Courtney Lookout 25.VII.1979 I.M.Smith / damp moss on upper slopes [ , CNC ]. * BC : 10kmE Prince Rupert, GrassyBay 22.VII.88, 20m S&JPeck, mossy logs&stump litter [ , CNC ]. *B.C., 12 mi E. Hope, VI .2.1968 Campbell& Smetana / ex river debris / [ , CNC ]. *QCI [Queen Charlotte Islands, presumably] 168. / / CNC / HFW [ , CNC ]. *Metlakatla. Brit.Columbia. J.H.Keen. 1915—355. / 1 [ , NMNH ]. *Massett QCharIs B C. JHKeen [ , NMNH ]. *Massett Qu.Ch.Isl B.C. / Rev. Keene Collector [ 3♂ , , NMNH ]. *CAN; BC ; Queen Charlotte Islands, Graham Island, Spirit Lake; 02 AUG 2001 ; 53°16’25”N 132°00’20”W Allombert, Sylvian #: GG-01-019 / Royal British Columbia Museum ENT001-009164 ( RBCM ). *Upper Carmanah Valley British Columbia , Canada UTM: 10U CJ 802998 10 IX – 29 IX 1991 N. Winchester FF.PT2 ( , RBCM ). *CAN; BC ; Queen Charlotte Islands, Laskeek Bay, West Limestone I.; 26 MAY – 15 JUN 2000 ; 52°54’38’’N 131°37’19”W Allombert, Sylivain #: IO-1FNW-1 / ENT001-009307 ( , RBCM ). USA : ALASKA : * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck; 55.79723 , -133.13467 ; 25-May-09; Berlese; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; 2♂ ; UAM 100362040; UAM 100362041. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck; 55.79723 , -133.13467 ; 23-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ ; UAM :Ento:245353; UAM :Ento:245354. * AK : PoW Is: Staney Ck.; 55.79726 , -133.1363 ; 27 APR-15 May 2010 ; pitfall; J. Stockbridge; 1♀ , 1♂ ; UAM :Ento:121841; UAM :Ento:121842. * AK : PoW Is: Staney Ck.; 55.79726 , -133.1363 ; 25JUN-9JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245159. * AK : PoW Is: Staney Ck.; 55.79726 , -133.1363 ; 9-24JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:248502. * AK : PoW Is: Staney Ck.; 55.79726 , -133.1363 ; 23-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:248503. * AK : PoW Is: Staney Ck.; 55.79726 , -133.1363 ; 9-24JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 1♂ , 1♀ ; UAM :Ento:248504; UAM :Ento:248505. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck.; 55.79901 , -133.11782 ; 12-26MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100362031. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck.; 55.79901 , -133.11782 ; 10-May-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge; ; UAM :Ento:121846. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck.; 55.79901 , -133.11782 ; 25JUN-9JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245160. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck.; 55.87126 , -133.06697 ; 11 May-22 May 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge; 1♀ , 1♂ ; UAM :Ento:121848; UAM :Ento:121849. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck. 1A; 55.87134 , -133.06755 ; 24JUL-6AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362008. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck. 1A; 55.87134 , -133.06755 ; 14-28MAY2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240623. * AK : PoW Is. Staney Ck. 1B; 55.872 , -133.06523 ; 12-26MAY2013 ; Lindgren; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100362032. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88285 , -132.89795 ; 26-May-09; Berlese; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100366555. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88285 , -132.89795 ; 13-27MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100370464. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88285 , -132.89795 ; 27 APR-15 May 2010 ; pitfall; J. Stockbridge; ; UAM :Ento:121843. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88285 , -132.89795 ; 18-May-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge; 2♂ ; UAM :Ento:121844; UAM :Ento:121845. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88433 , -132.89734 ; 13-27MAY2013 ; Lindgren; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100370465. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88433 , -132.89734 ; 11- 25JUN2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240612. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88433 , -132.89734 ; 9-24JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348503. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88433 , -132.89734 ; 17-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348504. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 2-Aug-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ ; UAM 100362009; UAM 100362010. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 24JUL-6AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362036. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 13-27MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100370462. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 13-27MAY2013 ; Lindgren; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100370463. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 5-May-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge; ; UAM :Ento:121847. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.4; 55.88602 , -132.8607 ; 5-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245338. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.2; 55.89356 , -132.9437 ; 26-May-09; Berlese; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100362033. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.2; 55.89356 , -132.9437 ; 24JUL-6AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362156. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.2; 55.89356 , -132.9437 ; 18 May-2 June 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; 2♀ ; UAM :Ento:130496; UAM :Ento:130497. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.2; 55.89356 , -132.9437 ; 23-May-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240624. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.2; 55.89356 , -132.9437 ; 5-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245334. * AK : PoW Is. Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92444 , -132.93938 ; 15-28MAY2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 1♂ . 1♀ ; UAM :Ento:240613; UAM :Ento:240627. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92524 , -132.95054 ; 24JUL-7AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362014. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92524 , -132.95054 ; 13-27MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100367199. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92524 , -132.95054 ; 11-25JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240614. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92524 , -132.95054 ; 15-28MAY2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240626. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92654 , -132.95645 ; 29-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ , 1♀ ; UAM 100362011; UAM 100362012; UAM 100362013. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92654 , -132.95645 ; 18 May-4 June 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130491. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92654 , -132.95645 ; 3-Jun-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130492. * AK : PoW Is: Hatchery Ck.1; 55.92654 , -132.95645 ; 17-Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240615. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♀ ; UAM 100362025; UAM 100362026. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 29-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362027. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 27-May-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130498. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 13-27JUN2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245156. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2 specimens ; UAM 100348520; UAM 100348521. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 3 Rd.; 55.95347 , -132.7708 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348522. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 2 Rd.; 55.96855 , -132.75615 ; 13-27JUN2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245157. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 2 Rd.; 55.96855 , -132.75615 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348523. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 1 Rd.; 55.97805 , -132.75456 ; 17- Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245158. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Lk. 1 Rd.; 55.97805 , -132.75456 ; 15-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348547. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2B; 55.97939 , -132.77216 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362030. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2B; 55.97939 , -132.77216 ; 14-27JUN2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240628. * AK : PoW Is. Coffman Cv; 55.9795 , -132.86256 ; 24JUL-7AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362015. * AK : PoW Is. Coffman Cv; 55.9795 , -132.86256 ; 24JUL-7AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362157. * AK : PoW Is. Coffman Cv; 55.9795 , -132.86256 ; 11-25JUN2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240611. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 4♂ ; UAM 100362016; UAM 100362017; UAM 100362018; UAM 100362019. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 14-26MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; 1♀ , 1♂ ; UAM 100367201; UAM 100367202. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 27JUN- 11JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245161. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 10-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245166. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 27JUN-11JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245167. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348505. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 25-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348506. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 2A; 55.97953 , -132.77156 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348525. * AK : PoW Is. Coffman Cv; 55.98053 , -132.8607 ; 13-26MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100367200. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362020. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 14-26MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100367203. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 25- May-09; Berlese; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100367204. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 18 May-2 June 2010 ; pitfall; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; 1♀ , 1♂ ; UAM :Ento:130489; UAM :Ento:130490. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 9 July-1 Aug 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; 1♀ , 1♂ ; UAM :Ento:155816; UAM :Ento:155817. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 10-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:245335. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348507. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 25-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2 specimens ; UAM 100348508; UAM 100348509. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Pt.; 55.98256 , -132.77943 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348527. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362021. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362022. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 14- 26MAY2013 ; pitfall; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100366791. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 18 May-2 June 2010 ; pitfall; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130495. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 26-Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240630. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point; 55.98261 , -132.77986 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2 specimens ; UAM 100348510; UAM 100348511. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ ; UAM 100362028; UAM 100362029. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 18 May-2 June 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130499. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 26-Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ ; UAM :Ento:240608; UAM :Ento:240609. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 14-27JUN2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240610. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348512. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 25-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2 specimens ; UAM 100348513; UAM 100348514. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1A; 55.98452 , -132.78786 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348528. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362023. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 26JUL-9AUG2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100362024. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 14-26MAY2013 ; Berlese; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100366548. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 14-26MAY2013 ; Lindgren; J. A. Slowik, A. Hutton; ; UAM 100366596. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 18 May-2 June 2010 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM :Ento:130500. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 14-27JUN2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM :Ento:240629. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; pitfall; J.S., S. M., I. M.; UAM 100348515. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 25-Jul-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 3 specimens ; UAM 100348516; UAM 100348517; UAM 100348518. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 20 June-5 July 2011 ; Lindgren; J. Stockbridge, B. Wong; ; UAM 100376192. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 31-Jul-06; Berlese; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM 100376193. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 11-26JUL2012 ; Lindgren; J.S., S. M., I. M.; 2♂ ; UAM 100376187; UAM 100376188. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 13-Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100376190. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 2-27 June 2010 ; pitfall; J. Stockbridge, C. Bickford; ; UAM 100376194. * AK : PoW Is. Luck Point 1B; 55.98497 , -132.787 ; 13-Jun-08; Berlese; J.S., S. M., I. M.; ; UAM 100376189. * AK : Wrangell, For. Serv. Office; 56.4749 , -132.375 ; 8-23 April 2009 ; pitfall; S. Wise-Eagle; ; UAM 100328140. * AK :ChilkatSt.Pk. 7miS Haines 31.VIII.88, 20m S&JPeck, forest moss & mushrooms [ , CNC ]. * AK :Hyder, 10m near Stewart, BC 8.VIII.88 S&JPeck, forest fungi and moss [ , CNC ]. * AK : 9miN Skagway Dyea, S&JPeck 28.VII.88,10m foresttreebase mossandlitter [ 2♀ , CNC ]. * AK :MosquitoLake 29miNW Haines 1.VIII.88, S&JPeck 40m , coniferforest moss on logs&fungi [ 2♀ , CNC ]. CALIFORNIA : Humboldt Co.: *Fieldbrook [?].5.03 Cal / HSBarber Collector [ , NMNH ]. San Luis Obispo Co.: * CA : San Luis Obispo Co. 35.5392°N , 121.0813°W UC Rancho Marino Res. v.7-28.2009 FIT M.S. Caterino / CA BEETLE PROJ CBP0093544 [ , SBNHM ]. Santa Clara Co.: *LosGatos Cal / CollHubbard &Schwarz [ , NMNH ]. Incertae sedis Co.: *StaCruz Mts Cal / A Koebele Collector [ , NMNH ]. OREGON : Benton Co.: * OREGON : Benton Co. Sulphur Springs 6mi. N Corvallis III-26-1969 E.M. Fisher coll. / Sonoma parviceps ‘90 det. DSChandler [ , CSCA ]. *ORE. Mary’s Peak 8 mi. W.Philomath 4000’, V .9.1968 Campbell&Smetana [ , CNC ]. *USA: OR : Benton Co., Siuslaw N.F., Marys Peak, Meadowedge Tr. (top part), 1189-1197 m , 44°30.417’N , 123°33.12’W , 17.ix.2012 , old-growth Abies procera forest, FMHD #2012-030, berl., log & litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer; ANMT site 1245 [ , FMNH ]. *USA: OR : Benton Co., Siuslaw N.F., Marys Peak, Meadowedge Tr. (W pt), 1050-1070 m , 1060m , 44°30.52’N 123°33.56’W , 16.v.2012 , old-growth Abies procera forest; FMHD #2012-011, Berl., leaf & log litter on flat btwn creek and trailhead, A. Newton; ANMT site 1204 FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST . [ , FMNH ]. *USA: OR : Benton Co., Siuslaw N.F., Marys Peak, Meadowedge Tr. (W part), 1050- 1070 m , 44°30.52’N , 123°33.56’W , 17.ix.2012 , old growth Abies procera forest; FMHD #2012-033, berl., log & litter, A. Newton; ANMT site 1204 [ , FMNH ]. *USA: OR : Benton Co., Siuslaw N.F., Mary Peak, Meadowedge Tr. (W part), 1050-1070 m , 1060m , 44°30.52’N , 123°33.56’W , 8.xi.2011 , old-growth Abies procera forest; FMHD #2011-001, berl., leaf & log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer; ANMT site 1204 FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST . [ , FMNH ]. USA: OR : Benton Co., Siuslaw N.F., Marys Peak, Meadowedge Tr. (W pt), 1050-1070 m , 1060m , 44°30.52’N 123°33.56’W , 16.v.2012 , old-growth Abies procera forest; FMHD #2012-011, Berl., leaf & log litter on flat btwn creek and trailhead, A. Newton; ANMT site 1204 FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST . [ , FMNH ]. *ORE., Marys Pk T 12SR7W SW 1/4 SE1/4 Sec 20 4-VI-66 JF Cornell & DL Mays under Noble Fir logs / J.F. Cornell Collection N.C. State Univ. Raleigh [ , EDNC ]. *ORE., Marys Pk R 7WT12S SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 20 10-VI-66 JF Cornell under Noble Fir logs / J.F. Cornell Collection N.C. State Univ. Raleigh [ , EDNC ]. * Oregon , Benton Co. 14 mi. S. Corvallis on Bellfountain Rd. T 13S R 6WSec19SE¼SE¼ 27June 1966 J. F. &S.J.Cornell Neotoma fuscipes nest / J.F. Cornell Collection N.C. State Univ. Raleigh [ , EDNC ]. Coos Co.: *USA: OR . Coos Co. Myrtle Grove Pk. Milllicoma Riv. 2 mi N, 12 mi E North Bend 200’ VIII-25-1973 red alder tree hollow E.M. Benedict [ , CNC ]. Linn Co.: *USA: Ore., Linn Co., Willamette Nat. For., Lost Prairie Cpgd., Hwy. 20, 31-VIII-1986 FMHD #86-478, ex. Fomitopsis pinicola, J.S. Ashe 1986-104 [ , FMNH ]. Polk Co.: *RileyPeak Polk Co. Oregon XII.1976 [ 2♀ , NMNH ]. Tillamook Co.: *ORE. Tillamook Co. Cape Falcon Cove app.0.5miN Man-zanita,13.VII.73 / E.M.Benedict EB-1237, 200’ moss & duff. / [ , CNC ]. WASH- INGTON: Clallam Co.: *LaPush Wash Aug 10 1929 C. R . Ciosby [or LaPash, Ciosby]. [ LSAM ]. Island Co.: *Wash: Lopez Is. Island Co. IV/2-4/1977 J. Heath / Sonoma parviceps (Maklin) ‘88 det. DSChandler [ , WSU ]. King Co.: *Cedar-Fir Pseudocrotch Seward St.Pk. Seattle, King Co; WASHINGTON 16. viii.1961 W.Suter leg. [ , FMNH ]. Pierce Co.: *WASH: Mt.Rainer N.P. Carbon River, 2-3000’ 3.X.1954 B.Malkin & Alan Bryan / C.N.H.M. 1960 Borys Malkin Coleoptera Colln. [ , FMNH ]. Incertae sedis Co.: *WASH.Olymp.N.P.01. Hot Spgs.Boulder.Crk. 2200-2500’. 29.VII. 1973 .A&Z&D Smetana / / CNC COLEO DNA 00162688 / Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen SmpleD CNC COLEO 00162688 BOLD Proc. ID: CNCCJ 581-13 [ , CNC ]. *WASH.Olympic N.P. Soleduck Cmpg., 1640’ 13.VIII.1979 , JM & BA Campbell [ 4♀ , CNC ].