Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) from the stomach of frog Scinax fuscovarius (Anura: Hylidae) in Brazil Author Alcantara, Edna Paulino De 0000-0002-2982-9336 Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2982 - 9336 Author Úngari, Leticia Pereira 0000-0002-3087-2614 Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3087 - 2614 Author Ferreira-Silva, Cristiana 0000-0002-1946-4409 Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1946 - 4409 Author Emmerich, Enzo 0000-0002-9367-368X Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9367 - 368 X Author Pinheiro, Raul Henrique Da Silva 0000-0003-3221-5017 Laboratório de Histologia e Embriologia Animal, Instituto da Saúde e Produção Animal, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Belém, Pará, Brasil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3221 - 5017 Author O´Dwyer, Lucia Helena 0000-0002-3426-6873 Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3426 - 6873 Author Silva, Rein- Aldo José Da Division of Parasitology, DBBVPZ, São Paulo State University, Campus Botucatu Brazil, Research and Teaching Laboratory of Wild Animals, São Paulo, Brazil text Zootaxa 2021 2021-11-12 5067 4 569 584 journal article 3553 10.11646/zootaxa.5067.4.5 b2f6a497-7a04-46af-b0a6-cacc97561526 1175-5326 5683457 0A9BFD04-929A-485F-A7C8-DFE22E0D2AD9 Rhabdochona fuscovaria n. sp. Alcantara, O´Dwyer & Silva ( Figure 2–4 ) Description (based on one male and one female ). Body narrow, elongate. Medium-sized nematodes with lightly transversely striated cuticle. Sexual dimorphism evident. Lateral alae present. Oval oral aperture surrounded by four lateral plates, four cephalic papillae and two amphids. Prostom funnel-shaped, relatively short with basal teeth, anterior margin of prostom armed internally with 14 teeth (7 dorsal and 7 ventral). Vestibule relatively long, straight. Deirids small, simple, stylet-shaped, anterior to mid-length of vestibule. Glandular oesophagus longer than muscular oesophagus. Tail tip of both sexes conical. Males without caudal alae; spicules unequal and dissimilar. Male. Body 11.10 mm long and 98.8 wide. Vestibule including prostom 141.1 long and 7.4 wide; prostom 25 long and 10.1 wide in lateral view. Muscular oesophagus 362.8 long, 26.2 wide; glandular oesophagus 1.82 mm long, 71.4 wide; length ratio of both parts of oesophagus 1:5. Entire oesophagus and vestibule representing 20.9% of body length. Nerve ring encircling muscular oesophagus, 206.4 from anterior end of body. Excretory pore and deirids 321.9 and 56.3 from anterior extremity, respectively. Nine pairs precloacal papillae, 8 subventral pairs and 1 lateral pair (between the 3 rd and 4 th subventral pairs). Nine postcloacal papillae pairs: 7 ventral pairs and 2 ventrolateral pairs (one between the 1 st and 2 nd pairs and 1 after the last ventral papillae pair). Longitudinal ventral cuticular ridges (area rugosa) absent. Longer (left) spicule 585.7 long; shaft 285.3 long, representing 48.7% of entire spicule length; distal tip slightly widened, moderately dilated; right spicule boat-shaped, 132.9 long, without dorsal barb at distal tip. Length ratio of spicules 1:4.4. Tail 452.5 long. Female. Body 16.65 mm long and 139.4 wide. Vestibule including prostom 143.3 long and 8.6 wide, prostom 31 long and 15.9 wide. Muscular oesophagus 358.5 long, 32.1 wide; glandular oesophagus 2.14 mm long, 69.2 wide; length ratio of both parts of oesophagus 1:5.9. Entire oesophagus and vestibule representing 15.8% of body length. Nerve ring, excretory pore and deirids 222.5, 333.1, and 77.4 from anterior extremity, respectively. Tail conical, 334.4 long. Vulva postequatorial, 9.26 mm from anterior extremity, at 55.6% of body length; vulval lips not elevated. Muscular vagina directed posteriorly from vulva. Eggs oval, numerous, with no filaments, thick-walled, embryonated, size 29.2–35.4 × 15.7–22.8, with smooth surface. Taxonomic summary Type locality: São Sebastião do Paraíso farm ( 21°50’41.83”S , 48°28’10.24”W ), municipality of Boa Esperança do Sul , São Paulo State , Brazil . Type host: Scinax fuscovarius (A. Lutz, 1925) . Site of infection: Stomach. Prevalence: one host infect of four frogs examined. Type material: Holotype ( CHIOC 39104 ), adult male ; and Allotype ( CHIOC 39105 ), adult female (deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - CHIOC , after acceptance of the manuscript) Zoobank number: http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 01B5EC2C-7AAD-44A2-B0F8-C87AA77AE83A . FIGURE 2. Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. male specimen. A) anterior end; B) Posterior end showing the spicules and papillae; C) Left spicule; D) Detail of the left spicule end; E) Right spicule. Scale bar: A, C - 100 µm; B - 200 µm; D - 25 µm; E - 50 µm. FIGURE 3. Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. female specimen.A) anterior end; B) Mouth; C) Vulva region showing the muscular vagina and eggs; D) Tail; E) Egg. Scale bar: A, D - 100 µm; B - 5 µm; C - 50 µm; E - 25 µm. FIGURE 4. A) Anterior end of Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. female specimen; B) Mouth of Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. of the female specimen.* = amphids; CP = cephalic papillae; Arrow: lateral plates; C) Vulvar region of Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. TABLE 1. Morphological data of Rhabdochona spp. from the Neartic and Neotropical regions (all measurements in µm, except when indicated). Abbreviations: S, sex; M, male; F, female; L, body length; W, body width; P, prostom; T, teeth number in the prostom; VPL, vestibule including prostom length; MEL, muscular oesophagus length; GEL, glandular oesophagus length; NR, nerve ring; EP, excretory pore; D, deirids; DS, deirids shape; LSL, left spicule length; RSL, right spicule length; SSL, spicule shaft length; CP, caudal papillae arrangement (represented as precloacal; postcloacal); and TL, tail length.
Species S L (mm) W P T VPL MEL GEL (mm) NR
Neartic region (14 spp.)
Rhabdochona canadensis M 5.74–8.36 209–150 15–21 14 120–165 186–306 2.18–3.90 177–207
F 9.88–27.92 190–408 21–33 144–195 300–510 3.26–5.07 219–270
Rhabdochona canadensis bifilamentosa M 4.19–5.37 109–136 18–21 14 96–108 177–201 1.48–1.69 132–174
F 5.75–9.78 156–258 24–36 14 117–135 219–258 1.54–2.38 162–192
Rhabdochona cascadilla M 4.0–5.1 12–19 14 92 146–227 0.8–1.8 118–134
F 6.4–9.9 19–27 113 175–227 1.1–1.6 134–159
Rhabdochona catostomi M 8.9–14.3 173–211 22–34 14 134–174 336–372 3.5–4.8 204–238
F 15.3–16.7 248–292 28–31 154–176 375–417 4.97–6.10 227–284
Rhabdochona cotti M 4.56–6.57 95–122 15 14 84–96 177–243 0.55–0.79 144–192
F 13.99–16.80 177–272 21 105–129 231–330 0.86–1.51 195–286
Rhabdochona decaturensis M 6.8–13.29 85–132 15–18 14 96–120 210–270 1.70–3.52 40–180
F 9.2–21.3 93–198 16–25 90–120 217–320 1.92–4.38 150–183
Rhabdochona ictaluri M 6.4–6.9 105–120 18–21 14 94–101 185–210 1.79–2.14 142–159
F 9.78–13.56 137–175 24–25 93–103 260–278 2.43–2.64 161–186
Rhabdochona kidderi texensis M 5.01–8.19 82–95 15–18 14 126–144 258–360 1.59–2.05 171–195
F 9.0–15.83 122–218 18–24 135–159 330–405 1.93–2.49 186–225
Rhabdochona kisutchi M 6.61–8.41 110–150 24–27 10 108–153 225–270 1.35–2.29 168–240
F 12.04–17.38 190–272 30–36 126–198 285–361 2.34–3.36 174–276
Rhabdochona longleyi M 7.3–9.7 82–136 15–18 6 93–120 150–195 0.46–0.67 135–180
F 8.62–15.97 109–163 15–18 14 99–132 147–195 0.51–0.72 135–165
Rhabdochona milleri M 6.94 176 18 14 144 300 1.36 168
F 10.91–12.10 136–163 21–24 111–138 270–297 1.59–2.35 186–189
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species S L (mm) W P T VPL MEL GEL (mm) NR
Neartic region (14 spp.)
Rhabdochona ovifilamenta M 6.55–8.02 95–136 16 111–138 255–300 1.90–3.59 156–204
F 11.75–21.76 204–258 30–39 90–135 276–558 1.60–4.42 126–210
Rhabdochona xiphophorasi M 6.12 132 19 6 108 171 1.41 168
F 6.14–10.05 178–227 19–29 102–112 201–237 1.39–2.07 165–171
Rhabdochona zacconis M 6.69–10.06 122–177 18–21 14 135–207 279–390 2.45–4.90 192–237
F 16.32–18.31 245–285 30–33 177–210 450–525 4.15–5.98 264–309
Neotropical region (13 spp.)
R. fuscovaria n. sp. M 11.1 98.8 25 14 141.1 362.8 1.8 206.4
F 16.7 139.4 31 143.3 358.5 2.1 222.5
R. acuminata M 6.30–10.22 81–122 15–27 14 123–150 270–360 1.18–1.96 156–207
F 10.69–20.54 95–272 21–36 144–156 321–476 1.44–4.41 204–270
R. ahuehuellensis M 3.16–6.36 60–110 12–18 10 69–120 102–210 0.95–1.74 99–180
F 2.75–8.92 50–120 11–20 20–188 74–307 0.86–1.57 67–213
R. cubensis M 3.16 68 12 6 90 141 1.01 120
F 4.56–8.43 95–122 10–15 81–105 147–186 1.18–190 117–159
R. fabianae M 4.10–6.37 90–130 20–30 16 110–130 150–200 1.11–2.02 140–170
F 9.67–13.97 200–330 37–45 140–230 270–420 2.21–3.38 170–240
R. guerreroensis M 3.69–7.52 75–162 16–18 12 92–126 138–228 0.69–1.26 131–195
F 6.35–14.57 142–276 23–27 94–118 195–299 1.11–1.81 131–196
R. kidderi kidderi M 5.13–6.46 54–95 12–18 14 111–135 246–306 1.21–1.58 162–183
F 9.89–13.65 122–163 18–24 129–156 333–411 1.63–2.19 129–156
R. lichtenfelsi M 6.47–8.52 57–100 18–22 10 95–108 174–270 1.02–1.45 162–186
F 9.14–14.88 93–125 21–30 96–183 225–321 1.25–169 161–198
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species S L (mm) W P T VPL MEL GEL (mm) NR
Neotropical region (13 spp.)
R. mexicana M 4.55–9.23 79–188 19–26 10 115–161 184–280 1.50–4.55 135–188
F 8.90–18.18 155–300 23–33 102–234 214–425 2.40–5.41 165–250
R. osorioi M 7.8–10.5 163–200 23–34 14 112–128 221–342 1.8–3.2 125–169
F 11.6–27.3 154–327 24–41 112–128 173–436 147–227
R. salgadoi M 1.98–2.29 66–75 13–14 16 56–82 99–112 0.603–0.726 99–115
F 3.33–4.08 105–115 16–19 69–82 138–161 0.808–0.957 101–132
R. uruyeni M 6.92–8.90 120–150 19–30 14 120–150 1.48–1.72 160–180
F 10.8–12 120–170 38–46 126–135 200–250 2.10–2.30 150–170
R. xiphophori M 6.12 132 19 6 108 171 1.41 168
F 6.14–10.05 178–227 19–29 102–112 201–237 1.39–2.07 165–171
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species EP D DS LSL RSL SSL CP TL References
Neartic region (14 spp.)
Rhabdochona canadensis 237–279 51–69 B 471–525 02–129 9 + 7, 7 + 7, 8 +8 e 9 +9; 6 pairs 270–390 Moravec & Arai 1971
351–420 63–78 216–309
Rhabdochona canadensis bifilamentosa 180–282 45–66 B 396–480 93–114 213–240 7+7, 7+8, 8+9, 9+6, 10+10 and 1 lateral pair; 6 pairs 243–300 Moravec & Huffman 1988
222–282 57–78 147–174
Rhabdochona cascadilla 182–210 39–54 B 320–415 103–128 153–190 7 + 7 e 9 + 10; 6 paris 212–322 Wigdor 1918
200–266 50–62 184–287
Rhabdochona catostomi 484 76–85 B 546–562 151–154 8–9 pairs; 5 pairs 336–392 Kayton et al . 1979
90–97 227–280
Rhabdochona cotti 216–252 51–63 S 378–478 90–114 168–195 8 + 8, 8 + 9, 9 + 9 and 9 + 10 and 1 pair of preanal papillae; 6 pairs 207–249 Moravec & Muzzall 2007
330–336 60–75 258–300
Rhabdochona decaturensis 210–273 S 830–1,070 75–100 7–8 pares; 6 pairs 250–310 Gustafson 1949; Moravec & Arai, 1971
236–270 160–230
Rhabdochona ictaluri 79–86 B 445–544 72–92 190–206 8+7, 8+9, 9+9 and 1 pair of pre- anal papillae; 6 pairs 70–160 Aguilar-Aguilar et al . 2010
73–79 70–390
Rhabdochona kidderi texensis 216–288 63–69 B 1,670–2,080 84–102 525–684 4 + 5, 5 + 5, 5+ 6, 6 + 6, 6+7, 7 +7 and 1 pair of preanal papillae; 6 pairs 252–264 Moravec & Huffman 1988
285–321 72–87 147–225
Rhabdochona kisutchi 249–351 60–75 B 564–660 87–135 9 pares, 7+8, 8+8, 8+9, 7+9, 8+10, and 10+10; 6 pairs 300–390 Margolis et al . 1975
411–420 60–96 351–450
Rhabdochona longleyi 213–285 51–60 S 420–501 93–102 240–291 6+8, 8+8, 8+9, 9+9, 9+10 and 1 lateral pair; 6 pairs 261–390 Moravec & Huffman 1988
233–368 42–57 264–368
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species EP D DS LSL RSL SSL CP TL References
Neartic region (14 spp.)
Rhabdochona milleri 237 63 B 402 129 9 pairs; 6 pairs 300 Moravec & Arai 1971
261 63–81 210–243
Rhabdochona ovifilamenta 237–264 51–78 B 390–420 105–117 6+7, 7+9, 8+9 and 9+10; 6 pairs 303–372 Moravec & Arai 1971
243 39–60 294–315
Rhabdochona xiphophorasi 204 49 B 297 85 174 9+10; 6 pairs 224 Caspeta-Mandujano et al ., 2001
254–287 39–46 145–260
Rhabdochona zacconis 300 75–90 B 435–510 108–120 7+8, 8+9 and 9+9; 6 pairs 354–411 Moravec et al . 1981
414–453 105–123 273–303
Neotropical region (13 spp.)
R. fuscovaria n. sp. 321.9 56.3 S 585.7 132.9 285.3 9 pairs; 9 pairs 452.6 Present study
333.1 77.4 334.4
R. acuminata 237 15–51 S 576–591 81–120 8+8, 10+11; 6–7 pairs 243–375 Cremonte et al . 2002
172–400 60 225–240
R. ahuehuellensis 126–257 16–52 B 127–248 41–73 61–116 8–11 pairs; 6 pairs 80–219 Mejía-Madrid et al . 2003
70–306 25–86 96–278
R. cubensis 171 63 B 366 69 246 7+6; 6 pairs 180 Moravec & Coy-Otero, 1987
195–233 66–90 78–165
R. fabianae 170–280 33–67 B 530–610 87–107 7 pairs; 6 pairs 90–180 Ramallo 2005
270–370 50–100 40–120
R. guerreroensis 170–213 24–41 B 255–335 92–140 138–193 13 pairs; 9 pairs 352–528 Caspeta-Mandujano et al . 2002
188–318 25–60 230–345
R. kidderi kidderi 222–288 60–75 B 735–840 87–90 372–426 5–7 pairs; 6 pairs 225–291 Moravec & Arai 1971
240–345 63–83 177–231
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species EP D DS LSL RSL SSL CP TL References
Neotropical region (13 spp.)
R. lichtenfelsi 197–243 30–51 B 387–454 90–108 234–304 8 pairs; 6 pairs 252–324 Sánchez-Alvarez et al . 1998
204–279 36–57 228–285
R. mexicana 204–306 39–59 B 468–587 82–108 138–178 5+4, 5+3; 6 pairs 165–217 Caspeta-Mandujano et al . 2000
250–359 52–75 101–224
R. osorioi 202–249 39–49 S 414–451 117–138 251–273 15 pairs; 7 pairs (occasionally 7+6) 151–347 Santacruz et al . 2019
173–240 39–45 218–364
R. salgadoi 141–188 33–49 B 226–240 59–92 115–135 8–9 pairs; 6 pairs 108–161 Caspeta-Mandujano & Moravec 2000
151–237 56–59 101–224
R. uruyeni 120–150 S 320–456 70–120 8–10 pairs; 5 pairs + 1 180–225 Pinto et al . 2010
150–190 40–60 300
R. xiphophori 204 49 B 297 85 174 10 pairs; 6 pairs 224 Caspeta-Mandujano et al ., 2001
254–287 39–46 145–260
Etymology: The epithet refers to the name of the host, which is the first anuran described as a host of Rhabdocona in the Americas. Remarks. Moravec (2010) argued that the South American Rhabdochona spp. probably derived from the North American species since they have no similarity with African congeners. Despite this, we have compared the new species with all others from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. differs from all congeneric species by the combination of a unique set of morphological characters including the following: 1) morphology of deirids, 2) presence of 14 anterior prostomal teeth, 3) caudal alae absent; 4) morphology of spicules, 5) eggs with no filaments, and 6) caudal papillae arrangement (9:0:9). The nematode genus Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916 comprises about 100 species (Moravec 2010). Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. has 14 teeth in the prostom. In the Americas, 14 Rhabdochona spp. have the same characteristic ( Table 1 ). Of these, 10 species occour in the Neartic region ( R. canadensis Moravec & Arai, 1971 , Rhabdochona canadensis bifilamentosa Moravec & Huffman, 1988 , R. cascadilla Wigdor, 1918 , R. catostomi Kayton, Kritsky & Tobias, 1979 , R. cotti Gustafson, 1949 , R. decaturensis Gustafson, 1949 , R. ictalurid Aguilar-Aguilar, Rosas-Valdez & Pérez-Ponce de León, 2010 , Rhabdochona kidderi texensis Moravec & Huffman, 1988 , R. milleri Choquette, 1951 , and Rhabdochona zacconis Yamaguti, 1935 ) and four in the Neotropical region ( R. acuminata Molin, 1860 , R. kidderi kidderi Pearse, 1936 , Rhabdochona osorioi Santacruz, García & Pérez-Ponce de León, 2019 , and Rhabdochona uruyeni (Diaz-Ungrfa, 1968) . However, among the 14 species that present 14 teeth, only five species have simple deirids like Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. , as follow: R. acuminata , R. cotti , R. decaturensis , R. osorioi , and R. uruyeni . Rhabdochona acuminata is found in a wide array of distantly related hosts ( Characiformes and Siluriformes) ( Cremonte et al . 2002 ; Ramallo 2005 ; Pinto et al . 2010 ). This species is similar to the new species in both possessing 14 teeth in the prostom, single deirids, and postequatorial vulva. However, Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. can be readily distinguished from R. acuminata by the number of postanal papillae in males (9 pairs vs 6–7 pairs). Rhabdochona cotti is a parasite of the instestine of Scorpaeniformes from USA and Canada ( Moravec & Muzzall 2007 ). This species can be easily differentiated from the new species by the presence of eggs with filaments. In addition, Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. differs from R. cotti by the number post caudal papillae (9 pairs vs. 6 pairs, respectively). Rhabdochona decaturensis , a parasite of Perciformes in the USA and Canada (Gustafson 1949, Moravec &Arai 1971 ) has a spicule exceeding a length of 1 mm , while the spicule Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. is small (585.7 µm long). Additionally, the new species differs from R. decaturensis species by the caudal papillae arrangement (9:0:9 vs. 7-9:0:6). Rhabdochona osorioi is a parasite of Characiformes freshwater fishes from Mexico (Santa Cruz et al. 2019). This species differs from Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. in the left spicule, which is smaller than the new species (414–451 vs 585.7). The new species has 18 caudal papillae pairs while R. osorioi has 22 pairs. Rhabdochona uruyeni , a parasite found in South American Characiformes and Sciaenidae freshwater fishes ( Pinto et al . 2010 ), differs in the number of caudal papillae, the tail size, and oesophagus size: Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. has 9 preclocal papilla pairs and 9 postcloacal papilla pairs, tail 452.6 long, muscular esophagus 362.8 long: Rhabdochona uruyeni has 8-10 pairs precloacal papillae and 5 pairs + 1 postcloacal papillae, tail 180–230 long, and a muscular esophagus 120–150 long.